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Can waxing cause ingrown hairs? I would like to get waxed but I've heard that it causes ingrown hairs that are supposed to be painful. Any advise...


Diamond Member
Yes I have been told by a number who have tried waxing that it does cause ingrown hairs.

They become a large pimple that needs to be lanced and the puss removed. Not recommended as foreplay.


Both waxing and shaving can cause ingrown hairs...which are easily avoided by some manual exfoliation of the area whilst the hair grows back...With time the regrowth from waxing is often much softer and finer. A freshly waxed genital area is very sexy!!


Bronze Member
would permanent hair removal like laser be an alternative solution

has anyone had that before?


Bronze Member
I'm considering getting waxed, but rather wary of undertrained waxers. Can anyone suggest someone in Adelaide?


Gold Member
Ingrowns from waxing is just a hazard that can mostly be avoided with a bit of care as TemptMe has pointed out.

I have had IPL/laser/elos on various parts of my body, and have found it to be just "ok". It works best on dark hairs on light skin shades. Blond, grey and white hairs are not effected by IPL and IPL can not make any claim to be permanent. Regrowth in areas that were treated about 4 years ago has already started. On the other hand, if you have plenty of money and reasonably high pain threshold (depending on what part of the body is being treated) you could opt for electrolysis. Electrolysis is very effective, but takes a long time to treat a small area and requires a lot of visits to your electrologist.


Be careful with electrolysis..ensure you have an expert in the field..I have seen many with extensive scarring from poorly trained professionals. It can be very expensive and as Cathy has pointed out also can be quite painful. Waxing is a cheap, effective alternative...

Pleasure Me

What about a shaver that doesn't shave as close as a razor? It is painless, won't cut you and their will be no ingrown hairs. Great if you are a little aprehensive about the pain involved in waxing.


Foundation Member
Yep, I use my regular electric shaver's beard trimmer then follow up with the shaving head. Does a neat job which lasts a week or so and costs zilch.


i also prefer shaving over waxing. also my partner used the IPL and the effects only lasted 6 months


It all comes down to what you like.....I love, as does my hubby the smooth hair free feel of a freshly waxed area...therefore for us it is pointless to use a shaver that doesn't remove all the hair...
What ever you do have fun doing it!!!!


Waxing nipples

if i want to pour candle wax on my nipples is there an ideal temperature or type of wax i should use?
Also does it cause any skin irritation to people with sensitive skin?
cheers in advance


Gold Member
Re: Waxing nipples

I recommend soy wax candles they melt at a much lower temperature. I think there also not bad for skin sensitivity.


Foundation Member
Re: Waxing nipples

For heaven's sake experiment on the insides of your forearms before you pour anything onto your nips.

I once accidentally spilt wax while carrying a candle and even on my fairly tough hands it hurt like hell. Snag is it sticks quite well which prolongs the experience.

Sir Stefan

Agent Provocateur
Foundation Member
Re: Waxing nipples

I have performed a lot of private shows where i pour hot candle wax onto a naked girls nipples and/or clit.... never burnt a girl yet, or even had one complain.

I use ordinary household candles from the supermarket... the trick is all in the height from which you drip or pour the wax... if you pour it from more than a metre above the subject then it will cool sufficeiently as it passes thru the air so as not to burn or damage the skin.


Re: Waxing nipples

wax cools as it is poured , simply make sure you pour from a distance from the nipple not say half an inch away .


I read that you shouldn't laser your genitals? is this true? what do the experts say? It might be due to the darker skin colour.


I used to shave my legs, armpits & genital area (Brazilian) BUT eventually I realized it was not a good idea as the hair would grow back thicker AND thicker. I now wax regularly, it's very smooth, lasts for ages... I also epilate the small hairs (painful but worth it)

I do have a problem with ingrown hairs, what I do is needle out the ingrown hair - you must get the hair out. And disinfect the needle, also some tweezers for plucking the hair. Then use an alcohol wipe on the entire area that you've plucked.

I've heard lazer & IPL work on ingrown hairs too...


Silver Member
I Get Both My Genitals And Ass Cheeks Waxed Every 6-7 Weeks at Essential Beauty Galleria. They have a cream called Ingro Stopper which works a treat.. My Wife Loves Me Soft N Smooth..


Waxing all the way people!!! In between visits, its all about maintenance, exfoliate, moisturise, & pleaseuring yourself. Not sure if the last one helps with ingrowns but it can't hurt!


Waxing is one of the most popular methods of hair removal that is currently available. Ya, Its painful but it doesn't cause ingrown hairs


Can anyone recommend someone in the Middle Park (Melbourne) area for male waxing.... it's time to take the plunge !




As a hobby beekeeper do not use "Beeswax" at all. Its hotter than the elcheapo chinese candles in supermarkets.


