• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Poll: What do you think of TS Transsexuals Poll Private Vote

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
important that members get behind this poll as I am networking with 5 beautiful TS SW that are going to join the forum as soon a upgrade is done, because once upgrade is done we can post and tweet at the same time so can cover a lot more ground. We want to make them feel at home and like all woman you must worship at there feet so you need to start flirting online...and will be a win win happy TS & Happy Punters.

Joey Dee 289

Diamond Member
I can't vote as I don't fall into any of the categories above above.. Having said that,. I certainly have no negative opinion, and although I've never tried...that's not to say that I'll never try... Just haven't read a review that has sparked my interest...certainly keeping an open mind though ..

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Not in my bed and not too keen on Tranys playing AFL or cricket with woman and girls, however I will concede trans have a right to exist and find a place to be free well and happy.
Trannies don't play in woman teams Only sex change Transsexuals do. This post is about the working ladies Did you know 95% of there clientele are straight guys...hard to live with a dick and not wonder what it would be like to suck one...

Joey Dee 289

Diamond Member
Trannies don't play in woman teams Only sex change Transsexuals do. This post is about the working ladies Did you know 95% of there clientele are straight guys...hard to live with a dick and not wonder what it would be like to suck one...
cant say that thought has ever crossed my mind...but having said this..it's probably the same as me thinking "hard to live with a "pussy" and not wonder what it would be like to dildo all day..!!!"


I only discovered the wonderful world of TS about 5 years ago my first was a memorable experience she clearly knew it was my first time and guided me accordingly. She tried to top me but I think I was way to nervous. Since then I’ve seen a few TS escorts so far I haven’t had a bad experience. I even managed to snag a FWB at work....... which was novel only lasted 5 months though as she got loved up with somebody. We all have our favourites unfortunately my fav disappeared off the scene a couple of years ago.


Diamond Member
Transexuals are amazing.Most as I am sure there may be a bad egg amongst them as there is in every walk of life. They are not only sexy as hell but courageous and role models in a way on how to be oneself.
I’d be more than happy to share my bed with one or two☺️.

Lord Spikey

Legend Member
OK. I voted number 2.
Not my cup of tea, but I have no right or desire to judge them or those who do like them.
They are people. Deserve respect the same as everyone else.
However, I have know a couple of Transsexuals, both of them pre-op. They just don't smell right to me.
In this case, they were both born male and had hormone treatment and breast implants to look like ladies.
Their perfume did not completely mask their natural male odour; but then I have an acute sense of smell.
Still, each to his or her own

Lord Spikey

Legend Member
Trannies don't play in woman teams Only sex change Transsexuals do. This post is about the working ladies Did you know 95% of there clientele are straight guys...hard to live with a dick and not wonder what it would be like to suck one...

Well, there is always Auto-fellatio. Some of us can manage it, but it can make your neck ache after a while.


Silver Member
I voted in the love them category ..... only really tried it out within last 24 months or so. I am a straight male who just was interested in the whole “fantasy”.
Most experiences were good and they pretty much all were great at chilling my nerves and working around what I am in for that day.

Only had one bad punt and that was one who advertised that they could get hard and cum but then when you are just getting into it they say oh my hormones mean I can’t even get hard .... but I guess that’s why they call it punting.

Lord Spikey

Legend Member
I voted in the love them category ..... only really tried it out within last 24 months or so. I am a straight male who just was interested in the whole “fantasy”.
Most experiences were good and they pretty much all were great at chilling my nerves and working around what I am in for that day.

Only had one bad punt and that was one who advertised that they could get hard and cum but then when you are just getting into it they say oh my hormones mean I can’t even get hard .... but I guess that’s why they call it punting.

Oh, that sounds Grimm


WL Historian
Gold Member
Ts Trans Lady Boys
Some of you Love Them
Some don't mind them
Some are Trans Phobic
Vote on the poll and tell us who you are

Don't forget to add a comment or two especially if you are positive....
I think they are amazing ladies who often have to go through so much to be their true selves, often loosing family so called friends and jobs in the process. I just watched an interesting story on SBS about a trans lady who came out in a country town Wagga Wagga and hosted the first Madigras there i think about 20.000 people turned up! How amazingly brave was that!

Joe Ozzie

Legend Member
TS can cause issues. The obvious sports (strength physiology) problem of biological unfairness.

The other big issue is impact on feminism and also lesbians, leading to the TERF movement. Trans exclusionary radical feminists.

So TS are free to be what they are and enjoy that, don't trample other people in the process. In other words your gender does not change your biology.

We need a fair balance.
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Bronze Member
I think they are amazing ladies who often have to go through so much to be their true selves, often loosing family so called friends and jobs in the process. I just watched an interesting story on SBS about a trans lady who came out in a country town Wagga Wagga and hosted the first Madigras there i think about 20.000 people turned up! How amazingly brave was that!

That was a huge day for Wagga and Holly Conroy (the woman you referenced from the doco) is quite the hero for making it happen. organisers were expecting around 2-3000 people to attend but about 10,000 actually turned out (almost %20 of the local population)... All in amazingly good spirit too.
Being a trans woman who grew up in Wagga I have a reasonable idea of how far the beautiful little city has come in the last two decades. The success of this year's Mardi Gras was certainly a testament to that.
Below is a picture of the main street facing both north and south as the parade finished up and to revelers literally clogged the street.


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