• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


Easy going πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›
Diamond Member

I just saw this movie and I'm shocked. The film follows the spread of a virus transmitted when sick humans touch surfaces and leave the virus behind that others can catch. Next comes the frantic attempts by public health officials to identify and contain the disease, the anarchy that unfolds amid a pandemic, and the ultimate introduction of a vaccine to stop the spread. Sound's like a plot we're in the middle of ?

How come a movie that released almost a decade ago, become reality 😱😱😱

Do you think that's because of human behaviors destroying natural habitats or just coincidence or we were created a story for our future or is that true time travel exists ??? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”


Sexty8 - you do me , and then I owe you one!
Diamond Member
I think its consistent with other viruses/plagues...unhygienic practices and animals helping spread and contagion. Once infected its easy for our socialising to spread it, just like the movie...


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Definitely not the truth and majority of women don't think so either. It isn't about a sex it's the whole damn human race.

Really. Women don't have to be constantly told the same thing, over and over and over again, which happens in my job.....


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Thats not what this was about. And I've worked with women who have to be told the exact same thing over and over and the they get the πŸ’©s on.


Tania Admin

50% of the people caught breaking their quarantine are female....


Bronze Member
Its not great but i feel the media has ran with the whole thing pretty hard so we think its worse than it is clean ya hands and stay home if ya feeling unwell!!


Bronze Member
Oh... Why is it today? That we can all stick up for men and everything is rosy, but as soon as we stick up for females and femininity the conversation goes off the rails. why is that? This blows me away.

Its not great at all but im all for wonen doing great things! They made sex the amazing thing it is today with out that it would be purely to increase population! Its such a big part of everyones lives in many many ways!!


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
You're constantly creating gender wars in non-gender topics. Keep blowing yourself away.

Buddy, Today people would sooner be told a pack of lies and are so conditioned to accept those willingly, than be told the truth because of a pack of so called Gentlemen in suits are so kindly so knowledgeable of what the audience actually wants rammed down their throats.

<-- Watch that his reply is 100% perfect!

Tania Admin

Oh... Why is it today? That we can all stick up for men and everything is rosy, but as soon as we stick up for females and femininity the conversation goes off the rails. why is that? This blows me away.
Because I'm not sticking up for either but you are a man who to often acts like a bra burning feminist from the hairy armpit brigade. You really don't help our cause with a lot of your rants.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Because I'm not sticking up for either but you are a man who to often acts like a bra burning feminist from the hairy armpit brigade. You really don't help our cause with a lot of your rants.

I may be what say, but I stand behind Women, I am a 100% Feminist, your cause I will 100% back, support, fight and even die for, that's how much I believe in Feminism and Femininity and Females in General. I have always backed/Supported Women no matter what, and always will, all my friends both Females and Males alike know my stance here including my own Family. Some may call that Pussy Whipped but hey I call it Backing and Supporting the Planets best resource and treasure . Not Gold, Lithium, or any other mineral in the Earth. But the creature that gives and brings life into the world. Yes


Now that everyone on here knows my stance including you maybe you can accept what and who I am and what I believe in please and allow my right to be like that.

Thank you!

Tania Admin

I may be what say, but I stand behind Women, I am a 100% Feminist, your cause I will 100% back, support, fight and even die for, that's how much I believe in Feminism and Femininity and Females in General. I have always backed/Supported Women no matter what, and always will, all my friends both Females and Males alike know my stance here including my own Family. Some may call that Pussy Whipped but hey I call it Backing and Supporting the Planets best resource and treasure . Not Gold, Lithium, or any other mineral in the Earth. But the creature that gives and brings life into the world. Yes


Now that everyone on here knows my stance including you maybe you can accept what and who I am and what I believe in please and allow my right to be like that.

Thank you!
Yes but what you say isn't necessarily always correct or beneficial to our cause. As a woman I have the right to say that.
Sometimes you have it wrong and/or are very discriminating towards men. Equality isn't running the other sex down.

John Smithl

Legend Member
I may be what say, but I stand behind Women, I am a 100% Feminist, your cause I will 100% back, support, fight and even die for, that's how much I believe in Feminism and Femininity and Females in General. I have always backed/Supported Women no matter what, and always will, all my friends both Females and Males alike know my stance here including my own Family. Some may call that Pussy Whipped but hey I call it Backing and Supporting the Planets best resource and treasure . Not Gold, Lithium, or any other mineral in the Earth. But the creature that gives and brings life into the world. Yes


Now that everyone on here knows my stance including you maybe you can accept what and who I am and what I believe in please and allow my right to be like that.

Thank you!
Again, read Tania's response and digest it fully.

This thread is about a film predicting the current Covid19 pandemic situation.

Suggest you start your own gender thread.
A 100% feminist is a belief in your mind and your own creation - not who you are, how is it working for you?
What you are is 100% human.

John Smithl

Legend Member

I just saw this movie and I'm shocked. The film follows the spread of a virus transmitted when sick humans touch surfaces and leave the virus behind that others can catch. Next comes the frantic attempts by public health officials to identify and contain the disease, the anarchy that unfolds amid a pandemic, and the ultimate introduction of a vaccine to stop the spread. Sound's like a plot we're in the middle of ?

How come a movie that released almost a decade ago, become reality 😱😱😱

Do you think that's because of human behaviors destroying natural habitats or just coincidence or we were created a story for our future or is that true time travel exists ??? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”
I feel that human behaviours are unsustainable and misaligned with nature. Too many people doing too much consumerism, comfort, distractions and convenience due to economy based on profit and not people's overall wellbeing. We have to start will ourselves.

Education and health are key.

Interesting times ahead.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Yes but what you say isn't necessarily always correct or beneficial to our cause. As a woman I have the right to say that.
Sometimes you have it wrong and/or are very discriminating towards men. Equality isn't running the other sex down.

As a Woman you have the ultimate power, All women need to do is stop having children. Simple.