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West Coast Eagles are AWESOME


Gold Member
That's the beauty of the game, happy2, nothing is written in stone. There are favourites but any team can win on the day.


Another World Member
Legend Member
my heart is definately hoping for a COLLINGWOOD victory,as long as we get one of those finals ,which has got us sitting on the edge of our seats screaming at the TV, blow the siren,and not a blowout where 1 team wins by 100 points


Except I wish they had beaten Collingwood in the finals tonight, would've been great to see Collingwood bow out.
Oh well.


This week is over so onto next week now.

It is part of football culture to hate Collingwood.


Legend Member
Its part of footy to love one team I see people who barrack for Freo and West coast How is that possible
I am never going to barrack for Carlton or Essendon


I think most of us are ABC supporters (Anyone But Collingwood) :laughing4


Legend Member
There is also the odd fact that since Footscray changed to western bulldogs and Fitzroy became merged into Brisbane there are only now two teams starting with F They are Fremantle and F****ing West Coast Eagles


There is also the odd fact that since Footscray changed to western bulldogs and Fitzroy became merged into Brisbane there are only now two teams starting with F They are Fremantle and F****ing West Coast Eagles

No no no you got it all wrong, it's Flying High West Coast Eagles!!

Farm Boy

A few years ago one of my kids came home from school and recond there was a AFL teem called the,

West Coke Eagles


I have nothing against Western Australian football teams. I would much rather see them winning than the Victorians. But what is it with WA teams and having shocking songs? Fremantle's song is terrible, and the Eagles is probably the worst in the league. Its just some poppy wanker saying "hey eagles" and "we're flying high". For the sake of the teams, they really need to change their songs. When the Gold Coast and GWS Giants have better songs than your team, you know you are in trouble.


Legend Member
Shocking? I am no fan of either WA team But I will say they are not pretentious enough to put in a line like

"Admiration of the nation" as the crows have


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Hate to say it but my new beetle is Freo coloured.............lol no need to attach a sticker :la:



Its just some poppy wanker saying "hey eagles" and "we're flying high".

We're the Eagles, the West Coast Eagles
And we're here to show you why
We're the big birds, kings of the big game
We're the Eagles, we're flying high

Not sure where "Hey Eagles" comes from? Certainly not the world's greatest song, but I've seen worse.
You've got a point about it being poor - I don't think it inspires any passion as a good team song should... Though as an Eagles fan, I just like hearing it in September :)

When the Gold Coast and GWS Giants have better songs than your team, you know you are in trouble.
I like the Giants song, but the Suns? Really?

We are the Suns of the Gold Coast sky;
We are one in the red, gold and blue;
We are the mighty Gold Coast Suns;
We play to win the flag for you;
Fight! Fight! Fight! Till we hold up the cup;
Run, run, run all the way!
We are the Suns of the Gold Coast sky;
We're the team who never say die!

they really need to change their songs
Freo recently did a poll for theirs, I can't recall the outcome... Anyone?
I'm certainly not a fan of their current song:

Freo, way to go!
Hit ‘em real hard, send ‘em down below
Oh Freo, give ‘em the old heave ho
We are the Freo Dockers!

Port Adelaide's an interesting one for footy fans:

We've got the Power to win
Power to rule
Come on, Port Adelaide aggression
We are the Power from Port
It's more than a sport
It's true Port Adelaide tradition
We'll never stop, stop, stop
Til we're top, top, top
There's history here in the making
We've got the Power to win
We'll never give in
Til the flag is ours for the taking

True Port Adelaide tradition? Really? Wouldn't true Port Adelaide Tradition involve the Black & White of the Port Adelaide Magpies?

And I think St Kilda just got lazy:
Oh when the Saints go marching in
Oh when the Saints go marching in
Oh how I want to be with St Kilda
When the Saints go marching in.

Oh when the Saints (oh when the Saints)
Go marching in (go marching in)
Oh when the Saints go marching in
Oh how I want to be with St Kilda
When the Saints go marching in

How about some favourites?
I still think that Richmond's is my favourite, with their rousing shout at the end:

Oh we're from Tigerland
A fighting fury
We're from Tigerland
In any weather you will see us with a grin
Risking head and shin
If we're behind then never mind
We'll fight and fight and win
For we're from Tigerland
We never weaken ‘til the final siren's gone
Like the Tiger of old
We're strong and we're bold
For we're from Tiger
Yellow and Black
We're from Tigerland.


Legend Member
Althalus You are spot on with the Richmond theme song It is the best in the AFL Unless of course it is just that we here it so seldom
that it is still fresh as they day it was written


Ok mate, I will admit. The Suns song is rubbish. But I love the GWS song (though I hate the orange jumpers). It has a real Eastern European vibe to it, and makes me want to march along for the good of the Soviet Union... :) I'm a Crows lad myself. I think our song is OK. It's not fantastic, but can be a lot of fun to shout out. My favourite would probably be the Sydney Swans song. And not just because they upset the Hawks the other weekend :D