• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Where would you time travel to?

Selina Glitters

Bronze Member
As if I would limit myself to one historical or future event? I'd visit every possible era and every possible place. I love the looks in the 1930's though.





Another World Member
Legend Member
BAck to my early teens,try and change the course of my future ,mayb if i'd caught the 8.35am train to city instead of the 8.45am train mayb if i'd taken the left fork in the road instead of the right fork,Mayb i should've stopped at the stop sign when i got my P;s instead of going straight thru,,mayb things would be different now,in the future???????


Legend Member
I think it's a matter or when, not where. I would go back to the 80's and make a pot of gold and laughing all the way to the bonk.


Silicone parts are made for toys.
Gold Member
BAck to my early teens,try and change the course of my future ,mayb if i'd caught the 8.35am train to city instead of the 8.45am train mayb if i'd taken the left fork in the road instead of the right fork,Mayb i should've stopped at the stop sign when i got my P;s instead of going straight thru,,mayb things would be different now,in the future???????

Have you ever seen the movie - 'The Butterfly Effect'


Silicone parts are made for toys.
Gold Member
Loved it the movie. But didn't he just not exist in the end? Is that your point? 'cause it's a good one x x
The point was that in trying to make things better, he always ended making something else worse and that no matter how many times he tried, every attempt at trying to fix the past ended up worse than before. Until yes, he ultimately he chooses to not exist at all.

Try and change your future, learn to let go of the past.

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
The point was that in trying to make things better, he always ended making something else worse and that no matter how many times he tried, every attempt at trying to fix the past ended up worse than before. Until yes, he ultimately he chooses to not exist at all.

Try and change your future, learn to let go of the past.

Very good NP69, paradox's and consequences, not many peeps can fully understand a paradox. With that said, i would go back to the wild west USA or into the future say 200 years. Wonder what the responses for those choices will be :D


Silicone parts are made for toys.
Gold Member
Very good NP69, paradox's and consequences, not many peeps can fully understand a paradox. With that said, i would go back to the wild west USA or into the future say 200 years. Wonder what the responses for those choices will be :D

Soooo, you want to be Marty McFly?


Legend Member
Very good NP69, paradox's and consequences, not many peeps can fully understand a paradox. With that said, i would go back to the wild west USA or into the future say 200 years. Wonder what the responses for those choices will be :D
Whats the bet you would be very disappointed in the old wild west
I mean most of what we think we know comes out of Hollywood and those Spaghetti westerns
Bet being a Cobb and Co driver/rider would have been just as exhilarating if not more so as we have learned Our bush rangers werent the nice guys our early portrayals of them seemed to insist on


Silicone parts are made for toys.
Gold Member
Lol, Wyatt Earp ;) and the astronaut who was recovered in a space craft, forgot his name but his robot buddy went bedi beep and had an ai around his neck. Bugger, he wore white, and i forgot his name:D

Buck Rogers and god damn his female side kick used to give a boner as a young fella...


Silicone parts are made for toys.
Gold Member
Whats the bet you would be very disappointed in the old wild west
I mean most of what we think we know comes out of Hollywood and those Spaghetti westerns
Bet being a Cobb and Co driver/rider would have been just as exhilarating if not more so as we have learned Our bush rangers werent the nice guys our early portrayals of them seemed to insist on

Have you seen 'A million ways to die in the West'

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
Whats the bet you would be very disappointed in the old wild west
I mean most of what we think we know comes out of Hollywood and those Spaghetti westerns
Bet being a Cobb and Co driver/rider would have been just as exhilarating if not more so as we have learned Our bush rangers werent the nice guys our early portrayals of them seemed to insist on

I definitely do not believe the movie image in any way, no tech, no drugs to speak if for medicines lol, but there would be none of the rat race of today, a different one probably but i could live or die with that.

Selina Glitters

Bronze Member
The point was that in trying to make things better, he always ended making something else worse and that no matter how many times he tried, every attempt at trying to fix the past ended up worse than before. Until yes, he ultimately he chooses to not exist at all.

Try and change your future, learn to let go of the past.
It's a good point and the point I knew you were trying to make x x


Silicone parts are made for toys.
Gold Member
It's a good point and the point I knew you were trying to make x x

Wasn't thinking you didn't get it, I just realised that not everyone has seen the movie or read the book, so was just elaborating for those that didn't know what we were on about.


...the floor is lava
Legend Member
Too many really...
Just every decade ever in 1900's
and then some 18th C England, Some France, America... Australia

I'd like to see 28,000 bc
1000bc...the begining of stonehedge
spend some time in MesoAmerica...
Pre-Columbian America...

Just everything really...


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
Slightly off-topic, but let's drool over Erin Gray (as Wilma) some more. She was a big help giving that monkey a damn good thrashing in the early days.






(Checking out Buck's ray gun.)


(Creepy Twiki checking out her docking station. But she doesn't seem to mind.)