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Woman are tougher than men

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I pinched this one from another forum:
Men may be genetically predisposed to be physically stronger, but I think in a lot of ways women are tougher than guys especially in regards to pain tolerance, e.g. childbirth. Also from personal experience a lot if not most of the women I've known were a lot tougher than a lot of guys. What do you guys think?


Legend Member
I've often thought men and women can handle Different kinds of pain
Men the breaks cuts and gashes we would have gotten as hunters etc
Women bear the pain due to childbirth etc far far better

I remember my wife telling me I would never touch her again and never would she have anotber This was during labour
12 months later she was absolutely over the moon because she was pregnant again

But after bearing all that pain If she got a papercut God help us The agony the absolute agony
Whereas I've pulled fencewire out of my hand and just got on Its part of the job I'm sure Farm boy would be similar Bepp also But maybe a bank Johnny may find it a tad more uncomfortable

So different types ofain for different sexes
And a different tolerances for different lifestyles


Resident kinky pervert
Foundation Member
I passed a kidney stone a few years ago
A lady here who has had children... and passed a stone... said she'd rather go thru labor again than pass another

Women can cope with pain differently to men I must agree
We all process differently


Gender Dyslexic
Foundation Member
I will never know what its like to punch out a child through a tiny opening, but i have first hand experience in growing breasts and being hit in developing breasts and i can say its very similar to being hit in the male parts.
I have also had IPL hair removal with no numbing on my face ... yeah being female is more painful than male so that level of pain tolerance has to be higher.


Legend Member
I've often thought men and women can handle Different kinds of pain
Men the breaks cuts and gashes we would have gotten as hunters etc
Women bear the pain due to childbirth etc far far better

I remember my wife telling me I would never touch her again and never would she have anotber This was during labour
12 months later she was absolutely over the moon because she was pregnant again

But after bearing all that pain If she got a papercut God help us The agony the absolute agony
Whereas I've pulled fencewire out of my hand and just got on Its part of the job I'm sure Farm boy would be similar Bepp also But maybe a bank Johnny may find it a tad more uncomfortable

So different types ofain for different sexes
And a different tolerances for different lifestyles

Vot?! Paper cut is a lady only agony? Oh myyy...pardon my lady like screams all these years...:shame:


Legend Member
Vot?! Paper cut is a lady only agony? Oh myyy...pardon my lady like screams all these years...:shame:
Oh it does depend on the type of paper Homer
Brown paper is excruciating white just stings a bit
But look at most large corporations they're going paperless to save their valued staff from such gruesome work injury
I hate it when people say these large faceless corporations are just out for all they can get They care


Legend Member
Well paperless my butt...even my butt requires paper. Who the hell this day in age still use Fax? Corporate! yes...if it fails it's a global catastrophe, all attention to focus on this failed fax line.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
I've often thought men and women can handle Different kinds of pain
Men the breaks cuts and gashes we would have gotten as hunters etc
Women bear the pain due to childbirth etc far far better

I remember my wife telling me I would never touch her again and never would she have anotber This was during labour
12 months later she was absolutely over the moon because she was pregnant again

But after bearing all that pain If she got a papercut God help us The agony the absolute agony
Whereas I've pulled fencewire out of my hand and just got on Its part of the job I'm sure Farm boy would be similar Bepp also But maybe a bank Johnny may find it a tad more uncomfortable

So different types ofain for different sexes
And a different tolerances for different lifestyles

You know some men who have performed poorly while bearing the pangs of labor* H2?

* not the ALP


Legend Member
This reminds me of Perth last Tuesday
I had been eating a W/L for what seemed hours Lick nibble suck chomp and still it was there

So women must be tough Kinda like over cooked mutton fish (abalone to the Hoi Polloi out there) or gravy beef


My hats off to the ladies getting pounded day in and day out, I remember someone told me langtrees in perth had to close for a day due to the influx of sailors gracing their doors.

Vineta Sexting

Sexting Princess
Legend Member
Yes,women are tougher than men.When the going gets tough, women are tougher.Women survive hardship better than men. Even newborn girls survive childhood mortality better than boys.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
My hats off to the ladies getting pounded day in and day out, I remember someone told me langtrees in perth had to close for a day due to the influx of sailors gracing their doors.
A long time ago and 5 busy days back to back..and only closed for 24hrs because I knew no one would turn up that Monday as the whole town had been busy.....

