• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Why do we wait till its too late?!!!!!!!!

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
On this uneventful afternoon I am sitting in my office buried in paperwork far out in the country. I send a text to check in on a friend who has returned to her home to be with her father who is not well. I am still in conversation with her. And I am crying quite uncontrollably as I tap into what she is feeling.

It has been known for a while that her father's illness is terminal. My friend has shared shades of the past where he was less than ideal as a father and husband. And at this point in time no one is by his side accept for this one daughter that returned home to be with him.

He is now at a point where he is just waiting out his last days............he has no knowledge or recognition of anyone or anything around him. Only his body is flickering on with its last few embers as they extinguish rapidly.

The thoughts that my friend are expressing to me is that she was a bad daughter....... I did not see that as she put herself through hell for the sake of providing for her family when it was not even necessary. She feels this way as she wants to tell him she loves him while no one else gives a damn anymore. She feels it is too late.............

I am only a human being and there is nothing I can say or do but tell her that it is not too late. Be there......his souls can see everything. Make his last days his best and just love him like you have been.

Right now I cannot stop my tears......I only ask that any one who is reading this to send a kind thought to my friend as she lives on with this memory. And a kind thought to her father as he passes over onto the next phase of his journey.

Thank you.....



Gold Member
Never to late to say I love you. But the receiver needs to let their heart and mind hear it and believe it.
today I feel the bad things done in life over rule the good that they have done.


Legend Member
Sorry to hear about your friend, Yoda. The only thing that can be done is to care for her father as best she can. Though he may not respond to his surrounding anymore, but he would know that she is around and caring for him.

There's not a best time to say the 3 words but now. He may not be physically conscious but somehow he would hear it.


Gold Member
Sadly the western culture is afraid of death and passing of a loved one.
Never part ways with your special partner feeling anger and hatred, always cherish them every day.
Hug them tell them how much they mean to you even if you feel like "killing" in a fight.
Do not let your last words be spoken in anger.
Hold their hand like you hold their heart,
Precious, with care.

I lost my wife to an IED in Afghanistan over 7years ago ( a nurse in the military) , my last words,,, be safe talk to you tomorrow.
Never again will I have the chance to tell her I love her, but I hope she knows.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Her father passed away 7:18pm tonight. She missed seeing him off because she was out of the room talking to me. I feel bad........

Please send her another kind thought.....

Thank you.


what you see is wat you get and alot more
Diamond Member
My condolences to your friend and you YODA, BEST WISHES, sometimes you just don't get the chance, Guess her being there may of helped.(I hope so)

Anthony G

Gold Member
I was on hard on myself when I lost my grandfather, Every time I think of him It makes me happy and sad I could have been there more and I cant change that now. I was not the grandson that I wanted to be I could not give him what I wanted but I know the love we had between each other was strong. Im sure his heaven and I hope I get to see him again, I'm trying but a man like that is not your average man but his given us something to live for I honour him by him being a part of me.