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What porn excites you?


Diamond Member
There is so much porn available these days on the net and on CD's. I prefer to see the actors with their clothes on for at least a few minutes so I can enjoy imagining what they will look like naked. Also I enjoy how clothes can excite by showing a glimpse of cleavage or a flash of inner thigh.

Alas some the couples have their clothes off in seconds a feat almost impossible in real life. If they tore the clothes off each other it would be passable. Okay enough of me, what do you think?


Gold Member
Hi Bluegrass,

Great question and I can't wait to hear what everyone else has to say.

First, I'm gonna start with the things that I HATE seeing in porn.

1. Spitting on any body part (this is why God created lube)
2. Hideous fake nails, don't get me wrong fan of fake nails, just think they should look natural.
3. Girls gagging - I'm sorry, but this is just not sexy.
4. Girls looking straight at the camera and obviously playing for it, it's too contrived.

So what do I like, perhaps you might think from my observations not a lot, however I have seen the odd clip or two that has been really hot.

When the actors appear to be genuinely getting into it, when it doesn't appear fake or contrived. I find group scenes to be extremely hot, and I also like seeing multi-sexuality porn, that is, guys that will be with both a girl and a guy in the same setting is very appealing to me. I'm not so much for girl on girl porn, I find it a bit boring after a while.

Can't wait to hear everyone elses likes and dislikes.



Porna, arrgghhh. Wherea isa the-a imagination-a in-a the sex-a acta gonna? Nowa some-a offa the paintingsa froma my-a time-a werra veria errotic-a. Full-a ofa lifea. The reproductive-a acta issa abouta lifea. Soa nowa thata some offa the-a boundaries-a offa portrayinga the-a acta have beena eliminated-a, lets-a see-a a betterra, imagianitivea portrayla offa whata isa anna extremelya beuatifula acta.


Foundation Member
Hmm!! I tried watching porn vids but found them strangely unexiting once the novelty wore off. After all, there are only so many ways of "doing it".

My favourites were Asia Carrera (before her boob-job) , Stephanie Swift and more recently Nila and Lily Thai. (Yes, I know, they are all Asiatic the classic blue-eyed blonde with overstuffed boobs just turns me off)

I am actually more interested in Playboy style stuff these days as it depicts beautiful women without the crassness of the current anal-obsessed Yankee porn.


Diamond Member
I have to admit as a rule I prefer european porn as the ladies look healthy and have small breasts. Being a farm boy at heart I was taught big breasts are only found on animals requiring milking. Of course variety is the spice of life and sometimes more than a mouth full is required and other times any more than a mouth-full a waste.

It is interesting in Amsterdam the main buyers of porn are the tourists. I have to admit with most porn after seeing it a few times you need to buy a new one.
Many years ago I met Ginger Lyn and she signed a photo of her for me. She is very beautiful and also a very clever lady.


I like short clips, less than ten minutes, with some dialogue and the actors start dressed. It has to be erotic, good quality and appear natural.

If it looks mechanical, overacted or the people seem bored I switch off.


i remeber watching a sqirt scene with cythera years ago...just in a random drunken night with my mates, that girl made us laugh...but now years later i saw her again and wondered how the hell does she do that??
she looks like she is actually cumming when it happens...

porn in general makes me laugh, but i dont mind watching it with someone, can make for an interesting night...im so not into the anal scenes thou, its just not that easy in real life and i think guys all expect it to be that easy...just regualar sex between 2 (or more) people who look like they are actually enjoying it turns me on!


Gold Member
Hey cowgirl,

My hubby has a bit of squirting porn, he is a fan. And I have to be honest, I used to think that it was either mocked up or they were just pissing. I didn't think it was real, urban myth.

Then one night, just by accident, I happened to do it. Once it happened once, it happens all the time now, much to hubby's delight and it does give a girl yet another variance to her orgasms. We're so lucky being able to have that many different kinds one after the other. I always say it's our reward for having periods and having babies and, oh yeh, loving men. :)



HI Swingingstories, Yeah it's a huge turn on when you have a girl that does squirt and its something no girl can fake.

