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What's the dirtiest job you've had?


Diamond Member
What's the dirtiest job you've had? No no, not talking about blowjobs. lol :laughing4

Was watching the tv show Dirty jobs on foxtel. San Fransisco Dump and Pig slop processor were some the host tried his hand at. How about Dirty Jobs: Docking Sheeps Castrate Testicles with Teeth?


Farmboy or H2 is this common?


Docking Cattle (bulls) horns working in the cattle yards.....get sprayed with blood, and dust !!! Fun...


Legend Member
Worst job I had was at a local pub in Gero
And cleaning out the ladies toilet was the worst There may well been chunder and urine all over the place in the "Gents "
But the sheilas dunny !! Sugar and spice and everything nice my Arse


Every job is a dirty job as far as I'm concerned.
Not working at all is the perfect job.


Legend Member
Nah colzilla I love my job except for seeding ,spraying ,shearing, drenching ,muelsing ,fencing Machine maintenance ,water carting otherwise it is a perfect job with a few exceptions Like....


"The working class can kiss my arse. I have a bludgers job at last" Sung to the tune of 'The Red Flag'


The dirtiest job I've ever done but for all that I found it rewarding; was working as a hospital orderly/care assistant in a palliative care ward some years ago.

These people were dying and they knew it. But the doctors, nurses and I helped to make their lives as pleasant and non-painful as possible. Some were weak, others comatose. The dirty bit? Well, often I had to wipe their soiled bums for them and while doing it, they'd still shit and have little control. The nurses and I would also bathe them, feed them. If they were conscious, they'd apologize profusely but I'd tell them it was alright - because it was. They'd be too weak to go to the toilet or incapable or in some cases comatose. Palliative and hospice care isn't about dying per se but dying with dignity and not in pain which is where painkillers come in.

The most satisfying thing once was a lady who'd no living relatives, her neighbour was the executor of her will. I held her hand while she was going. She talked to me for a while, fell asleep and then woke up and her last words to me were, "thank you for looking after me". She went back to sleep and a few hours later, she passed on.

The part of the job I hated was coming into work most mornings to find out that patient X I'd spoken to had passed on the night before. The best part was knowing that I made their last few weeks on this planet as dignified and pain free as possible.

There were a couple of retards who laughed at me once when I was at a new workplace and said what some of the duties I had to perform were. And I said the same thing to both and they kept quiet - "Yes, the nurses and I wiped bums and cleaned dicks and vaginas and washed people. You laugh now - but it could be your mum or your dad and you'd be grateful we do it."


Gold Member
Cleaning out the blocked sewer at our shearing shed..... literally got covered in shit. Won heaps of praise, but wouldn't like to have to do it again. And it wasn't sheep shit


Legend Member
Cleaning out the blocked sewer at our shearing shed..... literally got covered in shit. Won heaps of praise, but wouldn't like to have to do it again. And it wasn't sheep shit

I know where you are coming from Bushbabe Sheepdags are fine Pig crap on the other hand (Excuse the wording) is another story
If as they say Pigs are very similar to us in so many ways I will be ready for cleaning out my adult diaper in a few years


Silver Member
Absolutely not.. You would of had to pay extra for that :nono:

Mind you I was let go for giving away too many freebies.. Whoopsies! :D


I think my skin is to white for me to be a McDonalds employee these days.