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Working until 70..can you?


Diamond Member
With the Government likely to raise the pension age to 70, for those of us who have yet to reach this age....could you see yourself working to the age of 70?

The case could be made that we are living longer...and with modern medicine we should be healthier...but it could also be said there is more work related stress/illnesses and job security/stabilty is not the same as bygone years....


5 Star General
Foundation Member
i am finding it hard to find work for the past 2 years and i am not thinking it is going to get any easier when the govt does what it is going to do with cutting everything


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy excellent topic AsianGuy77.
My personal view, as i am a full time worker, it would be great to keep working until you hit 70, in reality, my employer will sack me somewhere between the age of 55 to 65. There is no more security or stability in today work market in Australia. As well if you are aged between 45 to 65 finding another position is some what very limited in choice and you need to be very lucky
Cheers and Pass the Rum


Diamond Member
I'm not near that age as yet....so for those closer to that age.. it seems that the few extra years although does not seem much could be a struggle..


5 Star General
Foundation Member
At 70, I be horizontal 6 ft under. If you can call that working then someone better pay me for that.
and pushing up the daisy :)

you also need to remember about depression . it hits you hard when you get older and looking for a job , maybe that is what the govt wants to clear the hospital beds and the pension in 1 go with depressed suicides .

if you sit back and look @ the big picture that is where it is leading


Silver Member
I worked it out...it'll be 5 years after I've shuffled off this mortal coil before I'm able to retire...but seriously, if you're someone who works in manual labour, you'll be hard pressed to be able to keep working til you're 70...


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
I will work until I can see, walk and talk. Not because government tell me to do so, I love working, no matter what I do, it makes me feel good! heart.jpg


Statistics (yeah I know about statistics and lies) indicate that one in three children born in the US today, and I therefore assume that we are similar, will live to be a hundred years old. If that is even close to the truth, how can we possibly afford a population that retires at 65 and lives to be a hundred. The changes aren't due to be implemented for a few years yet though. Remember the retirement age was implemented in this country in the very early 1900's, a time when very few people would see the age of 70, now many do.


Legend Member
Chippies , roof tilers Many will just find it physically impossible to work until 70
I dread to think what the Unemployment charts will look like when we have 1 million people over 65 looking for work lets just hope our super is offering us a good enough payout at 65 not to have to worry about getting any top up from the Government
And Anastacia I guess if you are still working at 70 You will have found a special niche market
I know my 90+ year old Uncle would love a young piece of 70 year old tail ;)


5 Star General
Foundation Member
when i am a 90 yo any human female tail will be a blessing :) :) and i will have my grave already dug waiting for me , :) :)


Legend Member
I guess I should have said 80 Johnlou He still damn well charms the pants off those 70+ minxes
he says I could too All I lack is Charm grace, hair and style and dress sense apart from that I am a shoe in

As for 70 retirement I guess the government believe the will still save a fortune even with say 50% unemployment in over 65's because the dole is about $200 (?) less than the pension and fewer concessions


Diamond Member
I guess I should have said 80 Johnlou He still damn well charms the pants off those 70+ minxes
he says I could too All I lack is Charm grace, hair and style and dress sense apart from that I am a shoe in

As for 70 retirement I guess the government believe the will still save a fortune even with say 50% unemployment in over 65's because the dole is about $200 (?) less than the pension and fewer concessions

If what you are saying is correct, and the dole recipient receives about $200.00 less than the pension, is this because their is the assumption pensioners incur higher living expenses? (medications, medical) Wasn't there a politician that stated that they could live on the pension, and then one of those trashy current affair programs went out to show how hard it is to survive on the pension.


Legend Member
Newstart for a single no kids is $510.50 and the age pension is $842.8

I remember when the pensions were given a big boost several years ago the feeling was the pension was greatly inadequate But the $60 per week increase (Guesstimate) was only given to the regular pensions not unemployment I do think this was during the peak of the unemployment bashing period And they were not a big enough block to be a worry to re election And grey power was at its peak
Unemployment is enough to live on but not be comfortable on because it is a helping hand not a crutch I think thats the rationale
But if we have a block of unemployed over 60 there will need to be some revisions of that surely


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
Ahoy excellent topic AsianGuy77.
My personal view, as i am a full time worker, it would be great to keep working until you hit 70, in reality, my employer will sack me somewhere between the age of 55 to 65. There is no more security or stability in today work market in Australia. As well if you are aged between 45 to 65 finding another position is some what very limited in choice and you need to be very lucky
Cheers and Pass the Rum
not if this gov has its way just sayin


5 Star General
Foundation Member
H2 you mentioned the "Newstart for a single no kids is $510.50" this is a fortnightly payment and yes you can live on this , just , if you own your own home , have no electrical equipment or very little have a car that can run on an oily rag , no car or household insurance . no medical bills or need medication .

someone mentioned about the politician who did an exercise a few years back on how to live on the $ 510.00 per fortnight , she did it for a 2 week period and what would she need to pay for when everything she lives off is paid by the tax payer , her bank account did not see a withdrawal.

yer rite work till your 70 good luck :)


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Comfortable retirement with 60 or 65 is first world society expectation which a few generations could enjoy but which will collapse over time due to higher living costs, longer live expectancy and aging population.
I don't think it is a question of "can we".
It will turn into a "we have to"........unless you have huge retirement savings in the bank.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member

Farmers were more likely to be male – 139,500 or 72% of all farmers were male, compared to 55% of all employed persons in 2010-11.

The age profile of farmers differs from that of all employed persons. In 2010-11, the median age of farmers was 53, compared to 39 for all employed persons. Seven out of ten (71%) farmers were 45 or over compared to four out of ten (39%) employed persons. The largest differences in the age distribution were apparent in the younger and older age groups. While 23% of farmers were aged 65 and over, only 3% of all employed persons were in this age group (graph S8.2). Conversely, only 2% of farmers were aged between 15 and 24, while 17% of all employed persons were in this age group. In 2010-11, farmers comprised a significant proportion of older workers – 14% of all employed persons aged 65 years and over. However, they made up a smaller proportion of younger workers – less than 1% of all employed persons aged between 15 and 34.

Stolen from
Australian Bureau of Statistics



At 70, I be horizontal 6 ft under. If you can call that working then someone better pay me for that.
I may be your neighbour along side you Homer, I just hope all the pollies who want us to work till 70 get a taste of their own medicine.......


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
still looked like that at 70, you sure could.even half as good
I deal with property development and sale ( when I am not in LT) . I can be 100+ years old, nobody cares the way I look. Get personal assistant to check contracts, do marketing and advertisement, driver and wheelchair. -) I can't see myself doing nothing. I can play golf for 2 month, fishing for week, on shooting range for 3 days, skiing for 2 weeks, ( yes, at age of 100!) travel for a year, than...what? I love to work.
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If I cant figure out how to retire comfortably in the next 40 or so years I deserve to be working when I'm 70.

Same goes with all under 30's. The world is our oyster really. Plenty of money to be made and plenty of time to plan for our future. I plan to be semi retired by 50. Life is far too precious to work all the time.


Legend Member
I may be your neighbour along side you Homer, I just hope all the pollies who want us to work till 70 get a taste of their own medicine.......

Just make sure you purchase the plot couple blocks away...lol...i like to reserve the plots next to me for the lovely ladies.