• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Why don't the escorts at Langtrees take part in the forum anymore?


Gold Member
It's because there's nothing to fix anymore. No more drama. Just like a flood they come in, create a wake of demands/brainwashing. And leave a peaceful fixed forum. Cause women will never accept a male driven forum, correction a crude male driven forum.

Truthfully what sane person male/female will buy a product/service, on a basic "it's good" review. Demanding the customer abide by that rule. It's delusional, with why more and more men are turned off instead.


Legend Member
Neither of these 2 work at Langtrees?
I think the OP was talking generally about how there were moments when some punters were rude and disrespectful to a few WL's. I must say I'm happy those moments are gone.

Be Nice

Diamond Member
I think the OP was talking generally about how there were moments when some punters were rude and disrespectful to a few WL's. I must say I'm happy those moments are gone.
No, the OP asked why Langtree escorts aren't posting here anymore, he didn't ask anything about privates.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Because some of them get abused by some forum members. Eg Anisa Sage, Rugby Mermaid to name a couple.
That’s not good they are lovely.

Generally they can’t be bothered, but they can drum up a lot of business and provide members with a lot of fun.

Some ladies were here providing great threads in the golden era :)

Dood Deleted 66783

All I know is that if you go back into the archives of just about any forum on this board let's say 15 pages back or 10 years ago, you'll find the ladies took a lot more active part in the forum it seems and there was a lot more banter than now.


Legend Member
Gentle shit stirring was part and parcel of this forum It had regular posters Not afraid to put up differing opinions As others new there was no malice in most of the comments And that said posts often gently steered new members to quieter areas It was a breaker and a tool Someone got to riled a gentle tap with humour No need for heavy handed overseers to keep us in line

Except when Bepp Just HAD to piss of Miss Piggy (Eh MAK ? )

And most people simply enjoyed being in a forum of people with the intent of having some fun as well as looking for ":fun:" There are still a few relics around but the interaction is not anywhere near where it was

But it is nice to see some familiar names popping up Miss Piggy HP Obbie etc

Dood Deleted 66783

I vaguely recall that at one time the board (or MAK) had a policy that each escort had to contribute 2 posts a night.


Legend Member
One who i know has stopped commenting because of some nasty comments on her appearance . As happy 2 has said back when I first joined it was pretty much a fun site but had great reviews on it .


Legend Member
My experience with TS only goes back to 2016 so I'm almost a newbie still. I would say there were a lot more gentlemen rouges with a wicked sense of humour in my early experiences on TS. Good banter, people happy to laugh at themselves and wind others up in a good natured way. There was way more respect for each other (including WL's) and no one took sex or themselves too seriously. It would be great to get that vibe back as it would be a much nicer and safer place for ladies to be more active participants IMO.