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What constitutes a great kiss??

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Was just wondering what everyone thinks are the vital elements to a great kiss? For me it has to be soft, with a little bit of tongue exploring...no checking for the gag reflex or tonsil tickling thanks :nono: nice breath is essential, and a nice pair of hands holding your face while you are kissing...mmmmmmmmmm very nice indeed. And long lingering kisses are so much fun. All that tasting and exploring...wow I just love it :icon_thumright:


I like lots of passion behind the kiss.... when it feels like u just cant kiss enough!

Mary Anne PA

and don't forget that little tingly feel you get down below when kissing like that as well.....
or that hot flushed feeling that glows all over your body...
:love8: :love3:


A Kiss with the works Hold the Garlic ! Its not a kiss with out a cuddle for mine!



when you arent drowned by the other persons saliva.. they dont suck your face off (and you dont get pash rash.. cos goddam, that hurts) or probe your throat and tonsils for a check-up...


Gender Dyslexic
Foundation Member
I'm extreemly rusty on kissing but what ever makes my knee's buckle :)
ok it's the soft, little tongue exploring (on both parties) that works for me.
I also have a bit of a sweet tooth and find i love it when there is a sweet taste around :) so some xxx mints come in handy ;) hehehe


your nose

There is a sex gland in your nose and that allerts you to a person who is the opposite in the gene pool to you..and whalla chemistry

Chemistry and kissing with meaning deep passion is what does it for me. just a touch of lips to start with that lingering flirty brushing of lips. String it out

I love to lick the corner of a mans mouth get up real close like your going to kiss then snake out a hot pink tongue and just lick a little.

When I kiss I throw all of my sexuality behind it and love the same.
When I am into it I love alpha male, just take it all baby dont play with me just take it :)


kissing? and.............

passion, hot and heavy, nibble of the bottom lip, not to much liquid as minimel says, keep the tongue back..woo boy...that is for later, keep all the reserves for the muff diving....lick and nibble the lips gentle as you go.. but must be mixed with passion and frantic clothes removal followed by heave ho up on the kitchen table and the fast and the furious mouth into the neck please and ..... to pleasure island..
God must stop now...


passion here too umm and agree with a soft nibble of the bottem lip also helps if there relaxed with nice soft lips :) a little bit of tounge and a hand running througe thier hair and one stroking there cheek well thats how i kiss and umm i always get hard from a good kiss LOL


A great kiss, to me means almost everything.... Soft hands for support, a nice firm grip to the back of you hair to let you know they genuinely want and need you... the desirer between two people when breathless kisses are exchanged can make your spine shiver, your toes curl and your heart races... Then all those fluffy, warm fuzzy feelings run through your body till you can bare no more!!! - Gee I love those moments...

Lush xox

jack hammer

go lickety

I'm hearing you that sounds so good it depends on the mood but sometimes i like it hard and fast!!!


The Science Of Kissing

Studies say that by the time we are 14, 50% of us will have experienced our first real kiss (not counting the grandma kind!). Whether momentous or disappointing, chances are all we'll know before the fact about this most romantic of practices is what we have seen on TV and in the movies. In the belief that with wisdom comes strength, here are some neat facts to help make you a more powerful...and knowledgeable...consumer!

Did you know...

The science of kissing is called philematology.

A one-minute kiss burns 26 calories! A long kiss makes the metabolism burn sugar faster than usual.

The top five foods to avoid 24 hours before kissing are garlic, onions, fish, cheese and pastrami.

A little pucker uses just two muscles around the lips. A passionate kiss (think Diego Luna!) uses all 34 facial muscles.

If you can't brush your teeth or floss, if you're not near mouthwash or sugarfree mints or gum, chewing on parsley can restore you back to sweet smelling breath.

When we kiss, our hearts beat faster and our breathing becomes deep and irregular, mimicking the response of intense exercise. So if done right, kissing can be considered a great cardiovascular workout! At the same time it's a terrific tension reliever. You shut out the world, you close your eyes and you're almost smiling.

One theory says that social kissing originated with medieval knights as a way to find out if their wives had been drinking while they were away fighting.

The average person will spend an estimated two weeks of their lives kissing!

