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Worst Job Ever!


Tania Admin

Unemployment is always a problem, so I thought I would look up a few of the worlds worst jobs so next time someone is whinging they can't get the job they want and would rather remain jobless, I have something to throw at them.

Janitor, in itself, is a pretty bad job. But, porno theater janitor is the worst job on the list. The main responsibility of the porno theater janitor is to take his mop and rag and wide up after each show is finished. Unlike a traditional theater, it's safe to assume that sticky substance under the chair is something other than Coca-Cola Classic! At least you get to see all that porn for free and you'll probably be very popular among your male friends , although this is probably not a job you want to talk about with your mother , or your wife for that matter.

Ramesh Sahu works in the sanitation department of Calcutta, cleaning out the city's sewers. On a regular basis, Rakesh sits in a low crouch at the bottom of a seven-foot-deep manhole, sloshing away in a swirl of human waste and sediment. Equipped with a hoe and a steel bar, and wearing only a pair of loose purple underpants, Rakesh empties the thick black sludge from a clogged sewer into a bucket that his fellow crew members hoist up and dump in the middle of a narrow road. A small mountain of decaying excrement accumulates between the manhole and a rickety wooden vegetable cart. Two co-workers reach down and yank Rakesh out by his sore, extended arms, his body splattered with putrid muck. At 27, with a wife, three young daughters and a monthly income of about $100, he has been a sewage worker for the Delhi Jal (Water) Board for the past 10 years.

Odor judges are common in the research labs of mouthwash companies, where the halitosis-inflicted blow great gusts of breath in their faces to test product efficacy. But Minneapolis gastroenterologist Michael Levitt recently took the job to another level-or, rather, to the other end. Levitt paid two brave souls to indulge repeatedly in the odors of other people's farts. (Levitt refuses to divulge the remuneration, but it would seem safe to characterize it thusly: Not enough.) Sixteen healthy subjects volunteered to eat pinto beans and insert small plastic collection tubes into their anuses (worst-job runners-up, to be sure). After each "episode of flatulence," Levitt syringed the gas into a discrete container, rigorously maintaining fart integrity. The odor judges then sat down with at least 100 samples, opened the caps one at a time, and inhaled robustly. As their faces writhed in agony, they rated just how noxious the smell was. The samples were also chemically analyzed, and-eureka!-Levitt determined definitively the most malodorous component of the human flatus: hydrogen sulfide .


Silver Member
hmm imagine being surrounded by faeces all day long........poor guy....that would make the top of my worst job lists!!


Legend Member
The sewerage cleaning guy must not only smell really bad when he gets home to his mrs, he must have a cast iron immune system. Would make the "stinky bum" issue discussed on another thread seem mild by comparison!


Yes I was thinking that too Mr D. The sanitation officer could well have a "Stinky bum" issue at a Calcutta brothel.


Legend Member
Yes he wouldn't be popular with the working ladies I wouldn't think. I was also wondering if he gets to have a shower before he travels home on the bus?


At 27, with a wife, three young daughters I doubt he can afford a bus fare let alone trip to a Calcutta knocker shop.

Mr D you'll be coming under the NWNKDCDHT banner shortly... Join the club.


Legend Member
Thanks Mr C, but I'm sure someone will want to convert me to 1W3KWHNMLT
(1 wife 3 kids work hard no more langtrees)


@colzilla No way dude, my job is awesome. I love it!
Just gotta find something you love to do and turn it into a career.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy, what a career????awesome job????something you love to do???????, Hmmmmm must be Myyyyyy lifestyle, now where Meeeee Rum glass gotto

@colzilla No way dude, my job is awesome. I love it!
Just gotta find something you love to do and turn it into a career.