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Working lady... Should I??


Bronze Member
Hi there! Im looking for advices...
I have an absolutely gorgeous and wonderful gf. Im in love and very happy with her (sexually too).
I never paid for sex, but its been a while now that im thinking about it. Its kind of a fantasm to me, and would really love to try this experience.
Of course, it would be cheating, which is my actual problem...
Do u think i must stay faithful and just forget this fantasy? I bet its the most reasonable option but hard to stop thinking about it.

Also, i do fancy asian women. I checked on the internet private escorts, brothels and forum...
Langtrees seems to be a great place and have some nice asian girls.
But it will cost me $400 for 1h. Most of the asian brothels or private charge only $200, or less.
I dont really mind about the money because i plan to do that only once... But i was wandering if this difference is justified. Do the women in Langtrees give some services that other dont? Or is it only because of the place?

Sorry for the mistakes i made, english isnt my mother tongue...

Langtrees VIP 6

Hi there, now im a great believer in it doesn't matter how it feels to others or what others think of what your decision will be, because as you know everyone will always have an option regardless of their own personal circumstances. But how you feel about your the decision is what counts the most because at the end of the day you will be the one living with the chooses you chose to make.
In regards to Asian ladies @ Langtrees, if price is really not an issue than consider that you are not just paying for an Asian lady, you are paying for the experience of playing out your fantasy and its an added bonus that the ladies @ Langtrees are worth what you pay for.

Lilly Sweetheart

Can you keep a secret? Or will the guilt consume you and you'll spill your beans?

Maybe it should stay a fantasy.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Langtrees has a inclusive price which covers kissing and mutual french. The Asian prices you get are for the basics and then they will try in most cases to sell u etras, if you don't pay the $100 plus extras u will get a cold rushed service, so in reality it is not a lot of difference.
Also u have to decide within 5 minutes, at langtrees u can take a hour or two to socialize and your time starts when you go to the room.


Legend Member
I can't solve the moral dilemma for you but from what you say it sounds like the concept of cheating is an issue for you so I'd be listening to that, also you should consider whether you'll be able to limit the visit to a one-off and you're probably not in the position to be able to answer that yet.

A couple of things to consider, these ladies are aren't just beautiful they're also experts in the services they provide so what if she provides you with a particular service that is like nothing your partner can give, or what happens if you do visit once and then each time you have a relationship issue like everyone does, find yourself returning here as you've set a precedent and broken that moral barrier once?

Not wanting to cheat is a good thing, it's what separates us from many other guys, do it once and maybe there's no reason not to do it again. Do you want to have such a secret from your partner whom you say is gorgeous and you are in love with?

I used to have a stock broker called Rene Rivkin, he once told me told me always make your decisions on whether you can live with the downside risk not the upside gain, in other words can you cope with the worst potential loss from such a decision? If not then some fantasies are best left as fantasies.


I have an absolutely gorgeous and wonderful gf. Im in love and very happy with her (sexually too).

I reckon you are asking for trouble visiting a w/l.

Punting is good for me because I'm a degenerate loner.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member

Could cost you far beyond the money you are contemplating.

Noone can tell you what to do. You'll know the answer.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Agree Colz. Have most of us silly punters not been Nerfed in the head over a WL or maybe 10 at some point hahahahaha.......

The temptation is enticing and the punt is like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT4B-NJUcZE most times. But its addictive.

I often wonder where I would be if I never adopted such a habit.


Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
So what would be different right this moment for you if you never found the _____ grail Mr Colz?


_____ grail?... Did you mean holy grail?

Not to sure what you mean.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
I was gonna say something more grose. But I meant punting.

Would life be much different for a punt master like yourself if you never punted is what I was asking.


I am the man I am today because I punt... A more wiser, smarter, tougher man for having done so.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
I like that.......in some ways the states we end up in (good and the bad) I guess its great conditioning for the heart and the tool.


Plus you meet women that you would never have met unless you were a punter. Whether that woman be good or truly evil.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Amen to that....... The truly wonderful will never be forgotten. The latter type you mentioned are even harder to forget lol.


Sorting out the nasty ones out is character building... That's if you survive.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Glad to say I have rarely met the truly nasty. The inexperienced yes. The cocky young ones with no clue yes. But the truly nasty are seldom in my journey as I stay clear of the dark and nasty places after a visit or there is enough evidence out there pointing them out.


Well sociopaths are a bit like a chameleon. Some times you just have to punt to unravel the mystery.

Helps if you are honest with yourself.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Unraveling is fun at first. But when it is done over and over again. It becomes familiar and boring fun ;)


Well when you are single and bored out of your mind like me... What else is there to do.

+ hookers are interesting


Too much of a good thing I guess. Probably more of fantasy for a newbie punter.

I remember the days where I felt like a kid in a candy shop at an establishment.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
I too remember those days. But I still search hard and sometimes there is the golden needle in the pile of wigs. I just don't say much in public anymore.

How bout you? How's your hit rate for the out of ordinary encounters these days? Not counting regulars of course.


I'm mostly a regulars punter. Tried a new girl last Saturday was a lovely sweet attractive girl. Before that the last new girl was a while ago.

Anything out of the ordinary I think requires a few visits.

Mary Anne PA

Don't do it , an hour of pleasure only lasts an hour. Your GF is always with you

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
I'm mostly a regulars punter. Tried a new girl last Saturday was a lovely sweet attractive girl. Before that the last new girl was a while ago.

Anything out of the ordinary I think requires a few visits.

Dunno. Everytime I was really knocked out of my socks was unexpected from am unfamiliar.


Well if she's that good on a first visit she should get better and better... For a while anyway.

Maybe my ordinary is another mans extraordinary.