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Coronavirus, is China bluffing about outbreak ?

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Diamond Member
while we're on such a cheery subject for a friday night, here's the WHO figures for 2016
the message seems to be, look after your heart and be careful who strokes you.
nice to see TB make a comeback.
but at least hiv/aids has dropped out of the top 10.
and not many people killed by donkeys these days either.


Bronze Member
China definitely downplaying the situation over there to save face. I heard the outbreak was not the caused by human consumption of bats, but rather it was a biological warfare agent that accidentally leaked from a lab. Who knows though.


Legend Member
Just watching David Speers interview Josh Frydenberg on Insiders (ABC News Channel). Frydenberg has admitted that the $1000 charge per evacuee from China back to Christmas Island was not correct. It appears that DFAT gave the wrong information to ScoMo and that nobody will be charged for the flight home!!!! Woops.


Legend Member
Just watching David Speers interview Josh Frydenberg on Insiders (ABC News Channel). Frydenberg has admitted that the $1000 charge per evacuee from China back to Christmas Island was not correct. It appears that DFAT gave the wrong information to ScoMo and that nobody will be charged for the flight home!!!! Woops.
Good to hear common sense prevailed.


Diamond Member
China definitely downplaying the situation over there to save face. I heard the outbreak was not the caused by human consumption of bats, but rather it was a biological warfare agent that accidentally leaked from a lab. Who knows though.
brenda from accounts knows.
her faecesbook page contains secret information only known to faecebook and twatter users.
the virus was stolen from a canadian lab by chinese agents and samples posted to china.
the virus was being worked on in the wuhan institute of virology when one of workers illegally carried a sample through a courtyard.
in the courtyard, he was kicked by a donkey which released the virus into a strong n/w wind which took samples into the wuhan seafood market, only 20 kms away.
that's why the seafood market is the epicentre of the virus and donkeys are very dangerous creatures responsible for countless deaths.
you think donkeys are happy at being excluded from the WHO top 10 global causes of deaths 2016?
donkeys are evil.


Legend Member
One scientist says coronavirus should run course with hospital care than containment.
To me, it is just another virus like the flu we get every year and kill a few hundreds.
The differences are:

1) its new and there is yet a vaccine; and
2) it is very contagious.

When you have an outbreak like the one in Wuhan, it catches everyone from left field.
They don't have the facility to deal with 500,000 infected patients, hence some died.

Like any other flu, I don't wish to catch it. It has the potential to kill. One must not confuse between the common flu that we get and the everyday cold, very much different.


Bronze Member
Face masks and hand sanitisers has been bought out in massive quantity, even here in Australia. Not sure if we should be even more concerned.


Looks like 2% rate of infection deaths at momen. Maybe they think but not sure virus weakens with increased infection slightly. Different strains slightly, Really would help


Langtrees VIP Perth
Silver Member
Excuse my ignorance and maybe my question is better suited to an entirely new thread but here I go ..

I recently had to get my dog vaccinated and noticed on the report one of the things they are vaccinated against in the coronavirus. Is this a different strain to what's affecting us now ? And how come dogs can be vaccinated against the virus yet they haven't come up with one for humans?

Again sorry if this is a stupid question but I am curious


Legend Member
Excuse my ignorance and maybe my question is better suited to an entirely new thread but here I go ..

I recently had to get my dog vaccinated and noticed on the report one of the things they are vaccinated against in the coronavirus. Is this a different strain to what's affecting us now ? And how come dogs can be vaccinated against the virus yet they haven't come up with one for humans?

Again sorry if this is a stupid question but I am curious
Yes there are many strains of the virus in animals.


Bronze Member
What interests me in particular is that there were a lot of social media videos that were quite disturbing coming out in the early adays of the outbreak two weeks ago. The outbreak is now much worse and widespread however the videos have all stopped and are presumably being censored or blocked from within China.


Diamond Member
People must not fall for the Chinese government propaganda of silencing the truth and understating the real number of deaths and infections from Coronavirus. Coronavirus is a big problem and only time will reveal how Coronavirus will impact the world. Governments around the world have no idea on how to handle the Coronavirus, its symptoms are not easily identifiable and anyone can have it and show no symptoms and pass it onto others.

Never believe a word the Chinese Government claims. The same government that murdered its citizens in Tiananmen Square, 30 years ago. The same Chinese government that makes protestors disappear without a trace. How is democracy working over there in China?

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
I feel like this pandemic is being over played by the media.
Itll pass in a few months

*A Chinese doctor who blew the whistle on the coronavirus outbreak has died of the illness, according to friends and colleagues, amid confusion over his condition.
Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist at Wuhan Central Hospital was declared dead at 9.30pm local time (12.30am AEDT) on Thursday, before state media changed their reports.
The state-run Global Times said Li Wenliang had died in Wuhan but later reported he was instead critically ill. The People’s Daily had earlier sent out a tweet saying Dr Li’s death had sparked “national grief”.

*Dr Li was silenced by local police for “spreading rumours” about the illness in late December, before Beijing admitted the seriousness of the outbreak which has now infected over 28,200 people globally and killed more than 560.


Silver Member
Yes. I heard about it this morning. He is only 31yrs. The local gov sent him first that "0" close to those patients before Beijing knows all about it because he had been “spreading rumours”. People in China are so angry about his death now. Other 7 Doctors are still working day and night trying to cure those patients. The state and local gov and other related institutions in Wuhan will be in a big trouble. The investigations have been undertaking by Beijing.
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Design Guru

Creative Mind ♐
Gold Member
I wouldn't trust the Chinese with there numbers, deaths rose today alot today I think 54 to 81, whats tommorrow and new cases, incubation period is like 2 weeks. Suspected transmission without symptoms Some article reckons 5 million left the city before lockdown occurred. Now twice Australia population of 50 million in lockdown Eating bats ? these guys pass viruses easily in numbers apparently. Its looking ugly, economy's about to gridlock. Its been round since September, October, contagious, no vaccine for a while.... buckle up for a bumpy ride nothing's positive. Could be worst virus for a long time or our lifetime anyway...


Diamond Member
Try to support China or any other countries if they were under similar situations more rather than abuse or complain. We are all human. No one and no country is perfect in the world.
i agree with those sentiments.
but i don't agree with the guy in the video.
if he is from china, he probably wouldn't know what freedom of speech is and wouldn't understand the norway newspaper cartoon, or caricatures in general.
pretty rich from someone (if he lives in china) who knows that if he criticised the gov, there would be a knock on the door.
i have not heard anyone call it 'the chinese virus', just the virus that started in china (which is correct)
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