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Winning lotto

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Mary Anne PA

Inspired by a recent discussion, would a lotto win change your life?

I would keep dancing, even if I won lotto.
But Id go get lipo and my eyes fixed, and take care of my other medical issues. And hire a top (female) personal trainer who would boss em around and force me to work out hard ;p

I really love dancing, I love giving lapdances, grinding on anonymous men, hanging out with naked girls all day... :)

I would invest my money, buy a house or two, give my family a gift each (My older sister wants a new house on a big block, and my little sister would love to live overseas, Mum and her partner would get cash for a holiday, my nan would leave the nursing home and have a private home nurse etc) and establish a NGO in South East Asia, either working with sex workers and their families, to provide further education and employment opportunities, and a free spay/neuter service for cats/dogs, especially for strays.

Ideally Id travel a few months a year, both to see the world (I havent been back to Europe since I was 16) and to organise my NGOs.

And Id STILL stay in backpackers/ cheap hotels, and drive our Holden.


Gold Member
Hi Miranda,

Great goals there. I too, probably like most people, would do pretty much similar things. House, family, charity, definitely plastic surgery, dental work, probably still have a holden but a GTO instead of an SS (maybe a Mustang and a Corvette too). Travel would of course be a biggie, but I'm sorry if I had won $53 million I would be going top class everywhere.

Yes winning a large lotto amount would change you life, the trick would be to make sure it didn't change the heart of the person you are.



Foundation Member
What's your lotto dream? That would have to be a question we all think about at some time in our lives. The usual responses that sexy_celeste and swingingstories has mentioned would definitely be high on my list, however...

my lotto dream has always been to walk into any shop at any time and pick a dress off the rack where I don't have to look at the label first, walk up to the sales lady and pay.



Foundation Member
Hmm, a lot would depend on how much I won. Definitely, helping my family members would be high on the agenda and, probably, I would chuck in my job and start travelling.

One thing I am not into is huge houses and multiple cars - you can only sleep in one bed and drive one vehicle at a time and I can't be bothered inpressing the kind of people who are impressed by ostentatious displays of wealth.

At the risk of sounding too much of a goodie two-shoes I would also enjoy throwing a sizeable chunk of cash to a useful organisation like the Salvos to at least do something worthwhile for someone else a bit less fortunate.


My lotto dream would be... book my kids into every sporting facility there is available. I would then go out and hire the worlds best teacher for my autistic boy... the pay off my mortgage and buy my Dad a house.. then pay off my girlfriends mortgage..

Then I would go on the longest and worlds best holiday, which will not be a five star holiday either!!


Diamond Member
I have lived on this earth for 56 years with no money and still I have been able to enjoy life and find nature's beauty for free.
Of course if someone gave me a million dollars I could find ways to spend it.

My mother always believed if you cannot be happy with no money, then you will not be happy with a lot.


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
It would change anybodies life. It would certainly make life alot lot easier.
Though i would split it up between myself and five children who are all over 18 so they could do as they wish.
As Svenagli said the amount would make a difference.
Though i would still do the same. As i can't work these days i would definately go for a holiday. Even if it was to one of the Islands in Nth q.L.D that would suit me fine.Some of the not so popular islands up there are like paradise.
That would do me fine if i could stay as long as i liked.

Miranda Fox

If I won Lotto :

I would keep working
Why because I enjoy seeing a man smile, seeing that I have helped someone through tough times ie a very down and out man, reckons until this day that I saved him. Because I cared, I dropped into to see him. Spent an afternoon with him back in December 2008, company and talking (no sex).
Monday night 20th July 09, I dropped in to say Hi.
He even bought me a gift to thank me.
A T-shirt that says "I'm not always Right, I'm just Never Wrong" on it.

Etc..... I enjoy travelling around and being available to brighten up someones day/night.
Makes me feel special.

What more would I want ? Have a sports car, love it until last night. When the Police asked me to turn off the fog/ driving lights. Excuse me ? I said. He said it is illegal to drive with Fog Lights on, except in bad weather, rain and fog. Or else I will write you a fine.

Lotto is a game of chance, either you have the Numbers or you don't.
Quick pick or your own numbers.

Good Luck if you play Lotto.
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Diamond Member
I wish more would help their fellow man/woman.
There are some who give acts of kindness to others to see their enjoyment. The reward seeing a smile on their face worth more millions of dollars.

The movie "Pass it on" was based on helping others and not expecting anything back in return.

But as I have already said but worth saying again. Showing acts of kindness does make one feel special that you were able to help someone.


take a break and do what i always fantasize doing .......travel ...visit the pyramids in egypt, the great wall in china, the amazon rain forests south america ...length and breadth of europe etc
after i am done with all that ...what next ...dont know never thought about it !


If I won lotto, I would go to uni full time for the rest of my life. Cruisy hours, your always learning new things, meeting new people and there's plenty of partying if that's your thing........one Powerball!!!!


An acquaintance of mine once pointed out to a few people that I knew that we should not ask those around us what they can do for us, but rather we should ask what we could do for those around us. That small change in thinking became one huge leap for me. A lottery would buy alot of freedom for someone to ask people what could be done for them.
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