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When is it ok to blow??


Legend Member
When is it ok to blow??
Should it be in the privacy of your bedroom? or sitting on the toilet?? Maybe when taking a shower?? Does it really have to be discrete?
When is it ok to blow your nose??
I`m sure some of us men or perhaps ladies can relate.
Either after catching some flu or after working in a dusty environment all day our noses tend to get a little clogged and it`s always nice to be able to be able to unblock it but when is the best time??
Is there a quiet way to blow your nose without another house member telling you to shut up and commenting ewwwww that sounds gross??

Tania Admin

Better out than in! The body is trying to remove bacteria and germs from it so it can heal, obviously the dinner table at a restaurant is not a good place to blow, and some places minimal amount of noise is more polite, but if you got to blow, you've got to blow.


Legend Member
when is the best time to tell your family you love them? Blow it any which way you can. Blow and be excused. Have a loud blow in public. Have a nice stroll in the park and blow it all out. Blow when your rolling.


When I first read this post I Thought I was going to be about something different... I'd probably leave that type of blow to the bedroom
But when it comes to blowing my nose I blow when I need to and in any enviroment. Hopefully I have a tissue handy.


Someone once said of me, "You can tell he's a gentleman". My friend asked why. The other lady replied, "Well, when he blew his nose, he didn't look into the contents of the handkerchief like most Aussie guys!"


Legend Member
Why do they call it blow When they snort that white powder up there nose Seems counter to its name to me


Perhaps you could try some happy2 to find out. You might be happy3 after that.


Legend Member
Perhaps you could try some happy2 to find out. You might be happy3 after that.

I have enough trouble trying to use a nasal spray let alone drugs Colzilla And knowing my friends they would replace the stuff with laundry powder anyway So I will settle for being the Happy one who is Happy2 leave it to others to get happy on hard drugs


Inside a beautiful lady............oops...Blow Nose...anytime, anywhere......pref outside, discreetely..twice daily in the shower should suffice !!


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
LOL I wish I would get a chance to blow my nose. Honestly my colds must be the most annoying ones because what other people might blow occasionally in a tissue is running constantly out of my eyes and nose. Not pretty.......I can tell you...... and long lasting.
Sniff Sniff Sniff.........



Legend Member
I really thought this thread was going to be about something else to start with, I see it went that way anyway.


I think that is one of the joys of this site MissInsatiable&MrMuscle ( Thats a long name I may if you dont mind Abbreviate to MIMM)
A thread starts one way and can take multiple turns

Tania Admin

I think that is one of the joys of this site MissInsatiable&MrMuscle ( Thats a long name I may if you dont mind Abbreviate to MIMM)
A thread starts one way and can take multiple turns

Isn't that the truth!!!!


Someone once said of me, "You can tell he's a gentleman". My friend asked why. The other lady replied, "Well, when he blew his nose, he didn't look into the contents of the handkerchief like most Aussie guys!"

Well now I know where I have been going wrong... :)