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What do women really want?

Evita Maxwell

Silver Member
What do women really want?

I believe I may have just provided an insight into the male psyche and a question blokes have been asking themselves since the beginning of time. And guess what dudes? I have the answer for you.

I know what you’re thinking, no this is not a hoax. There’s no weird cream for your genitals, a six-step payment system and there’s not even a manual to follow.

There’s one thing above all else that will make a woman want you. It’s simply a matter of lips — yours not hers (slow down champ). The sure fire way to get yourself laid? LEARN. TO. KISS.

Apologies for the anticlimax (which bad kissers would be well accustomed to) but since smooching is such a simple act, guys so often overlook its importance. This is where the male species go terribly wrong. Never, ever underestimate the power of a good pash.

Wilde Amanda

Silver Member
Evita, you really have put up some great posts this week. Yes Yes Yes. Give me a good kisser and I'll give him anything!! It's so exciting to be kissed sensationally.

Kissing is an art form and in my experience Frenchmen & women are the world leaders!! Believe me I've kissed a lot of people and attended kissing workshops galore. There are not many peeps who are really good at it and a lot of Aussie older blokes, (as a generalisation), hardly give it a second thought. They glue themselves to your mouth with such force & shove their tongues so far down your throat you're almost gagging. Now most women really despise this and do talk about how important kissing is, especially the first taste. It can actually make or break getting to know someone and can end the relationship in an instant.

Women talk about kissing and what is really important to them. I'm not so sure the fella's out there ever discuss kissing amongst themselves but perhaps they would be smart to talk to their next intended date about what she likes. How does she like to be kissed. It is something we can all learn to do well. Don't be shy now, just ask and share mutual pleasure from a kiss. Who knows where it will go next. xoxoA

kneaded relief

Gold Member
Passionate kissing is an art, 17 years ago I got into an affair with a lady in Sydney,now this was no ordinary lady,she taught me the art of passionate kissing without love making to follow,when we caught up,we kissed n kissed like there was no tomorrow and mouths attached for like 15 mins nonstop,in such a way that only the tips of our tongues explored the sensitive area inside,which in turn stired up so much excitement in our private areas ,she would get so wet and I a woody harder than rosewood,the way to kiss is not hard ,it should never be rushed,take time to enjoy it with pleasure for its very very rewarding.Cheer Edwin


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
I love to kiss though am quite choosy with whom I indulge in DFK these days. Proud and happy to report I am definitely not an oral vacuum, more of a 'sensual teaser' as one lady called me once, before she ripped our clothes off... Always leave 'em wanting more is an applicable maxim here.

Miss Amanda et al, perhaps you could list some tips on how you like to be kissed, as a quid pro quo for ours on the perfect happy ending? Especially if you've attended 'kissing workshops galore'! Then we could swap exams (including practica). ;)

Missy Myers

Gold Member
I love being with someone who kisses the way I like. Not to much tongue at first, gently and soft. Then hard and cannibalistic to end with.

Wilde Amanda

Silver Member
Passionate kissing is an art, 17 years ago I got into an affair with a lady in Sydney,now this was no ordinary lady,she taught me the art of passionate kissing without love making to follow,when we caught up,we kissed n kissed like there was no tomorrow and mouths attached for like 15 mins nonstop,in such a way that only the tips of our tongues explored the sensitive area inside,which in turn stired up so much excitement in our private areas ,she would get so wet and I a woody harder than rosewood,the way to kiss is not hard ,it should never be rushed,take time to enjoy it with pleasure for its very very rewarding.Cheer Edwin
Ooooh Edwin, I'm getting horny just reading your post. When are you coming into Langtrees to give me a demo?

I love to kiss though am quite choosy with whom I indulge in DFK these days. Proud and happy to report I am definitely not an oral vacuum, more of a 'sensual teaser' as one lady called me once, before she ripped our clothes off... Always leave 'em wanting more is an applicable maxim here.

Miss Amanda et al, perhaps you could list some tips on how you like to be kissed, as a quid pro quo for ours on the perfect happy ending? Especially if you've attended 'kissing workshops galore'! Then we could swap exams (including practica). ;)
I would certainly need to explore your lips sensually with a nibble here and there...slowly building up....then softly teasing down...variety of pressure, depth, intensity. How about we explore these and more options with aim for a perfectly Happy Ending at the VIP lounge XLNC sometime soon. xo A
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Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
3 Animals..