Samantha Witch

Fitser Team
Diamond Member
Women really are the stronger sex.

No doubt many of you will have long suspected this is the case, and now you have fresh scientific findings to back up your suspicions.

A recent academic study has shown that under extreme conditions such as famines, epidemics and enslavement, women are able to survive for longer than men.

Across modern populations, women outlive men in almost all instances, with life expectancy for English women being 83.1 years, compared to 79.5 years for men (the figure for Scotland is 81.2 years for women and 77.1 years for men).

Now, academics from the Southern University of Denmark have looked at data from seven historic cases when populations were exposed to extreme hardship, in order to gain new insights into the gender mortality gap.

Case studies included the Irish famine of 1845-1849, the Iceland measles epidemics of 1846 and 1882, and the experiences of freed Liberian slaves returning to Africa from the US in the early 19th century, where they encountered a very different disease climate which killed many.

These situations saw dramatic decreases in life expectancy. During the 1882 Iceland measles epidemic, for example, life expectancy dropped from 43.99 to 18.83 years for females and from 37.62 to just 16.76 years for males.

The researchers found that, in all the populations, women had lower mortality across almost all ages, and with one exception, women lived longer on average than men.

The study noted that gender differences in infant mortality “contributed the most” to the gender gap in life expectancy, indicating, “that newborn girls were able to survive extreme mortality hazards better than newborn boys".

Based on these findings, the academics concluded, “The hypothesis that the survival advantage of women has fundamental biological underpinnings is supported by the fact that under very harsh conditions females survive better than males even at infant ages when behavioral and social differences may be minimal or favor males.”

They did however note that, “Our findings also indicate that the female advantage differs across environments and is modulated by social factors.”

The academics referred to existing research that suggests hormonal differences might further explain the gender mortality gap. For example, oestrogens, found in larger quantities in women, have anti-inflammatory effects, whereas testosterone, found in larger amounts in men, may actually suppress the immune system.

The new study's lead author, Professor Virginia Zarulli, wrote in the journal PNAS: "The conditions experienced by the people in the analysed populations were horrific. Even though the crises reduced the female survival advantage in life expectancy, women still survived better than men.

"We find that even when mortality was very high, women lived longer.”

That is some serious girl power.


Legend Member
You are all just so tough
But I say just gabbing about it Doesn't make you as tough as those poor buggers , our Diggers who were taken prisoner by the Japs in WWII

If anything just disrespects what they went through on our behalf


Yes women are stronger than men as women go from lot of changes physically and emotionally. A woman's heart is an ocean of deep secrets. When it's a hard day for a man he takes shelter in woman's heart.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Period Cramps, Ovarian stabbing, Water retention, painful sex due anxiety, time of the month, after child birth, childbirth either c-section or natural birth with or with an epidural, The Birth itself, some women are cut to make the birthing process easier, breast pain with breast feeding, during her periods too, Imagine if men had to deal with all that, minus giving birth, she has to function at work, for her family, her partner, and herself lastly, normally in that order, but she always comes last, and do it with a smile on her face as if she doesn't she gets look at her with her bitch face on... oh and wearing heels and we all know how some of those can feel after 8 or so hours standing in them...

Xavier Jung

Logic dictates that only a Soul who remembers what it is like to incarnate as a woman, and incarnate as a man, can truly speak to this.

Without the relative experience, the context is too narrow.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
The Pain and discomfort that Heels do to women, same as Pantyhose, and Stay up stockings. G-strings, Shapewear, Oh and lets not go there with Bras on hot days, bras in general, all give pain and discomfort for a woman, brushing you hair especially getting knots out of it, is painful as, but hey women do it with a smile on her face, oh and she's just got her period, cramping etc etc, but she jumps on a horse and gallops for 3 miles, because she feels and knows her pad or tampon will make he feel confident and safe from spillage... I think the thing a female wants to do then is to find a hot water bottle some chocolate/Champagne , and lay in bed under a quilt, and blame the world for everything which means her man TBH... oh then there is waxing as we can't have any body hair now can we, pubes who needs those, and legs the same and pits if men did that activity then they may get how much females face...