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U.S. Strip Club Avoids Sales Tax on Lapdances?


Foundation Member
Interesting little snippet on Page 78 of yesterday's 'West. (Sorry, I couldn't find the online article to link it)

Nite Moves Strip Club in New Yory is facing a Sales Tax bill of $US124,000 for tax payable on lapdances.

It seems they have not been paying the tax, using an exemption for"dramatic or musical art performances", which is intended to exempt organisations such as the New York City Ballet. The club is relying on testimony from a cultural anthropologist (?) who has studied exotic dance.

The argument apparently centres on whether or not lapdancing should be regarded as an art form.

What really intrigued me was that this club charges $US11 entry and a nude lapdance is only $US20. Americans certainly have it made.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Thanks Svengali;- interesting article
WOW;-"What really intrigued me was that this club charges $US11 entry and a nude lapdance is only $US20. Americans certainly have it made" I agree, the average club entrance charge in Adelaide is $15.00 and average lapdance is $50.00,
I must agree with the fact that a lapdance should be considered an art form (very debatable I agree) considering the fact that each dancer is unique hence each lapdance would be unique experience as well.


A chorus girl dancing around with next to nothing on in some big musical is considered an artist so why not a lap dancer. Some of these lap dancers are single mums. The government should cut them some slack.


Legend Member
As they say, only in America! Love that they even thought to use "dramatic or musical art performances" as an exemption. Fantastic!! I wonder if they'll have to pay the tax bill? It will be interesting to see what the outcome from this will be. Keep us posted please svengali
I don't know about the touching included though Gentleman-are you sure? I thought that was a big no no in that industry.


I don't know about the touching included though Gentleman-are you sure? I thought that was a big no no in that industry.

Only in New Zealand Sherry. I'm remember my time at the club in Christchurch well. It was $20 for a standard lap dance then an extra $20 got you touching everywhere except between the legs. That was value for money.