Do people think epilating is more painful than waxing? I've generally found the opposite to be true


Can waxing cause ingrown hairs? I would like to get waxed but I've heard that it causes ingrown hairs that are supposed to be painful. Any advise...

Waxing can and does cause ingrown hairs. The following happends - waxing is one of the best and longest forms of temporary hair removal and the hairs will return in fewer numbers and softer or less course. Although waxing pulls most of the hair out from the root system, some of the hair is merely snapped off and often snapped off below the first couple of layers of skin. The skin starts to heal over within hours and the hair follicle that has been snapped off starts to grow back and hits the surface then starts to make it's way back down. This causes the red inflamed and sometimes infected bumps we see after certain treatments like waxing and shaving, for example. As others have mentioned I cannot stress enough the importance of exfoliation (I exfoliate my entire body including my face every couple of days it is just good practice regardless)

Exfoliation will remove any dead skin cells and keep the skin fresh and alive and allow for the hair follicles that have been snapped off during a waxing treatment to grow rather than attempt to push through the thin layer of skin that has grown over. It is wise to exfoliate before a waxing treatment also but not right before (up to 4 hours before a treatment should be fine) and the next day after a waxing treatment is is recommended to exfoliate also for all the above reasons.

If done correctly by a waxing specialist who knows what they are doing then having any area of your body waxed feels great, in particular our genital areas. It leaves this area feeling very smooth and for far longer than any other treatment such as shaving. It is normal for little red spots to appear after a waxing treatment so don't stress as within an hour or two (in some people only minutes) they will dissaprear and sometimes tiny blood spots can appear on the surface of the sking too and again don't stress you certainly won't bleed to death! Haha

There are two types of wax used when waxing the body and both have their merits and are better on certain areas of the body. Strip wax is the wax that is used either warm or cool (usually warm) depending on the brand and is the consistency of honey, spread very thinly with the correct instrument along the flow of the hair growth, then a thin sheet of special waxing cloth or material is place over the top and smoothed down firmly then ripped off against the grain of hair growth in a upward but very oblique angle and very quickly. A good waxing specialist will then quickly rub the area that has just been waxed to desensitise it to minimise any pain. Strip wax is great for areas of hair growth on the body that are more course such as chest, back, upper and lower legs, upper and lower arms etc.

Hot wax is also the consistency of honey when hot and when cooled it solidifies. Imagine hot candle wax but the consistency of honey. Unlike strip wax, hot wax is applied to the area of hair growth, then left to set. The hot wax sets on the body within couple of mins and the hair growth is 'stuck' in the wax. The set hot wax is then ripped off and voila! Again, a good waxing specialist will rub the surface of the area that has been stripped of the hair growth to desensitise it to minimise pain. Hot wax is better used on genitals, arm pits, face and eyebrows etc.

If you seek the services of a qualified waxing specialist that knows what he or she is doing then the waxing treatment will be quick and not as painful as you would think and the levels of pain felt during a waxing treatment is but a small discomfort to endure for a glowing result. It is also recommend to apply a good moisturising lotion after a waxing treatment to rehydrate the skin. I waxed my own pussy yesterday and it feels amazing!

I am a waxing specialist and I am happy to bring my equipment with me on tour when I travel as an escort if any gentlemen are interested in having any part of their bodies done or a crack, back and sack, brazillian done before play time for a small fee ;) I am also happy to provide this service whilst on tour to other ladies and W/Ls for a small fee also if interested.

Happy waxing everyone!

I anyone has any questions about hair removal please don't hesitate to ask :)


Do people think epilating is more painful than waxing? I've generally found the opposite to be true

Hi Frenzal :)

Any form of hair removal has the potential to hurt, even shaving if you nick yourself! However, it is such an individual thing. Generally though, epilating has been known to be quite painful but an effective result, like waxing. With epilation the hair can grow back in 'willy nilly' directions and not a certain direction as hair on our legs and arms will grow for example, this is because the epilation method pulls hairs out in 'willy nilly' directions and not with or against the grain of hair growth. Certainly Frenzal if you are happy using this method of hair removal then epilate away I say!


Hi, I was just wondering if anybody can recommend a good manzillian waxer in perth, Thanks.

I am looking for one as my current one is on leave at the moment.....


Hi Frenzal :)

Any form of hair removal has the potential to hurt, even shaving if you nick yourself! However, it is such an individual thing. Generally though, epilating has been known to be quite painful but an effective result, like waxing. With epilation the hair can grow back in 'willy nilly' directions and not a certain direction as hair on our legs and arms will grow for example, this is because the epilation method pulls hairs out in 'willy nilly' directions and not with or against the grain of hair growth. Certainly Frenzal if you are happy using this method of hair removal then epilate away I say!