Ancient Egyptians kissed with their noses. Eskimos, Polynesians and Malaysians still do.

Saliva contains antibacterial chemicals that kill most bacteria before the germs are passed on during a kiss. Some say the extra saliva helps prevent tooth decay by cleaning out your mouth!

Our brains have special neurons than help us find each other's lips in the dark.

In Europe it is proper etiquette to greet someone by kissing them on both cheeks.

The longest documented kiss is 29 hours by contestants in 1998 in New York.

In some places kissing is illegal. It was considered a crime in Hartford Connecticut for a husband to kiss his wife on Sunday! And in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, it was a crime to kiss a stranger.

A first kiss is good way to work out if there is any chemistry between you. If it's right, it boosts self-esteem and makes you feel good about yourself.

Kissing signals our brain to produce oxytocin, a hormone that makes us feel good. It's a scientific fact that biology causes one kiss to prompt another!



Fast and furious my preference too...there is never enough time in the day for anythiung else....!!!


Fast and furious my preference too...there is never enough time in the day for anythiung else....!!! glad we agree jack!!!


Queen of the Underworld
Foundation Member
Ummm my cousin gave me the best kiss I've ever had....*hides her face* but I'm not ashamed. He knew what he was doing, and not only that.........it was a fuckin' awesome few nights alalalalla

Ummm, passion, soft lips, little tongue, no drooling, firm touch....nibbling ;)

Don't want someone licking your chin, do you????? ;)


ahhhh the passion of the lips

a great kiss, mmmm for me?

Well it starts with the gentle nudge of intent and brush of the lips over a wet rose petal, breaking through with the final hunger the vaccum of an Amazon jungle whirl pool.... the kind you know you'll drown in, but you can resist the danger of the swim....

Woman that nibble their own lips slighty before the anticipation of passionate lip-lock,,,, now those burn my .......

ohhh Ok, better stop here,...:angel12:



hey thats me

I never realised till i read that, I always nip my bottom lip in anticipation of a kiss. I sometimes do it when I see a man I am attracted to hmmmm now you got me thinking about other things
like twirling your hair in your fingertips
touching your face, subliminal mating signals



A kiss that I can lose myself in completely, passion8, deep, lasting & lustful ...exploring each others depths using all the mouth and having the same in return, gentle, biting down the neck and back to the lips...hard soft loving...I just love to kiss. MMMMMMMmwah :p


yes its in the kiss

I agree with u bibeauty the kiss is so important as far as I am concerned its the beginning of any loving or sexual relationship


Queen of the Underworld
Foundation Member
shaelust said:
I agree with u bibeauty the kiss is so important as far as I am concerned its the beginning of any loving or sexual relationship

I tend to disagree, but that's mainly because I find hugs to be the best part...

It's soft or strong, it's got love and warmth. A kiss is nothing compared to a hug. ;)

I'm just THE Hugslut though.



YOU..... YOU.. HUGslut...!:eek:

lol... nice one..

yea i agree, hugs lead to kisses which leads too...... what ever takes your fancy really ;)

jack hammer

lickety nice

Lickety maybe we should get together one day soon!!


IMHO it needs to start with body contact - holding hands turn into a very slow touching of the lips - while touching more and more. Gently tongue touching with the mouth half closed - her mouth, her neck, her ears, and always back to her mouth, now hungry and wide open. Slowly, as if time has stopped and has become irrelevant. Eyes closed, opening for moments to view the beautyful woman in your arms, then closing and giving.


kinky_master said:
IMHO it needs to start with body contact - holding hands turn into a very slow touching of the lips - while touching more and more. Gently tongue touching with the mouth half closed - her mouth, her neck, her ears, and always back to her mouth, now hungry and wide open. Slowly, as if time has stopped and has become irrelevant. Eyes closed, opening for moments to view the beautyful woman in your arms, then closing and giving.



Full Member
Foundation Member
...a great kiss, hmmmm....

....one where, for a few moments, time stands still and there's no one else on the planet but us.


my perfect kiss can be anything to what mood I'm in at the time, if I'm feeling really hot and heavy I just wanna pin him/her down and take advantage of them but sometimes I can be in a gentle mood and just want to kiss softly and take my time. I'm pretty versatile. :)
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