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Funniest/naughtiest experience with SWs overseas



Sorry I meant to type funnest but it auto corrected to funniest. I want to hear any stories people feel like divulging. I keep dreaming about a holiday to Asia but looks like it won't happen for sometime so keen to hear experiences to keep me and my hand occupied for the time being.
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Gold Member
Was having a beer street side in Thailand. A couple girls parked up in front of me so I said I’d look after their car. Couples hours later one came back and offered me a tip.
I was half cut by then so just hopped into the passenger seat and buckled up. She took me back to her house and we had a lot of fun.


Gold Member
Isn't there a place in Singapore called Four Floors of Whores, and a bar in Thailand called Dr BJs where you order a beer and get a BJ at the same time.


Isn't there a place in Singapore called Four Floors of Whores, and a bar in Thailand called Dr BJs where you order a beer and get a BJ at the same time.
I have heard of those. Unfortunately never had a chance to give the bj bars a go, sounds lovely.


I was in Kenya back in the 90s and hooked up with this hot WL at a bar called Florida 2000 and went back to a house where she lived with another lady. We were playing cards while I was finishing my beer (an oversized stubbie called Tusker). All of a sudden I had that overwhelming feeling that I need to have a dump. I was getting gut pains and the sweats while I considered my options. I knew I couldn't hold onto the fucker until the morning when I would return to my accommodation. I was in quite a state because the pain was getting worse and I was talking gibberish. I was panicking because I didn't want to go to an outdoor shitter in case some wild animal took me out. As it turned out they had an inside dunny. I gave birth to this turd that was bigger than a baby's arm. Problem now was how to flush. The button wasn't working and then I noticed a bucket with water so I attempted to flush it. It didn't move an inch. I then had to swallow my pride and tell the WL who armed with a stick and several buckets of water managed to get rid of it. I can't understand why I never saw her again.