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Best conspiracy theory - Whats the best one your've heard

Lord Spikey

Legend Member
The Moon Doesn't Exist​

So you don't believe that man has walked on the moon. Fine. You weren't there, you didn't see it yourself, and you're a bit skeptical. But there is no way anyone could deny the existence of the moon itself, right? Right??

According to a few conspiracy theorists, it turns out the moon is just a convincing hologram, placed in the sky to mess with our heads. Naturally, there is proof in the form of a poorly made YouTube video that shows a power glitch in the moon's artificial electrical system. The Mad Revisionist took the time to parody moon deniers at great length, but it seems that several people didn't get the joke. For a more complete survey of conspiracy theorists who are clearly over the moon, Google "the moon is a hologram,"
Now, that is one that I believe.

I've seen the video and it does show that there is a dead pixel. So that just proves it.

Anyway, as the earth is not a sphere, but rather it is flat, how else would they be able to represent the moon to fool us? Hmmm?

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Perth Bell Tower​

The Perth Bell Tower is a iconic, if underwhelming, landmark of Perth, Western Australia, which contains 12 St Martin-in-the-Fields bells—the only royal bells to have left England.

According to conspiracy theorist Ellis C. Taylor, however, the bell tower was actually designed by a Freemason to represent the penis of the Egyptian god Osiris. He claims the site of the tower is known by the aboriginal Nyungar people as being an energy vortex and that the Freemasons have been using public funding to tap this energy through occult architecture.

The tower is meant as a phallic symbol of Osiris, said to be part of the Masonic god Jabulon, while the pool of water next to the bell tower represents the vagina of the goddess Isis. He claims that the year 2000 marked the beginning of the Age of Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis who found his father’s body in the Underworld and resurrected him. The Freemasons are said to have a worldwide plan to recreate the body of Osiris through monuments centered around Perth (“the underworld” becoming “down under”). Other monuments central to this resurrection scheme include the Pyramids of Giza (the body of Osiris), the London Eye (his head), and the Sydney Opera House, which is adorned with sails and could representsemen (seamen).

Its not a conspiracy its true .

Lord Spikey

Legend Member
This question actually is a "no Brainer".
Most conspiracy theories are just amusing distractions and have very little effect on our day to day lives.
Elvis, JFK, Aliens, Crop Circles, Flat Earth, Moon Landing, wives who want sex as often as they did when they were just girlfriends, Mel Gibson wanting to make all Australians millionaires before the banks shut him up, etc. etc. etc. All fun to discuss, but only after consuming at least half a bottle of good single malt.

However, the one insidious, evil, contrived, unfair and invasive conspiracy is that f*cking Anthropogenic Climate Change story.
It is a bucket of crap and we the people are being charged for this imaginary farce, as if throwing money at rich people will change the sun.
Remember the coming Ice Age of the 1970's; or Global warming of the 1980's; or the Millenium Bug of the 1990's.
F*ck you Al Gore and your seaside condo owning cronies. Follow the money... If Florida was going to be underwater by 2010, why are banks still investing in seaside mansions?

Heraclitus of Ephesus said it best around 2,500 years ago: "There is nothing as constant as change".

There. I've said. Now I shall wait for my Crucifixion; but I guess I am in good company with the man who was nailed to a tree for saying how good it would be for people to be nice to each other for a change (metaphorically speaking).


Legend Member
This question actually is a "no Brainer".
Most conspiracy theories are just amusing distractions and have very little effect on our day to day lives.
Elvis, JFK, Aliens, Crop Circles, Flat Earth, Moon Landing, wives who want sex as often as they did when they were just girlfriends, Mel Gibson wanting to make all Australians millionaires before the banks shut him up, etc. etc. etc. All fun to discuss, but only after consuming at least half a bottle of good single malt.

However, the one insidious, evil, contrived, unfair and invasive conspiracy is that f*cking Anthropogenic Climate Change story.
It is a bucket of crap and we the people are being charged for this imaginary farce, as if throwing money at rich people will change the sun.
Remember the coming Ice Age of the 1970's; or Global warming of the 1980's; or the Millenium Bug of the 1990's.
F*ck you Al Gore and your seaside condo owning cronies. Follow the money... If Florida was going to be underwater by 2010, why are banks still investing in seaside mansions?

