• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

What a loadacobblers we've been brought up with?



I turned 50 recently. I don't consider myself old but I'm not Peter Pan either. As anyone discovered (moreso as you get older) that many of the things we "learnt" really don't hold water anymore (if they ever did to begin with)?

No, this isn't one of those "All I learnt about life I did in Primary school" sort of things but over the more recent years I've had to deconstruct a whole lot of bunkum:

1. Just because you study hard and get a good degree doesn't guarantee success - alot of your success at work depends on whom you know, office politics and being at the right place at the right time - and if you can remove even one knife from your back painlessly, you're a miracle worker.

2. A good person doesn't always get the girl. Fair heart has rarely won fair lady and all that stuff about "what's on the inside is what counts" is a lot of BS. The cads and rotters always get the girls and yes, it pays to be good looking.

3. Being in debt is not good. But having savings isn't that great either 'cos the CoL just gets higher and higher. Certainly you can bet, there are few sure things to bet on.

4. Lots of bad things happen to good people. The meek shall not inherit the earth and the a-holes do succeed.

5. It's important to keep healthy if not keep fit as well. But finding 30 minutes to do it is getting harder and harder. You've just got to find it, even if it means grabbing a supermarket trolley and walking those aisle and small ways like using stairs instead of escalators.

6. Religion to many people is like having an imaginary friend. They really believe if you pray hard enough, it'll all work out. I think the jury is still out on this one.

7. The average human being is very much below average. It's getting harder to find the good in people - HEAPS of people love animals, sponsor starving kids in Africa, are concerned about refugees etc but won't show enough empathy to invite someone obviously lonely over Christmas or New Year to come over and spend time with their families. It's interesting that when a suicide happens that so many people say "I didn't know that X was hurting. If only I'd known". What they really should be saying is "If only I'd bothered to care".

All this sounds pretty negative doesn't it? It sounds pretty depressing. Is that because it's mostly true?

Yup, at 50 I've discovered that life's too short to drink bad wine and really all you've got is yourself and if you're lucky you've family who loves you.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
You are absolutely correct........

These are your beliefs and I will respect that. However after reading your words slowly and carefully, and reflecting on my own life I came up with a realisation just for myself.

I found that I shared nearly half of your beliefs. And these beliefs influence my actions in a certain way and manifested in certain results. Often less desirable results for me.

On the half that where I believed differently, my actions won me very different outcomes.

Lesson for me was:

What ever story I tell myself is 100% correct and will often if not always come true. So I'll do myself a favour and tell myself some better stories.

I wonder what will happen?

Anyhow..... Thanks for your post. It did me a lot of good :)


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Ohhh eye; I luved the Post;- My thinking is a lot like yourself and most off your post reflects my own thoughts.All this sounds pretty negative doesn't it? It sounds pretty depressing. Is that because it's mostly true?
My answer is Yes;- it is all mostly True, but, the glass is always half full not half empty
So Pass the Rum and Cheers.


And Thought I was the only member of The Jaded Cynics Club. Looks like we have another member.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Ohhh eye; I luved the Post;- My thinking is a lot like yourself and most off your post reflects my own thoughts.All this sounds pretty negative doesn't it? It sounds pretty depressing. Is that because it's mostly true?
My answer is Yes;- it is all mostly True, but, the glass is always half full not half empty
So Pass the Rum and Cheers.

..........and we are here for a short time only so let's make it a good time!!!!!!!


Legend Member
Yep dwell on the miserable side of life an you soon forget all the good things that have happened and probably miss the chance to grasp the bits of good fortune that may/will come your way in the future
But I get to 50 next birthday maybe I will become a misery/cynic too But I certainly will be trying not too


Yep dwell on the miserable side of life an you soon forget all the good things that have happened and probably miss the chance to grasp the bits of good fortune that may/will come your way in the future
But I get to 50 next birthday maybe I will become a misery/cynic too But I certainly will be trying not too

Being a cynic doesn't mean you are miserable, all it means is that your bullshit detector is more sensitive


Legend Member
I could not become a misery if I wanted to colzilla Even at a drinking session with accountants cheerfulness would still rise its head


I'm a happy go lucky pessimist. I'm not to sure how the optimistic people keep being optimistic.
My unrelenting cynicism has served me well with the ladies of the night.


Legend Member
Like the couple down the road from me?
She is a jolly pessimist Smiles because people expect you too
He is a maudlin Optimist Always frowning because someone will know hes about to win big and try to get a share


I've been truly lucky meeting like minded cynics within the sex industry. Some of these girls put me to shame... Bless them


Legend Member
I can find cynicism a bit of a bore sometimes For it seems many people aren't so much cynical as just being naysayers
for the sake of it And if two cynics meet would not one think the other is being cynical is just a cynical reaction to your
own cynicism
Not you are a bore Mr Zilla


I'm not so much a pessimist as I'm a realist - moreso now than ever. I've lots to be grateful for but I think it was Arnold Palmer who once said, "The harder I work, the luckier I get".


Don't let the profile pic put you off. That isn't me. I'm pretty cheerful sort of dude. I'm just cynical and sarcastic. I tone it up or down for whomever I'm with. Sometimes its nice to be with someone who thinks along the same lines as I do.


I follow the philosophy you've gotta make life what you want it to be. I'll try not to step on toes to do it, but if I have to break a few, so be it.
I'll be happy with what I've got, because I made it happen, not luck, not fate, but me.

The only thing I notice every single day is the lack of common sense in people today.

Common sense is so rare these days its almost a superpower!


The only problem with common sense is that it's not that common!


Silver Member
Hey guys . Today is the first day of the rest of your life . Share it with someone special, even if they are only special for a brief moment . Don't waste a second thinking of a disappointing past . Enjoy this day for you will not see it again . Enjoy everyday as if it is your last .


I follow the philosophy you've gotta make life what you want it to be. I'll try not to step on toes to do it, but if I have to break a few, so be it.
I'll be happy with what I've got, because I made it happen, not luck, not fate, but me.

The only thing I notice every single day is the lack of common sense in people today.

Common sense is so rare these days its almost a superpower!

Yes this is so so true.


Legend Member
I am a true believer of $$ talks BS walks...BS makes the world spin. lol...definitely who you know matters more than what you know. It's a big pile of BS yet it drives our lives.


I am a true believer of $$ talks BS walks...BS makes the world spin. lol...definitely who you know matters more than what you know. It's a big pile of BS yet it drives our lives.

Yes you too are right on the money.


Gold Member
Spot on Contrarian,

Always like listening to the song "Old Dogs, Children and Watermelon wine" by Tom T Hall. Life to a T