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Who needs to win lotto to be happy??


Legend Member
Sorry, but not me...
I`m already happy because...

I may not wear fancy clothes.

I may not have a 2 storey house.

I may not drive a big car.

I may not have a holiday every year.

I may not have 2 million dollars in the bank.

The reason I am happy...

Is because I have true friends,
If I could have one wish... It would be that everybody could be happy just like me... :hello:


While money doesn't necessarily make you happy (it wasn't that long ago that Christina Onassis - the world's richest woman at the time committed suicide), certainly being debt free can ease many of your problems.

I do think it's good to be as debt free as possible - the less debt, the less stress for most people. I worked for a media organization once where everyone was VERY UNhappy and they were all there because they all had huge debts to service ranging from huge housing loans to credit cards etc.

If they hadn't had these loans they could have walked at least even to something which may have paid less.
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Farm Boy

Its about like this I recon.

Mr Macawber said - 'Income 20 shillings, expenditure 20 shillings and sixpence, result misery. But income 20 shillings, expenditure 19 shillings and sixpence, result happiness'.Is this still true today


My life has always been great but over the course of a fair few years was in debt for 2 cars that cost a fortune to run massive credit card bill on stuff I wasted and stuck in a job I hated paying 35k p/a.

Was I happy, absolutely but one day something clicked and realised I had to make changes. A few years down the track I'm even happier. Sure I don't have a lazy mil in the bank and my mortgage is crazy for someone my age but it's a great feeling not having to worry about living week to week. It really does make you happier.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Well I wouldn't mind having a lazy mill from a lotto win but I already fail to qualify.......I don't buy tickets :)
I have never been lucky when it comes to winning money and I am pretty sure that the universe decided that I am one of the 'work hard for every cent' people. Fine with me......I am in a happy space.
For me health and happiness are going together. As long as I am healthy I am able to work myself out of whatever situation.
And yes BillyBones you can consider yourself happy. True friends is something money can't buy and there are not a lot around.

Have a happy day :)

Miss Delights

Diamond Member
Sorry, but not me...
I`m already happy because...

I may not wear fancy clothes.

I may not have a 2 storey house.

I may not drive a big car.

I may not have a holiday every year.

I may not have 2 million dollars in the bank.

The reason I am happy...

Is because I have true friends,
If I could have one wish... It would be that everybody could be happy just like me... :hello:

I totally agree with you Billy, but you left out the part where it was all because you have a huge dick!! LOL:laughing4:eek:ccasion14


The thing is - how many of us can claim to have TRUE friends. Most people I know say that when it comes to the crunch - they can barely name 3 GOOD sincere friends.

As Australia's population ages, there'll be LOTS of lonely and old people in the world.

Langtrees VIP Perth 2

Well, all I can say Billybones is that I envy you greatly and hope that your wish comes true!

Lisa xxx


Legend Member
I was taught years ago... Never feel envy, hate or anything that fits that description.

Life is short and we need to enjoy every moment of it...


Billy, sounds like you're growing a vagina :p

I look at money this way, your friends are awesome and you're happy right now but imagine winning lotto and or being well off enough to take the boys on a world tour partying in Prague, Berlin and Ibiza followed up with the Spearmint Rhino and Pure in Vegas. Surely you'd be even happier if you made it out alive :D
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Legend Member
Am I growing a vagina??
I actually heard someone today say look at that happy C... and look in my direction so maybe I am...

To win lotto and take my friends on a world party would indeed be a great dream but well, until that happens I`ll let myself be happy with what I have...


Am I growing a vagina??
I actually heard someone today say look at that happy C... and look in my direction so maybe I am...

To win lotto and take my friends on a world party would indeed be a great dream but well, until that happens I`ll let myself be happy with what I have...

you are pretty deep billybones:love10::love10:

Madam Jacqui

Madam @ Langtrees
Legend Member
Well said billybones i just love life. I wake up and thank God im alive another day. xxxxx


Bronze Member
Family, friends and health is what's needed to be happy. But gee money does help though as it gives you options.


Gold Member
Great response bushseeker. lol so true even the rich are miserable. I say be happy no matter what and put a positive spin on everything no matter what happens. But money yes would be great. I want to win tatslotto as that would mean holiday, freedom to choose, house, and healthy eating all the time. I suppose if you have some its not such an issue but if you dont have any money life can be tough.

Farm Boy

A big win.

A single British ticket-holder has scooped Europe's biggest lottery prize, winning £161 million ($A241 million).

The ticketholder, who has not been identified, will be the 430th richest person in Britain if they are not a member of a syndicate.

The winner matched all five main numbers and both the Lucky Star numbers to win the Euromillions jackpot at odds of 116 million to one.

A British National Lottery spokesman said: ''This is the biggest winner this country and Europe has ever seen and follows hot on the heels of the anonymous ticketholder who last October scooped £113 million.''

No details have ever been revealed about last October's Euromillions winner.


Money can't buy you happiness but it sure can rent it for a long time!

Jokes aside though, to me the definition of happiness is freedom i.e. you have the freedom to choose different things, walk away from debt or leave a job where you're unhappy, even pay for an operation you can't afford or help other people.

So... money helps you get that freedom. It's when you let it get to your head and then lose control that you're up the creek without a paddle. Look at so many sports personalities who are in trouble largely because they've money but don't know how to control their lives.


Yes, money can't really buy happiness...I truly agree with you billybones :headbang:

Perth boy

Our forum member happy2 is already happy



Legend Member
Our forum member happy2 is already happy

But I would be even Happier with a lotto win
I know everyone says I dont need a Million dollars But who among us does not buy a ticket in a $30 000 000 superdraw?
And if you dont want the Thirty mill there are a few forum members who are not too proud to accept a $1000000 worth of charity

Perth boy

But I would be even Happier with a lotto win
I know everyone says I dont need a Million dollars But who among us does not buy a ticket in a $30 000 000 superdraw?
And if you dont want the Thirty mill there are a few forum members who are not too proud to accept a $1000000 worth of charity

Yep I brought one. The win would help pay off a bit of the debt lol

Sandi Lang

Well, we know that money doesn't make anyone happy however it does pay the bills it makes lifes a hell of a lot easier
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