• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Adventures with the Child Support Agency


Deleted member 63640

I ensure they get a bollocking if they still behaved like man hating vaginalates.

Didn't know they can get in trouble for being misandrists.

I wouldn't trust them with giving a correct reference number either so might pay to hang up and call back. Hopefully continue from the entered and saved reference # they do give.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Didn't know they can get in trouble for being misandrists.

I wouldn't trust them with giving a correct reference number either so might pay to hang up and call back. Hopefully continue from the entered and saved reference # they do give.
Request to speak directly to a supervisor and report good and bad behaviour. Especially good behaviour. Bypass the feed back system. Over time the case officers become more careful. Imagine if all callers did this.

Not all of what they say is fair or pleasant. But if they act with empathy and good intentions I will never shoot the messenger.

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
Also seen cases where guys have paid child support for years then the child has grown with no resemblance to the father with a magical DNA test findings were not there child no refund of the many thousands paid in false child support.
Like get it right in the first place before destroying people's lives.
If on the dole there should be a added child support to cover this.
Make it a fair system don't take all the man's pay so he can't even buy food for himself.


Legend Member
I am not perfect, yet I give my best to be the parent that does the right thing. I speak no negatives about his mother in front of him and positive when it is deserved.

A great friend has been through this and played the long game. His children are now adults now and have worked out the truth for themselves
100% agree on being the parent that does the right thing. Once we got over the financial aspects of the divorce it was much easier to be 'friends' with my ex's. Treating their mum with respect creates a lasting and very positive impression on the kids. Mine are best mates now and spend way more time with me than their mums.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Sunday evening privilege…

Since my ex flicked off my son for a couple of weeks for her convenience so she can go on a luxury holiday without him I have been so blessed for the last week

I fed my boy a nice roast dinner he loves the most and sat with him and ate over plenty of laughs.

Then I get to wash his uniforms and have him set up for school this week. I even get to drop him off to school tomorrow (first time ever).

I’ve always wanted to do these things but was never able to because of his mother’s choices to spite me and to maintain gauging child support from me

I feel so blessed.

I hope parents out there don’t take these things for granted. It does not last long. They grow up so fast.


Legend Member
Sunday evening privilege…

Since my ex flicked off my son for a couple of weeks for her convenience so she can go on a luxury holiday without him I have been so blessed for the last week

I fed my boy a nice roast dinner he loves the most and sat with him and ate over plenty of laughs.

Then I get to wash his uniforms and have him set up for school this week. I even get to drop him off to school tomorrow (first time ever).

I’ve always wanted to do these things but was never able to because of his mother’s choices to spite me and to maintain gauging child support from me

I feel so blessed.

I hope parents out there don’t take these things for granted. It does not last long. They grow up so fast.
Enjoy your special time with your son.

You are right they grow up so quick but he will remember the time you spent together.