• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Would you hit it??


Silver Member
With a rolled up newspaper.

No I'm just trying to be cool. Of course I would! Hahaha!


Foundation Member
No, I wouldn't "hit it".

But if I met this lady in the flesh I hope I would have the grace and good manners to treat her with the same respect and courtesy I expect others to accord me.

The strange face in the top right hand corner belongs to a lady who appeared on T.V. a while ago. She is an intelligent and articulate woman who, unfortunately has a terribly deformed face and body and I can only imagine the hell she must have gone through growing up.

I deplore censorship in any form but I wish like hell that I could shut down sites like that one and burn their promoters at the stake. Better still, make them live a couple of years in the shoes of someone like those they lampoon.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Actuality she is not all that bad and if there was a country with a couple of million women like her we would be use to that type look and pork her 5 seconds after she said we could .