A Jaguar in the carport
A Tiger in the bedroom
A jackass to pay for it all!!

what do men want, I shall unzip my fly.... hehehhehe

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
What women want, they will get but only if the men know what the women want so women need to tell the men to give the women what they want else the women will not get what the women want and the men will never know what the women want, pardon!!


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
If I ask some Girl Friends what women actually want, I get this at times, "stop reading cosmo" Women don't know what women want, you then ask a beautiful woman what she wants and she says" I want a man to come up and talk to me" but they don't because men are scared of beautiful women, and think she is already attached" Then you get the larger types women that say "I would love to be a little smaller" I guess all what women really want is:

To Be healthy
To have a decent job
To have a decent house or home and family to come home to
To be asked how her day was
To be cuddled and kissed, and told she is wanted and desired
To have a back massage and foot/neck massage at the end of her week
To have her man know how she takes her tea and or coffee
To be loved, to be held and to be listened to
To be treated like a human being
To be treated well

Not that hard now is it guys?

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
If I ask some Girl Friends what women actually want, I get this at times, "stop reading cosmo" Women don't know what women want, you then ask a beautiful woman what she wants and she says" I want a man to come up and talk to me" but they don't because men are scared of beautiful women, and think she is already attached" Then you get the larger types women that say "I would love to be a little smaller" I guess all what women really want is:

To Be healthy
To have a decent job
To have a decent house or home and family to come home to
To be asked how her day was
To be cuddled and kissed, and told she is wanted and desired
To have a back massage and foot/neck massage at the end of her week
To have her man know how she takes her tea and or coffee
To be loved, to be held and to be listened to
To be treated like a human being
To be treated well

Not that hard now is it guys?
Well said


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
If I ask some Girl Friends what women actually want, I get this at times, "stop reading cosmo" Women don't know what women want, you then ask a beautiful woman what she wants and she says" I want a man to come up and talk to me" but they don't because men are scared of beautiful women, and think she is already attached" Then you get the larger types women that say "I would love to be a little smaller" I guess all what women really want is:

To Be healthy
To have a decent job
To have a decent house or home and family to come home to
To be asked how her day was
To be cuddled and kissed, and told she is wanted and desired
To have a back massage and foot/neck massage at the end of her week
To have her man know how she takes her tea and or coffee
To be loved, to be held and to be listened to
To be treated like a human being
To be treated well

Not that hard now is it guys?

Hang on..........you missed a few.............
discover the world..............
live like a gypsy............
laugh every day.............
satisfy your curiosity............
read as many books as you can handle...........
drive a VW beetle..............;)
have as much sex as possible..............
and brake the rules that tie you down............be a fee spirit :D


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Hang on..........you missed a few.............
discover the world..............
live like a gypsy............
laugh every day.............
satisfy your curiosity............
read as many books as you can handle...........
drive a VW beetle..............;)
have as much sex as possible..............
and brake the rules that tie you down............be a fee spirit :D

Lets discover it together start off in Germany and go from there..... what say??

Hmmm beetle a VW bonnet ... LOL

Sex yep me agrees there and getting tied down and sex is a good thing now isn't it not....

My curious nature right now is well can we clone you so I can have you 24/7 please LOL

...... you are a special lady ..... x

kneaded relief

Gold Member
to love a woman and respect a woman takes a well mannered,mature man,with a wealth of knowledge to understand the needs of a lady,I am glad to see many gentlemen ,I have observed over a period of time here on talking sex,keep up the gud work mates.cheers Edwin


Creature in the Shadows
Legend Member
upload_2015-8-16_10-44-21.jpeg sex
upload_2015-8-16_10-43-53.jpeg money


Legend Member
I used to book a lady for six hours once a month and the first two hours were just a huge make out session so my guess is that she thought I was so bad at everything else she was trying to distract me! :rolleyes: Where do I sign up for lessons? :)
It's ok I've found an instructional video...
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Evita Maxwell

Silver Member
I agree Amanda, kissing is such a sensual act, I truly believe its the first gateway for every girl to understanding how skilled her intended lover may be. A bad first kiss can put any girl off