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Time for some of us to show their Age


Legend Member
I see Neil Armstrong passed away

So here is the age old question where were you when he set foot on the moon

I was six and we all drove three hours into Geraldton (Lovely roads back then) and watched it on a B&W Telly in
the window of King & Brown electrical store There were people crowding around from everywhere
Old Mr King must came in the back door and he set up a second telly in the other display window for all us Plebs


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ohhh eye;- well I am as old as you, I was in primary school with my class mates sitting on the floor watching a b&w TV, I cannot remember year level but i do remember the event, 100`s of us kids watching a couple b&w TV
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Another World Member
Legend Member
i was 17 then,cant remember wat i was doing then,then again dont know wat i'm doing now:dontknow:


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Brrrrrrrrr what a clever way to get to people's age ;) ..........the moon landing was many many moons ago........
Sounds like it made a rather memorable impression on the ones who have been around back then.



It was an incredible event - just on the cusp of the 70s. It was one of Kennedy's better moments, shame he wasn't around to see it. The buildup to that event saw American schools launch into the sciences with gusto which led to a postwar technological revolution. It was one of the reasons why Cape Canaverel's name was changed to Cape Kennedy.

I was a primary school student at the time but remember my teacher saying he never thought he'd see it in his lifetime. Lots of rumours abounded after that about aliens and spacemen seen on earth.

Was it a monumental waste of time and money? Monetarily yes, but technologically and from the point of a view of a nation coming to terms with the initial horrors of Vietnam bloodshed - no. The movie, The Dish, is worth looking at if you can rent it on DVD. It's a bit romanticized but on a basic factual level quite true.

When the year 2000 came around I was VERY disappointed. Why? Well, all those years in the comics ranging from The Jetsons to Superman, I thought we'd all be wearing jet packs and clothes made of aluminium foil and whizzing around on space scooters.

Maybe when pigs fly and politicians don't lie.


Probably playing Space Invaders.

There is a story about Neil Armstrong that will endure forever. It goes like this: when he was climbing back into the lunar lander after his first historic walk on the moon’s surface, Armstrong is said to have muttered under his breath, “Good luck, Mr Gorsky”.

Since the astronaut’s entire moonwalk was broadcast over an open mic, soon the whole world was wondering (or so the story goes), “who the hell is Mr Gorsky?” They figured maybe it was a rival Russian cosmonaut until years later Armstrong allegedly made a clean sweep of it during an interview. Mr and Mrs Gorsky lived next door to the house where grew up. One day while he and his brother were playing baseball in the yard, his brother hit a flyball which landed in the Gorsky’s yard, right under an open window. As he ran over to pick up the ball, Neil Armstrong heard Mrs Gorsky yell, “Sex? Sex? You’ll get sex when the kid next door walks on the moon.”

The story has, sadly, repeatedly been debunked including by the highly reputable mythbuster snopes.com. For one thing, the entire radio transcript of Armstrong’s moonwalk is up on the web for all to read. In fact, Armstrong said he only heard about the story much later and mentioned it in an article he wrote in 1995: “I understand that the joke is a year old. I first heard it in California delivered by Buddy Hackett”. (Hackett was a comedian).


Legend Member
Brrrrrrrrr what a clever way to get to people's age ;) ..........the moon landing was many many moons ago........
Sounds like it made a rather memorable impression on the ones who have been around back then.

I know you were way to young, Young lady


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
I suspect, it will be a very long time, if never again will the western world or multiple nations again reunite for a common goal, where millions of people reunite for the achievement of one purpose or goal, the romantic phrase;- “Good luck, Mr Gorsky”. is truly just a wonderful story that I suspect summaries people fears and superstitions or a phrase that shows "Change" has occurred in our life time. The late 60 to early 70 where periods of change and we are now living in the benefits of these changes.
I say raise your Rum glass high, look upon the horizon and to the future;- Cheers and ;- “Good luck, Mr Gorsky”.
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Legend Member
I was with a w/l when he said, "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind." and then I released my load with an epic "Ooo's and aah's". lol...ok that was my past life.


Silver Member
i wasn't thought of when armstrong walked on the moon. although my dad was driving a grader for the shire...