Heraclitus of Ephesus said it best around 2,500 years ago: "There is nothing as constant as change".

There. I've said. Now I shall wait for my Crucifixion; but I guess I am in good company with the man who was nailed to a tree for saying how good it would be for people to be nice to each other for a change (metaphorically speaking).
How dare put up a post l agree with
Shame on you Lord Spokey Shame!

Alley W

Diamond Member
Steve Jobs 2.0
The theory:
In mid 2018, nearly seven years after he tragically died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 56, someone on Reddit posted an image of a man in Egypt who looks a hell of a lot like Steve Jobs. "Steve Jobs hiding in Egypt after faking his death," the post title reads.
The proof: While the guy does have the classic Steve Jobs thoughtful chin grab. Some people have pointed out that he's not wearing an Apple Watch. Now, ask yourself. If you were the head of a global technology corporation known for inventing a very identifiable wrist accessory, would you wear said watch after faking your own death and escaping to Egypt?
Who believes it: A few thousand anonymous people on Reddit,The Daily Mail, and anyone who camps outside of an Apple store before every new iPhone is released.

Lord Spikey

Legend Member
Just because its only 15C today at your place of employment Lord Spikey.....what makes you think climate change is not real?

Can't wait till it kicks in, I'm bloody freezing!!

Climate change IS real. Seasons and Cycles.
Anthropogenic Climate Change is a fallacy.

The climate will change soon enough this year and you will be begging for winter.
All I can say is: "Winter is coming".

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I hope you guys did.t get to upset with the avatar switch, I have always fancied it, will use for a day or so and hope if the old bugger is still around hw will come to claim it, otherwise it will be used for a few days in respect of his being elsewhere....sounds a bit like a conspiracy story, and I think he would enjoy it.


I've read the conspiracy a long while back about our moon being hollow found this
"I am not gonna argue if we did we land on the moon or not.. It has been reported many places the moon rang like a bell for hours after any aircraft landed on it. NASA reported it rang for 4-6 hours. My other questions are... How are the rocks from the moon billions of years older than any found on Earth.? Why has iron brought back from the moon never oxidized? How is the moon the exactly right distance from the Earth and Sun to create a perfect solar eclipse.? If it was one mile closer to Earth or to the Sun that would not happen. Just weird moon facts that so far have no answer. "

And a moon colony too.
"U.S. Air force official, Sergeant Karl Wolf, and Ms. Donna Hare, a former NASA employee, saying before the national press club that they saw NASA photographs showing “huge alien structures” on the dark side of the Moon and UFOs flying around or parked on the lunar surface."

There is a reason why after our so called mankind landed on the moon that we haven't been back since. Just think of Captain cook and Australia, would you do a landing and a few discoveries and leave and never come back ? You won't right? If our species were that hell bent on getting to the moon in the 1969 era, we should have been perfecting our technology to our present day and eventually have a UN moon base up and running instead of a stupid research station that is super old and shared. The space race died in the 60s yet NASA still around do what? Being a taxi service to the old research station in orbit since the 60s? Our technology on earth is progressing at a steady rate except anything space related.

Joe Ozzie

Legend Member
Climate change IS real. Seasons and Cycles.
Anthropogenic Climate Change is a fallacy.

The climate will change soon enough this year and you will be begging for winter.
All I can say is: "Winter is coming".

10 simple points of dealing with climate change

1. Climate is changing and always has - we need to adapt as we always have

2. Man contributes *something* to the change process - how much is not known because the models don’t match observations

3. Trying to stop it is too expensive, we should work on adaptation as we have since all of history

4. There is a political agenda to control people by controlling the air and water via money - the whole issue has been hijacked

5. Higher CO2 is likely to increase food production - PC incorrect to say this; also water vapour (eg. cloud) is the biggest influencer of climate (warmer = evaporation = clouds = reflection of heat -- thus self regulating)

6. Warmer has been better for humanity historically

7. Minimising pollution and wasteful consumption is a good thing, but not to the point of sending is back to caves

8. The hypocritical hyperbole of the screaming left is not helpful

9. Nuclear needs to be brought online as base load electricity

10. Renewable are too expensive and represent a false economy (e.g. cost of a wind turbine vs its generated power, also the pollution cost in building a turbine [steel and other components]) - ditto electric cars; their total impact pollution is too great

Our best strategy is adaptation (like always) with reasonable mitigation of pollution in general.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I likes Alicus post and raised some good questions, but you know we don;t have to know everything, maybe there is something in the creator of course it is just a theory.. What is great is to see all you interacted with each other again. I thank you all for making this a fun informative forum.


