• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

What do you guys think.........


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
There was something on TV last night (or the night before) about male contraception pill. Unfortunately I missed half of it and got only a few comments at the end.
Now I am sure this topic has been discussed before but hence they mentioned it on TV and it sounded like they are not far away from releasing one, I would like to know what you guys think about the pill for the modern male?
Would you take it?


Gold Member
Speaking as someone who suffers from partial ED (which is very frowned upon by so many doctors I've personally met; considering my age), I'd say no.

After just reading about it @ Askmen's and I don't know how to put it. A pill that somehow reduces sperm altogether (seriously, zero..) "whilst retaining sexual characteristics of a male"? How and what happen if one were to orgasm? Minus the cum? Personally IMO it wouldn't be natural if that were to happen. To me it just doesn't make sense.

Long term socio-economic wise - I would consider this as nothing more than an opening a political invitation for the hardcore feminism to further their craziness and all. Any scientific discoveries that restricts, or limits any naturalistic instinct of a man WOULD ALWAYS be under their radar. I bet they'd be excited in seeing this.


Reading some of the quotes in the articles I've quickly read so far:

"The tests suggest there would be no side-effects on men’s sexual or general health, despite concerns that the approach could affect blood pressure. Dr Ventura said the only “stumbling block” was likely to be the reduced volumes of fluid ejaculated.

“Some men might worry about that,” he said. “But a lot of women might think it was better, not as messy as normal.”

In addition, it does not protect against AIDS and other STDs. Many health professionals worry that its introduction could increase the spread of these diseases by reducing the role of the condom.

Will it affect men's ability to have children in the future?It is completely reversible. In the preliminary trials, the sperm concentrations of all 66 men returned to pre-study levels within 16 weeks.


16 weeks who wants to wait that long?

Thus IMO - What a waste of money over a medical invention that still doesn't even address the crisis of our lifetime. When I'm ready to buy my ETF stocks folio I'd steer away from whoever companies making this.

Tania Admin

Male contraception pills will not stop stds. No offence guys but a lot of younger men will be silly enough to throw it around unprotected because they fear getting a lady pregnant more than they do diseases.


Legend Member
Contraceptive pills for male? Like some of you mentioned above, if you been wearing your cap and continue to wear them, then theres no need for it.

If you meet a lovely lady for 1 night stand, you would want to wear the cap anyway for the safety of both parties.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Guess it is more aimed at the long term relation ships when partners do have unprotected sex. I have to admit that it would need some time to get used to for a female as in trusting that the other side is really taking the pill as the doctor ordered.
But at the end of the day.....why not!!!!!!!! Talking about health risks or interference with the body.........we do have to deal with them too. The pill, IUD, injections.........you name it they all have an impact on our body and a lot of women struggle with it. So only because we had to deal with it since contraception started doesn't mean we can't share it.
Modern times, gentlemen, go with the flow !!!!!!!


Legend Member
It is only going to work in a trusted committed relationship
As Tania says There are going to be more disease around because some fellas are going to believe contraception is the only reason a franger is used


Legend Member
I'd 100% use it if I needed to but as I had the snip I have the ultimate contraception. After 14 yrs of child support payments I wasn't letting that risk go to someone else again. Yes I still need to glove up for casual encounters but when in a proper relationship I can go unprotected with peace of mind.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
It is only going to work in a trusted committed relationship
As Tania says There are going to be more disease around because some fellas are going to believe contraception is the only reason a franger is used
Very true and I don't say for one second it could be useful for our industry without a condom. But it most certainly is an consideration for a long term monogamy driven and condom free relation ship.......if something like this exists in the real world.


Gold Member
It is only going to work in a trusted committed relationship

Hmm.. interesting that there are those who thinks this *should* work only within a committed, firm-&-final, long-term relationship.

To me and my opinion only though - I think it's still somewhat contradictory.

Think about it. When you're in a long term relationship you're bound to trust one another. It's trust. Commitment. That's it. Isn't that what relationships are all about? Let go of all your defenses and just be and trust one another.

Simple common sense - if she's just in the mood for just "casual unprotected sex* but nags the guy to take the pill. Well hello - there you go, simply a big clue giveaway that somewhere between these two folks - trust is lacking.

I'd like to first reassure anyone that this is just me and my opinion - Hell - it would take a lot for a lady to convince me to take it; that is, if I ever end up in a long term relationship....


Legend Member
It sounds dodgy...it probably has lots of side effects that they'll only discover when all the men get sick and then they'll have to pull it after its already done a bunch of damage!
Most of us will get sick and we'll have to pull it?
Most of us do that even if we are well Lexiexxx


When it come to medical science and doctor$ my BS meter hits red alert.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy Great Question Rochelle;- does a monogamy driven and condom free relation ship exists in the real world????????
If anyone knows off one;- let us Know
Cheers and Pass the Rum

Very true and I don't say for one second it could be useful for our industry without a condom. But it most certainly is an consideration for a long term monogamy driven and condom free relation ship.......if something like this exists in the real world.


I'm guessing that you're sexy.

Could it be that one individual who is both sexy and has a GSOH really exist... surely not.


I haven't tried a newbie for yonk$ and you're way beyond what Mr Ca$h usually allows. But I'm tempted... seeing as you've been so nice.

I'm one of those punters who feels obliged to come back if I've had a good time. Plus it beats being married.

Speculate to accumulate.


I do have a strict no w/l's under 30 policy but 28 is getting into the close enough is good enough type of territory.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy Bro Col, You really need to re-think your w/l under 30 policy, surely there are "exceptions"
Cheers Bro and pass the Rum
I do have a strict no w/l's under 30 policy but 28 is getting into the close enough is good enough type of territory.


Ahoy! Captain I've met a few good young one$ of late... I'm not to sure what's going on.

Perhaps my grey hairs make me more dignified.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy Bro Col;- Yeeeee Arrrrrrr in the Richard Geer phase of your life, If you show them MrCash, they will come LOL



I've never really like Julia. A bargain basement rate I may be tempted.

And were was Mr Gere's pet gerbil in that chick flick..


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
"Think about it. When you're in a long term relationship you're bound to trust one another. It'strust. Commitment. That's it. Isn't that what relationships are all about? Let go of all your defenses and just be and trust one another."

That sounds rather scary............I love my defenses.

I do believe monogamy is a myth and a relation ship can only be happy/successful when both parties are aware of the fact that it is a myth.
I do believe that you can have admittetly sex with another person and still be in a happy relation ship......without telling lies and secrets. The root of all evil is jealousy.


Gold Member
I do believe monogamy is a myth and a relation ship can only be happy/successful when both parties are aware of the fact that it is a myth.
I do believe that you can have admittetly sex with another person and still be in a happy relation ship......without telling lies and secrets. The root of all evil is jealousy.

I've been naive enough to discover mid to 3/4 of this year to that after all this short two decades+ of life so far to have known that monogamy is simply nothing more than an acquired religion. Well in any way; or in any form anyone would look at it - everyone has to admit at some point that it is instilled in us only as a way to keep some sort of "tradition".

Humans are meant to evolve & adapt to free will. But there is always something that creates jealousy / inequality. what I believe even more is that these two in itself are unfortunately derived from just one invented "instrument" we worked off so hard for in an economic sense...well we can all guess what that is :).

Anyway, back to this crazy invention - it still doesn't make sense. Well not to me anyway :). I'd better not bring this up next time I'm in LT, 've said enough; me thinks.


Legend Member
Hail Mr Ca$h. Your not the root of all evil. The human mind in all its complexity over think a non-issue makes it into an epic pain in the butt.