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Visiting Spain and Morocco?


Bronze Member
Hello everybody, I worked as a tour guide years ago withh australian tourists visiting spain and morocco mosts singles but couples too first I was sorprised after visiting spain arriving to morocco most had encounters last night and I started to make friends there telling me about most of tourist looked for but secret and they wanted experience lot of girls on tour they had smoke and sex, couples too, We had one night in dunes sleeping in tends there after dinner around fire dancing and men talking and walking to the dunes couples same sometimes with husband or cheating, I heard nad asked men told me most did and if drunk they shared I asked if they did all groups and told me yes smoking and fucking next time I organized a party in spain with boys and in morocco choosed the bests and girls too. I can help if visiting spain and morocco for encounters and experiences. I can organize 3 nights in dunes bests locals there in spain loney places nude beach and lot of fun. In morocco safe and for us ladys is great because size I love it for couples they act as espotaneus wifes loved, men can have all . Tell me if interested I make groups and individuals, In spain party annd nude beach spanish latin etc
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