• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.



Gold Member
Hi Guys,

Has any guys had a vasectomy done?
I was just wondering if there are any side effect to like decrease in sex drive?

any info would be great.



Hi JustAndy,

I had a vasectomy just over 12 months go and i am pleased to report the effect on my libido has been positive and i have suffered no ill effects whatsoever. I was comfortable in making the decision to have a vasectomy so i believe that confidence plays a big part in my attitude towards sex going forward.

The operation itself is quite simple, the recovery is relatively straight forward, so much so, i think i was back on the wagon after a week! When you consider what women have to go through (child birth, pap smears and the like) i genuinely feel men get the easy way out and this small gesture of permanent contraception was in my opinion, the right and fair thing to do.

I don't mean to sound patronising or condescending to either men or women but as i mentioned previously it was a decision i was comfortable with and given that my wife has been through 2 Caesars i didn't think that her having to endure another operation was right.

Their is a social stigma attached to vasectomies in the sense men believe the pain is excruciating. Hey it doesn't tickle but it really isn't that bad at all.

It is more the ignominy of having the procedure rather than the operation itself that seems to cause the most pain!

Happy to answer nay further questions you my have.


Pleasure Me

My hubby had the big V about 6 weeks ago.

The procedure was quick, painless (all done under a local) and best of all, I got to watch!

After some initial bruising and soreness, hubby was pretty good within about 2-3 days but not back to his usual self for about 10 days.

It has not impacted our sex life negatively at all, except for the 5 days or so we abstained after the procedure.

He'll be sending a sample to have his sperm count done in about another 6 weeks and then that's it.


Gold Member
^ I'm in the same boat, just had mine done about 6-7 weeks ago and no ill effects at all.

The main thing with recovery is to follow your doctors advice, they know what they are talking about! He told me how long to lay up when I got home so I did it, he told me how long to wait before I could play with it and so I did (and a few days on top of that to be sure).

I know of people who've ignored the advice and tried to play around almost straight away or have been too active on their feet straight away, and as a consequence have had complications.


Diamond Member
had it done about 15 years ago, no regrets.
no problems, local jab around the boys, bit of juice into the arm to relax me.
it relaxed me alright, i fell asleep! (had been working for about 28 days straight and was very tired)
was at work the next day, wearing 2 pairs of undies as recommended.
had to abstain for about 10 days, the first time after, i was a bit apprehensive (and full) but all was good.
after a few weeks i had managed to expel all the remaining swimmers, and some work with a dumb-bell on my left arm managed to even the muscle tones up.
i still have 1 spare dumb-bell if you are interested <they only sell them in pairs>


Gold Member
Hi Guys,
Thanks for the info and encouragements.. We have decided not to have anymore kids after having 2 boys.

Thanks again for the info. Good to go for me :)


Bronze Member
Just be very careful that your doctor is 100% certain that you have no underlying problems.
I had the procedure done with out realising that I had a condition called hydroseals. This is where the testicles fill with liquid over time and can only be fixed by surgery.
I was in agony for several days after the vasectomy. It settled down after about a week. This whole exercise was a piss off as I could have had the whole lot fixed up at once if my doctor had been on the ball.
sorry about the pun.


Gold Member
I have the doctor check me out before he would approved the procedure so all good to go. thanks for your information Norrislrkr



Had mine done 7-8 years ago. No side effects and definiitely no decrease in libido (perhaps even the opposite).



Foundation Member
I had this done yonks ago. I went alone and had to drive afterwards so could not have any "juice" to relax me just a local.

Afterwards I went home and mowed the lawn - no big deal.


Gold Member
Had mine 7 years ago and I do not regret it all... but... make sure you go through the testing afterwards to make sure the job's done properly: I had to have two ops, first under local, the second under general. Neither time was pleasant and very sore after each time but really worth it in the long run.


Hi JustAndy
I had the op about 15 years ago, when I was a happily married non confused guy that wore male clothes. ( most of the time...) Anyway the op was under local, took about 10-20 mins and I honestly dont remember any pain afterwards. The only reason I waited 3 days to try it out was I was worried about the stitches breaking. So in my experience I would say nothing to worry about and lots to gain.


had it done about 15 years ago, no regrets.
no problems, local jab around the boys, bit of juice into the arm to relax me.
it relaxed me alright, i fell asleep! (had been working for about 28 days straight and was very tired)
was at work the next day, wearing 2 pairs of undies as recommended.
had to abstain for about 10 days, the first time after, i was a bit apprehensive (and full) but all was good.
after a few weeks i had managed to expel all the remaining swimmers, and some work with a dumb-bell on my left arm managed to even the muscle tones up.
i still have 1 spare dumb-bell if you are interested <they only sell them in pairs>[/

Hehe 1 spare dumb bell, thats funny stuff Dan :)


Gold Member
hi guys thanks for all your support, i have booked my appointment with a doctor this Tuesday. I think i have to shave my ball area?


Gold Member
I've had one done and reversed 6 years later, and the first go at it with my wife she as pregnant so difinitely did not have any chances in my sex life. I can say having it done was much easier than a reversal. the reversal cost $10K and has to be done by a micro surgeon, whereas having it snipped was a lot more easier and they shaved me and numbed me that sliced and burned the tubes closed.


I'm 56 now and I had it done in my early 30s after our third child. Best thing I ever did. If anything it increased my sex drive. Made me even hornier knowing I could cum bareback in my wife at anytime without any problem.


Gold Member
Just had mine done on Tuesday, still sore but very itcy too.. I got red dots on my penis :( going back to see the doc on Tuesday for a follow up. I would advise those who are intending to get it done, have it done by a specialist as the guy who did mine cut both my testicles instead on one cut. Plus he look pretty sloppy and it was painful as he squeeze my balls to find the tube. Plus he didn't wait to for the drug to kick in before cutting me :(. I hope it works as I am looking forward to making love with my wife without protection :) Thanks again for all your support and informations.


No side effects at all other than no more kids! ( I already got four from two wives!)
There is some minor discomfort for a few hours / overnight, but not much really. Just remember that it takes a while for all the old sperm in your system to get washed out. So the post op sperm count several weeks later is critical.