As far as porn movies go, I agree with Sven they can get very boring. I would have to say my favourite porn actress these days would be CHARMANE STAR.
Took many movies but she finally did an anal scene. Guess someone offered her a huge amount of money..


Gender Dyslexic
Foundation Member
Male to Female Porn to me is (don't hate me) boring, Male to Male porn ... haven't seen any so couldn't say a yes or a no to it. Transsexual Porn ... don't rightly understand why but it does cause a reaction. hmmm i guess that makes porn visual Viagra?


Diamond Member
I always thought squirting just a con. I too thought it was just pissing. So how does one teach one to squirt as they do in the movies? I do not find it exciting but more alarming. I guess you have to change the sheets all the time. However it appears the ladies enjoy doing it.


bLUEGRASS9 I don't think you can teach a girl to squirt. Some can just do it naturally well that's the only wat it can hapen.
I myself have had 2 parteners that used to do it with me but not everybody else we had sex together with did they do it.

Even a w/l i used to see regulary used to squirt and to be honest she was about the best at doing it. I used to always make her lay back and enjoy what i did with my tounge.
That would always bring her to an orgasm where she would squirt,awesome i loved it and she knew it so didn't mind one bit that i did it. Of course i used to always have at least 2 towels under her.
As once she had squirted and we started fucing she would always squirt more,especially while i was fucing her then pulled my cock out of her and put my mouth right on her clit, which used to send her crazy and squirt more and more.

I will never forget one afternoon she had cum a few times and squirtted a few times as well, but this afternoon she had said she had only come into see me as she had other things to do earlier. So after a really hot session of oral on her and plenty of juice every where. I put her up on her knees near the side of the bed so i could fuc her doggy style, well she was that horny that soon as i got my cock deep inside her she began to weep (SQUIRT) and this kept happening everytime i got deep in her.

After about 45minutes of doing this she was making me so horny i exploded with one of the strongest orgasms i have ever had. She asked me was i ok as i was completely breathless. Though managed to reply yeah that was just awesome. She also said the same and had never experienced that sort of thing ever before for that long.
I do believe she was genuine about that as we had a great understanding of each other. Maybe to much as we had to stop seeing each other as we were becomming very very close. Though it was a very sad for it to end like that.. very true story...


Diamond Member
Thank you stormline sharing with us your story. Yes I do believe you and now also believe in the art of squirting. I found your post very good reading and you have answered all my questions. Thank you.


Diamond Member
Yes MovesInSilence I find porn all I need and therefore no point taking viagra. I have to admit the TV and the world around us is full of visual viagra. Maybe it is just my fault being over sexed-but I would have it no other way.


Hey Stormline,
Yes, I did say I was not going to be here, but I had an email that dragged me back--well at least this time.

So I read your post, and like Bluegrass, I found your post very interesting (as always).

But you know, maybe your relationship with your squirting friend doesn't have to be over. Like your logo says, "it's never permanent".

I had a similar situation to you (but without the squirting, unfortunately). We got too close and it all started to go unstable. But, just like controlling vehicles, if it goes unstable then the first thing to do is "take your hands off the controls". Make some space. Gently put your hands back on the controls and try again.

Of course, you both have to want it. And if you both do want it, then after a few gentle gentle gentle trials, you should start getting the hang of the closeness.
Thanks again for a fantastic post.

Yes, I am only an email away, and I don't mind coming back--from a position of a little space--with my hands gently on the controls. But in general I will not be looking here (unless I get another email of course)
Best wishes


Foundation Member
Movesinsilence i have some tranny porn and must admit it really excites me.so much so i'd love to hook up with a trans at some stage.


Diamond Member
Yes Link83 is right. One never knows what tomorrow will bring but we can point it into the right direction. Alas I am not a pilote as Link83 but we do not have to have a perfect landing every time. I often have bumpy landings and I am still here to enjoy life.

Maybe just a phone call like the song, "Hello" by Stevie Wonder.and your life may be wonderful again.



Hi link, Unfortunately there has been alot of space but its very doubtfull it will ever happen again as much as i would luv it to and probably her as well.

