• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Travel stories


Legend Member
So I see there are lots of people on here who have or want to travel

So whats the most interesting or scary , funny thing that has happened on your travels
Whether a weekend to Rotto or a month in Mongolia

Mine was a interesting (to me ) thing on the Island of Chiloe off the coast of Southern Chile
We were lucky enough to be there when a house was supposedly being haunted
A local council man said when a house is haunted , they don't move the ghost on, they move the house

Days beforehand they had removed the foundations
They went and put dozens of tree branch rollers under the house attached ropes to the house and those ropes to oxen and moved the whole house about 200 metres The poor ghost does not shift He/She is stuck where the house used to be ):

The reasons for moving are many fold Mainly farmers needing to move but cant afford new house So the island helps you move house as it were

You have a tale to tell?


Diamond Member
I was the first "alien" to be allowed in to NASA Langley after 9/11. What an interesting day, but can't tell you about it or I'll need to shoot you! This is where they have among other things the Shuttle wind tunnel...


Diamond Member
The guy who wanted us in there was in charge of everything except the engines on the Shuttle......helps with the hoops LOL


Legend Member
Many many moons ago...:mooning::mooning::mooning:, joint a tour around Vietnam. The tour guide took us to a glorious looking church and told us to use our empty bottles to bottle up the "holy" water, it's very good for you apparently. They had Holy water in their gallons in storage tanks. Yay! plenty for everyone. So like monkeys we all bottled them up, some even started drinking them holy liquid.

As we exit the church compound, we were swamped by a bunch of beggars. And they weren't your normal regular $$ begging kind. Some were deformed, there was one who was walking on 4's...these people were affected by the glorious made in the US of A, orange agent. I did give away some local currency before being ushered quickly away by the tour guide who told everyone not to give $. You can't help but feel sorry for these people and also makes you think twice about drinking that "Holy" water in your bottle. *Crikey!*, i donated mine to the rubbish bin and never to be seen. :confused:
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Gold Member
Many many years ago when dubai was just a landing strip in the desert . We were on a stopover from frankfurt . When the 10 armed guards took a disliking to me . Not sure what it was the 8 hours of drinking or the numerous bongs I had picked up in the airport handy store .
Anyway I was put in the position guns drawn by this stage our plane was boarding, back then it was a glass petition between terminal and boarding lounge . All I can remember were the passengers on the plane waving goodbye to me as my face was mashed into the glass.


Legend Member
I'm at the goldcoast for a week and a bloody cyclone comes along and stuffs it up oh well that's Mother Nature