• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

You have to be Joking

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Bronze Member
If this is the Bitch Board ... I am in the right place.
Talked about being pissed off :-(
Please read this as a warning to other guys

About two weeks ago I contacted an escort, Kate Jap
Service was okay ... nothing to write home about.

Tonight, I am getting sms on my phone from her, do I want to catch up.
Business must be slow

Fortunately, I use a different mobile phone for my night time activity.
Imagine some poor bugger getting an sms that his wife or girlfriend sees
and phones back to check it out.

I never indicated to this escort that it was okay to call me.
And I don't look like Mel Gibson or have any outstanding features.

All I wanted that night was a bit of fun ... ummm no follow up.

So, guys, be very aware that if you phone for some fun ... make sure that you use a "phantom" phone .... cos it could bite you in the relationship.

Apart from that ... all good, have a great day. :)

The One

Silver Member
I saw her add recently and thought she sounded and looked nice, especially for the price. Does she look like her pictures? What suburb is her apartment?


yeah her pics look pretty hot alright,so akubra was her service any good and were the pics her,fess up mate .yeah your to right to be pissed off but she may just of liked you....


Bronze Member
Hi "The One"
To the best of my knowledge, she only does outcalls.
Pictures are not "What you see is what you get"
Although she does have a nice bod, but not as good as the pictures.
She advertises on this forum and a few others.

The service was okay, but everything was an extra (as in $$).
Would I book her again .... ummmm NO
I am sure there are a lot of other happy satisfied clients.
Not happy about unsolicited contact trying to chase more business though.
Hope this has been of some assistance.


I believe a pimp runs the show!
He does the wording and texting,plus, he writes bad reviews for other girls to kill the competition, and he is 3 headed girls (katejap, lucy etc..), applaulling ! He does all the damage to the honest wls, this causes too many men calling using private number, fearing this would happen to them, and losing genuine business!

Say no to this bloody katejap, this pimp is a low ! escort is not never the girl in the pic !


Bronze Member
Hi Stormline,
The pics may have been of her ... when she was shorter and younger but hard to say for sure.
As mentioned previously, she had a nice body, not as good as the pics but close. Personality ok, friendly. English language skills.... I suspect selective understanding.
If you do book her, maybe pop a review on the forum.
At the end of the day (or night lol) this is just my view


yeah no worries but im sure ive seen the same pics used by another gir lcalled lisa,she is also from japanese and moneyplease.though not certain as both ads say inhouse and text only..

Sir Stefan

Agent Provocateur
Foundation Member
Sadly it is false advertising and stunts like this that damage the Industry reputation and impact back on the really good genuine, honest and trustworthy Girls that are the backbone of this Industry..... The sooner the 'weeds' are 'weeded out' the better it will be for all concerned.... SirStefan.


I think your right SirStefan but it does show the importance of doing a little homework before parting with too much of the hard earned. Cheers for the heads-up.

The One

Silver Member
Thanks Akubra, i thought it looked a little too good to be true. $170 per hr is a quite cheap these days and i figured there would be extras....
You do need to do your homework and do your best to read between the lines.
When someone advertises that price and available 24/7, it makes you wonder what type of person / personality they have. Maybe not so much the price but available 24/7, could you imagine all the druken piss boys calling at 3am.
I saw another advert for a Korean girl (can't recall name) and she also looked good. Funnily enough she was also $170 per hr avail 24/7.
Makes me wonder if someone is using illegal immigrants....
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