• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


Silver Member
Along with the added bonuses of increased flexibility, strength and muscle toning, improved athletic performance, cardio and circulatory health, it understandably makes for better times in bed ^-^
Honestly the benefits of practising yoga everyday are innumerable, connecting the body and mind with the breath does wonders for the quality of life you experience.
Yoga with Adrianne on YouTube is a really good way to start, she's super cute and loving. Progress is actually super quick when done for only 10 mins everyday :)
Meditation is something I could talk about for hours and really, really helps if you are sensitive to crowds or tend to react rather than respond.
It does take daily practice to have any lasting effect, but even 2 mins of just paying attention to your breath everyday is enough to start with, I wish I knew that because I found it nearly impossible when I began. I feel very appreciative that sex work gives me the time to do this sorta stuff :)



Legend Member
Some of the best sex ever was with a super hot lady who was right into yoga (she's no longer a forum member here!) and just adored combining the two. :excited:

She obviously had checked out -
Link is broken so has been taken down
(and had her own additions......:cool:)
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Penny S

A Rose by any other name šŸŒ¹
Staff member
Legend Member
For that I need someone to make me fall in love with Yoga