One day fate might have it we bump into each other in the streets of perth one day.
I have often thought about that and what would be said?
Though since its very very rare i go into city so that would be a very unlikely scenario.
I look at life like this if its meant to happen it will, if not then thats how it's meant to be

She leads a very very private life and i certainly wouldn't overstep that boundry.
Some you win,some you loose and some you have to leave behind and unfortunately thats very much how it has to be...
Thanks link for dropping back in and saying hello, it's nice to know your not to far away....


Bronze Member
im a big fan of homemade male female porn dont know what it is jus seems to be that bit more of an edge to it..


Got to agree with Svengali on this one, sometimes it can be like watching Ken and Barbie going at it.
I did see some homemade movies a couple of years back and found them to be more natural and interestingly more exciting!


Gold Member
Hi all,

Just a quick response to stormline's comment about teaching a girl to squirt. I can assure from personal experience that you can definitely teach a girl to squirt. But it probably takes another girl to do it. Could be wrong on that, but we're the ones who know what the sensation feels like and what muscles need relaxing, and can also help out with the head space required too.



Hubby and I took the time to learn together...... not sure that "teaching a girl to squirt" is quite the right phrase but getting there can be an awesome experience!!!
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Diamond Member
Thank you TemptMe for your post. Yes now I am excited! Have you a list of directions for me to follow to have my wife reach that squirt?


TO Swiningstories, So did a girl teach you how to squirt or did you relise if someone turned you on enough usually by tounge you could do it?
Be very interesting to know how you were taught. The few girls that i have had the pleasure of making them squirt,spurt or gush just said it just came natural to them.
Though as you say you are a women so you should know.

I guess i had a good teacher when it comes to using my tounge. yes i know you can achive it thru good sex as well.
When i was with my last ex we would always have a few towels on the bed as she used to go right off, though finding a working lady to go that far is abit of a rarity,guess i was lucky in that area as well. Could ad more to that part but no need..


Gold Member
Hey stormline,

Ok, well how I learned to do it was, as you say, it just happened. Actually kind of a funny story. I spent four months of last year very ill with pneumonia, chest infections, bronchitis, etc etc. One night, whilst having sex with my husband, right at that pivotal moment, I coughed. And both of us looked at each other, and he said, what was that, and I said, I think I just gushed. So as we continued I just realised the juxtaposition of tension and relaxation required, and in the following couple of days I experimented with understanding the feeling and when precisely to let go, and now I have to actually work to hold back in certain circumstances.

As for "teaching", well, I must explain without breaking any confidences. The feeling right before you gush, bears some similarity to the feeling of needing to pee. I realised that for a long time I had been rushing off to the toilet immediately after sex, or sometimes actually stopping mid-way and going to the toilet, and when (what I thought was) peeing I would have these surprise orgasms. I don't think I was actually peeing, I think I was already gushing, but had been holding it back because I didn't want to pee on my partner.

When I realised that it's actually a uniquely different feeling of ecstatic pressure, and that the fluid that comes out is not pee (I know, I've tasted it), rather it is the sweetest without being sickly tasting liquid (not salty and thick like boy cum), it freed my inhibitions to experience orgasms completely differently to before.

And so whilst you can do the physical things with a girl that will get her to the point of gushing, if she is inhibited mentally in some areas, she may not be able to let go sufficiently to gush. That's the bit that really only a girl can help another girl with, because we understand the head space. That was the circumstance I enjoyed with a friend, was talking with her first and then creating a safe environment where she could relax enough to let it happen. I guess it's more explanation and then opportunity, rather than teaching.

Disclaimer: The aforementioned experiences have been mine alone and allow totally for other goddesses to have experienced it differently.



Hi SwingingStories Thanks for telling some of your private stuff, I for one appriciated your explanation. Happy that you are enjoying the moment so much more.

The One

Silver Member
I agree with Skier 2, I love homemade amateur porn, public fucking, webcam strips that type of thing. I get very bored with 'normal' staged and filmed porn, excpet for tranny porn, i enjoy that..