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What are you drinking?


Al Swearengen

I read an article a couple of months ago regarding the preconceptions of people towards what other folk drank.

For example, to women, a man drinking wine was automatically thought to be "classier" then a man that drank beer.

To a beeroe like myself, I found this kind of offensive. So I'm less "classy" then a guy drinking house white?? Even though I'm drinking a beer that is damn fine??

Is this true? Do we have preconceptions about what a person is like based on what their drinking? I'd like to think not.


Zoe From Rubys

For me I do but not to the extend of what your saying.
I guess in a way if I prefer something that tastes good (that also gets you tipsy/drunk) but when I see people drinking goon however I understand it's cheap but god it tastes discusting and I honestly don't know why people don't spend a little bit extra and have something that tastes good and does the same job.

I don't really define whether its classy or ot I just question why they dont spend that little bit more for something that tastes soooo much better.

I also don't see why women define drinking a glass of wine classy. I find that men socialise more while drinking beer whereas with wine I would imagine that it would be more mature men with a bit more cash but I wouldnt imagine a bunch of blokes ever having fun all sipping wine together.... I would find that extrememly boring but then again maybe im just being hypocritical which I do apologise for if what I have said incase it does offend any one. :)



Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
I don't really care what people are drinking. I find it far more interesting why people are drinking.........like drinking to get drunk or drinking to enjoy and socialise.
I recently spent 5 weeks in Europe and I have the impression that the main difference between drinking in Oz/NZ compared to Europe is the reason. Over here a high percentage drinks to get pissed. In Europe most people drink to enjoy and socialise.
And I think a lot more European males enjoy a glass of wine while wine over here seems to be a mainly 'female' drink.
However regardless where/when/what/with whom........it is far more important how you drink then what you drink.


Al Swearengen

Thats the fundamental thing that makes me disagree with this article: I don't think people are so prejudiced that they truly care WHAT a person drinks.
However WHY they drink and the amount they drink are a totally different issue.
I've worked in liquor shops, bars and as a sales manager for a company that imported seriously good beer from Germany, Belgium, the US and Canada and I still dont believe a person can be "classed" according to what they drink.



Legend Member
I've worked in liquor shops, bars and as a sales manager for a company that imported seriously good beer from Germany, Belgium, the US and Canada and I still dont believe a person can be "classed" according to what they drink.

Unless of course its the difference between a Quality beer say, And a Brown paper bag with a Cheap plonk bottle inside

Though generally what you drink is just personal taste and sometimes where you are Not what you drink per se

At the footy I want beer at home on winters night I like a good red


Legend Member
...and Metho or Kero, H2???......lol....... :)

You should know by now Fudd Those nights we spent in Wellington Square weren't for nothing were they?
Meths in the winter Chilled Blue Kero on warm Summer nights

Perth boy

I alway like a cold beer first followed by a good red wine.

However I have found that as the years go by your drinking changes. As a young lad it all started with stuff like stones green ginder wine or Brando vino. Then I stepped up to Jim beam, in my 30's went to beer as as I hit 40 it changed to imported beers and white wine. Now well in the 40's it's still a few imported beers but mainly good red's. don't even mind a glass of bubbles.

Also at a younger age it was a case of getting drunk and these days it's more of a social thing and once in a whilel I have a few to many.
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Tania Admin

I must agree with the fact I think drinking changes with age, when I was young Stones Mac was a substitute for Jim Beam, cask wine is now replaced by a nice white, and cheap champagne ugh I just can't drink it these days, a bottle of Veuve or Bollinger RD is much more preferable. It probably also has a lot to do with not settling when your older, enjoying a drink and not needing to get drunk (though I must admit on occasion to umm getting a little sozzled) and of course I am financially better off now as well.


I don't drink alcohol.

I drink Tea. White with one. Occasionally I live a little and have a milky Milo.


Foundation Member
I am pretty omniverous with liquor.

At The Charles I only ever drank V.B. from the tap for years then, when they got Bulmer's cider on tap, I switched to that. For night clubs (read Xotica) I prefer Bacardi and Coke as spirit mixers can be made to last longer and I don't want to fall asleep halfway through the evening. When dining out my favourite tipple is any decent white wine, usually an unwooded Chardonnay or Semmillon Sav Blanc. I used to always have a cask of Moselle or Reisling in the 'fridge but haven't had cask plonk for ages now.

By the way Fudd and Pirate, the correct mixture for the "Highgate Hooker" as endorsed by our local vagrants is equal parts of metho and sweet cask wine, preferably lexia or late-picked reisling. This should be decanted into a coke or juice bottle to avoid the attention of blue-shirted spoilsports. Refrigerating the metho is optional.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Lets Party
George Thorogood - One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer (live)
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Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Why stop at one;- lets have another
John Lee Hooker;- One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
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Legend Member
I had a little period several months back where I drank a little to much for to long a period Say a couple of weeks or so till I woke up to myself
It really can sneak up on you that booze I can see why some unfortunates have let it take over there lives
I was actually listening to a Metal record Ol Ozzy Osbourne and the recurring line in the song was
Wine is fine, but whiskey's quicker
Suicide is slow with liqour
Take a bottle, drown your sorrows
Then it floods away tomorrows

Now you live inside a bottle
The reaper's travelling at full throttle
It's catching you, but you don't see

Miserable lyrics I know but I went back to sensible drinking from the day I played that

You might be on to something Justlookin and colzilla


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
It’s a known fact, that most people try to ignore, but, alcohol is the most dangerous drug there is on this planet. It destroys 1000 and 1000`s of lives in all continents every year. With any other drug you consume including all the dangerous ones, you can survive withdraw. Some people may be driven to suicide due to the pain of withdraw but in general you can survive it if you wish to. Alcohol is the only drug that can physical stop your body due to withdraw, in fact you can say it shuts down your system and your heart, it can physically kill you. I personally have drunk since I was a teen, I make personally a lot of jokes about Rum but the truth is I am personally aware that I can be caught in the alcohol web on any day. I went through many years not touching a drop but today I do enjoy my wine and rum.
Alcohol is everywhere in very country so as an old Pirate I can clearly say, moderation is the only way


Gold Member
For me it all depends on where I am and who that I'm with ?
If I'm at a friends place I'm more likely to have a beer
If I'm a stripclub it's goona be a vodka with something else or just straight


Gold Member
Some good posts here...

glad to see it moved onto the health aspects ...moderation is the key, but for some - they simply can't moderate themselves ...many many reasons why...

my favourites are beer, white wine, and in summer nothing better then a gin & tonic with lots of ice and freshly cut lime.

No idea what to do

Legend Member
I enjoy a good Scotch or Bourbon and sometime a quality Cognac. Rarely Mixed, easy to have a few nip's with some ice.
Don't drink until I drop anymore, I may have grown up, unsure, and extremely doubtful 🤣

🐸 The Frenchman🐸