Legend Member
Well the world has to be flat
If the world was round as some of you fantasists keep on about how could I harvest my crops


Random pervert the internet coughed up
Silver Member
I'm a sucker for the fluoride added to drinking water to make us more doclie and to assist in mind control one.

I like it cause in the 2nd world war the Nazis did use fluoride to pacify Jews, which is a conspiracy/myth itself (there is some evidence pointing to it's use but little actual undeniable proof)

There is scientific evidence supporting and denying the statement (as well as other associated risks) so like all good ones should be it's either a conspiracy and a massive multinational cover up, or its use in drinking water is an undeniable benift to all improving dental health immensely - or possibly it's just both

Lord Spikey

Legend Member
10 simple points of dealing with climate change

1. Climate is changing and always has - we need to adapt as we always have

2. Man contributes *something* to the change process - how much is not known because the models don’t match observations

3. Trying to stop it is too expensive, we should work on adaptation as we have since all of history

4. There is a political agenda to control people by controlling the air and water via money - the whole issue has been hijacked

5. Higher CO2 is likely to increase food production - PC incorrect to say this; also water vapour (eg. cloud) is the biggest influencer of climate (warmer = evaporation = clouds = reflection of heat -- thus self regulating)

6. Warmer has been better for humanity historically

7. Minimising pollution and wasteful consumption is a good thing, but not to the point of sending is back to caves

8. The hypocritical hyperbole of the screaming left is not helpful

9. Nuclear needs to be brought online as base load electricity

10. Renewable are too expensive and represent a false economy (e.g. cost of a wind turbine vs its generated power, also the pollution cost in building a turbine [steel and other components]) - ditto electric cars; their total impact pollution is too great

Our best strategy is adaptation (like always) with reasonable mitigation of pollution in general.
Well, there are the lyrics. Now just set it to music for me.
And for those who miss the reference: "You're singing my song"


Gold Member
Perth Bell Tower​

The Perth Bell Tower is a iconic, if underwhelming, landmark of Perth, Western Australia, which contains 12 St Martin-in-the-Fields bells—the only royal bells to have left England.

According to conspiracy theorist Ellis C. Taylor, however, the bell tower was actually designed by a Freemason to represent the penis of the Egyptian god Osiris. He claims the site of the tower is known by the aboriginal Nyungar people as being an energy vortex and that the Freemasons have been using public funding to tap this energy through occult architecture.

The tower is meant as a phallic symbol of Osiris, said to be part of the Masonic god Jabulon, while the pool of water next to the bell tower represents the vagina of the goddess Isis. He claims that the year 2000 marked the beginning of the Age of Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis who found his father’s body in the Underworld and resurrected him. The Freemasons are said to have a worldwide plan to recreate the body of Osiris through monuments centered around Perth (“the underworld” becoming “down under”). Other monuments central to this resurrection scheme include the Pyramids of Giza (the body of Osiris), the London Eye (his head), and the Sydney Opera House, which is adorned with sails and could representsemen (seamen).
Correct , you are on the right track, so much more to this , you have just scratched the surface


Gold Member
The Moon Doesn't Exist​

So you don't believe that man has walked on the moon. Fine. You weren't there, you didn't see it yourself, and you're a bit skeptical. But there is no way anyone could deny the existence of the moon itself, right? Right??

According to a few conspiracy theorists, it turns out the moon is just a convincing hologram, placed in the sky to mess with our heads. Naturally, there is proof in the form of a poorly made YouTube video that shows a power glitch in the moon's artificial electrical system. The Mad Revisionist took the time to parody moon deniers at great length, but it seems that several people didn't get the joke. For a more complete survey of conspiracy theorists who are clearly over the moon, Google "the moon is a hologram,"
Interesting , kind of correct


Legend Member
Oh come on if the moon didnt exist where would all the blue cheese come from ? Its harvested from the blue moon after all
And the Climate extinction is based on the dark side of said moon along with elvis, and Donald Trumps hairdresser