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Working lady... Should I??


Legend Member
Maybe my ordinary is another mans extraordinary.

I do think that is why so many men do not write reviews
Someone else will reply that she was old or did not give a satisfactory service etc
It is too personal an experience So what you have enjoyed may be absolutely the opposite what the person reading will like
So if they see the lady based on your review they respond negatively to that review on the forum
Poorly said but I hope it got across


Well I've just been with a more mature lady from the Philippines and I had a great time.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Can you keep a secret? Or will the guilt consume you and you'll spill your beans?

Maybe it should stay a fantasy.

You hit the nail on the head, Lilly.
That is the biggest problem....the guilt after and the need to come clear which can be the beginning of the end.
You should ask yourself a few questions before you join the punter scene............and maybe it is better to let it stay a fantasy.



Bronze Member
Thanks ladies and gents for the advices, many of them helped me to think differently
I know I better not visit a w/l, at least, not until im happy in my relationship.
But some nights when im alone (and/or drunk), i can be very tempted... Anyway, I will do my best to resist the temptation.

Anyway, Im sorry (and hope I wont be banned from the forum for that) but i have to say that Mary-Anne K's reply is the one who convinced me the less. I dont think including kissing and mutual french in the price is a nice thing. Indeed, it means the w/l HAVE TO do it if the customer wants to. "Safe sex is great sex". What about the numerous diseases whose can be transmitted with saliva? Is it really safe then?

I met today someone who knows quite well the industry. I learnt many things...
Did you know that, if a customer pays $200 for a w/l for 1h, the brothel keeps usually around $70-80? So thats $120-130 for the w/l (and doesnt HAVE TO kiss!)
In Langtrees, if a customer pays $400, Langtrees keeps $200. So $200 for the w/l. (Yes, Im very good in math!)
Still in Langtrees, each w/l has to pay $50 per working day to cover the cost of communication apparently?...
So a w/l will get better money in Langtrees, if she has customers. If she doesnt, she loses $50 per day.
Running a brothel is definitly a good business!!

The guy I met also told me that in EVERY brothel, many w/l (sometimes all of them) are not allowed to work in Australia. Many have a student or tourist visa. How is that possible? Do the brothels owners have to pay the police to not be in trouble??? Or is the law different for these kinds of companies??


Legend Member
I do think that is why so many men do not write reviews
Someone else will reply that she was old or did not give a satisfactory service etc
It is too personal an experience So what you have enjoyed may be absolutely the opposite what the person reading will like
So if they see the lady based on your review they respond negatively to that review on the forum
Poorly said but I hope it got across

I agree H2, in fact I'm writing a couple of reviews now and am finding it very difficult for the reasons you've mentioned especially writing something that's not too personal but saying something that both benefits the lady as well as potential clients.

While I'd never write anything that isn't totally honest, the review I write publicly is not the review I'd write if it was just for them personally and their lies the difficulty.


Legend Member
Don't kiss and tell.

Thats not quite true I am sure there is , a rarity mind, but sometimes the odd chap who just may happen to let a little snippet of information out over a beer or too at his local with the mates

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
From what I've noticed from clients who are partnered...booking a wl is a last resort.
They have tried everything to entice sexiness in the bedroom with their love
and they come to a wl in desperation for personal touch,
its not something to be gambled with lightly.
As mentioned above...guilt is a powerful feeling and could really fuck with your head, if your unable to handle it.

I used to have a stock broker called Rene Rivkin, he once told me told me always make your decisions on whether you can live with the downside risk not the upside gain, in other words can you cope with the worst potential loss from such a decision? If not then some fantasies are best left as fantasies.

Wise words...this really does apply to many decisions in life :)