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Things that simply annoy us...


Gold Member
I think Darkside Of The Moon is one the most overrated albums by one of the most overrated bands.

Close To The Edge by Yes or 2112 by Rush and about 3 dozen others would be better than that Pink Floyd dross

Good man. At least you've listened to it.


I reckon I pretty much agree with everything that's been said in the last few posts. I'd like to add -

- Talking animals in adverts. Over it.
- Pirate, Vampire or Zombie related entertainment.
- Rude or just lazy service. Especially from teens/early 20somethings. Grinds my gears more.
- Josh Thomas. Not funny. Fuck that guy.
- People that say "I could care less", when what they really mean is "I couldn't care less".
- People that say Pecifically instead of specifically.
- People over the age of 10 that paint their faces for sporting events.
- When someone refers to large women as a 'real women'.
- Slow walkers (shout outs Jennifer!)
- Vin Diesel. Piece of shit actor that stars in piece of shit movies. Great.
- When somebody has lost something and immediately expects everyone to look for it.
- Shirtless men. If you're not at the beach or pool... Put it back on fuckface.
- People that hold in sneezes. It causes cancer. Pretty sure I read that somewhere. Hmm actually no, I just made that up. But still, it's not cool.
- Grown men that dye their hair.
- People that never ever carry cash.
- People that shhhh at Tennis matches. There's something so goody-two-shoes-ish about it.
- People that carry bottled water with them EVERYWHERE
- People that take more than 0.2 seconds to take off at the traffic lights.
- Tattoo's in Chinese writing. Ooooh... Chinese writing. So deep.
- Fuck it. Tattoo's in general. Sorry 95% of Perth.
- People that are too arrogant to argue.
- People and their fucking phones.
- People that claim to like music but have never taken 40 minutes out of their life to listen to Dark Side of the Moon, just once. Not saying you should like it, it's just that it's basically a fixture at the top end of any 'all time best album' list. Not even fucking curious?
- More on music. People that claim to like 'a bit of everything'. They are dirty rotten liar's that should be avoided.
Sitting on the train - aisle seat. Person next to me is making moves to get up WAY before the stop. But... I'm getting off at the same stop. Keep calm - we're gonna make it.
Edit - Tracy Grimshaw. Fuck her too.

This made me chuckle!! So spot on!! Apart from the tattoo one ;-/


Legend Member
People that think it`s ok to leave a mess in a public toilet... They seem to forget that someone after them still has to use it.


Legend Member
When "lost in translation" moment occurs, and both party conversed in English. You put forward your facts in plain English but the other party's mind is dead set on an idea, your repetition of your simple English not getting thru that thick wall of their brain.


Legend Member
The majority of the lycra brigade would be car owners I presume So every time you "accidentally "collect a cyclist because "I just could not see him officer" It is still one less car driver so it may be inefficient But it will reduce the number of car drivers out there so The act of composting a cyclist is a act the Greens party will eventually get through If we have another hung parliament


Legend Member
But it will cripple the already crowded hospitals. So one for the green and minus one for the Lib.


Legend Member
Nah Homey Just smear em all over the road Or at least one quick clean kill Mulch/compost em sell them to the market gardeners cheap
We get better Organic fruit&Veg and the cyclists are now a source of revenue No points or bounty to the driver if medical treatment is required


Gold Member
When you are cashed up and your favourite ladies aren't working or around for a while. Then when you are short of dosh your favourite ladies are on all the time and very keen and available. Nothing more annoying when timing is so off, really stuffs the concentration and life karma.


Good man. At least you've listened to it.

Mr BM The Piper at the Gates of Dawn - The debut album from Pink Floyd with original fruit loop and total nutcase singer Syd Barret isn't bad.

The song "Bike" is a personal favourite Link is broken so ha been taken down
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Legend Member
Well Happy2, I reckon the jail and mental asylum will be jam packed too if everyone follow your advice...lol...


Gold Member
I reckon I pretty much agree with everything that's been said in the last few posts. I'd like to add -

- Talking animals in adverts. Over it.
- Pirate, Vampire or Zombie related entertainment.
- Rude or just lazy service. Especially from teens/early 20somethings. Grinds my gears more.
- Josh Thomas. Not funny. Fuck that guy.
- People that say "I could care less", when what they really mean is "I couldn't care less".
- People that say Pecifically instead of specifically.
- People over the age of 10 that paint their faces for sporting events.
- When someone refers to large women as a 'real women'.
- Slow walkers (shout outs Jennifer!)
- Vin Diesel. Piece of shit actor that stars in piece of shit movies. Great.
- When somebody has lost something and immediately expects everyone to look for it.
- Shirtless men. If you're not at the beach or pool... Put it back on fuckface.
- People that hold in sneezes. It causes cancer. Pretty sure I read that somewhere. Hmm actually no, I just made that up. But still, it's not cool.
- Grown men that dye their hair.
- People that never ever carry cash.
- People that shhhh at Tennis matches. There's something so goody-two-shoes-ish about it.
- People that carry bottled water with them EVERYWHERE
- People that take more than 0.2 seconds to take off at the traffic lights.
- Tattoo's in Chinese writing. Ooooh... Chinese writing. So deep.
- Fuck it. Tattoo's in general. Sorry 95% of Perth.
- People that are too arrogant to argue.
- People and their fucking phones.
- People that claim to like music but have never taken 40 minutes out of their life to listen to Dark Side of the Moon, just once. Not saying you should like it, it's just that it's basically a fixture at the top end of any 'all time best album' list. Not even fucking curious?
- More on music. People that claim to like 'a bit of everything'. They are dirty rotten liar's that should be avoided.
Sitting on the train - aisle seat. Person next to me is making moves to get up WAY before the stop. But... I'm getting off at the same stop. Keep calm - we're gonna make it.
Edit - Tracy Grimshaw. Fuck her too.

Lol I enjoyed reading this BigMike. Although I am guilty of carrying bottled water with me everywhere...2L can be used to bludgeon someone, at a pinch. That's my excuse, I'll probably stick to it.


Legend Member
No- Pirate, Vampire or Zombie related entertainment.
Sorry HappyPirate it seems your banned
At least with the Vampires and Zombies gone No more Parliament question time or the like on TV


Gold Member
Mr BM The Piper at the Gates of Dawn - The debut album from Pink Floyd with original fruit loop and total nutcase singer Syd Barret isn't bad.

The song "Bike" is a personal favourite Link is broken so has been taken down

It's a great song. And good album. I am also a fan of their later stuff and Roger Waters solo albums. 'Amused to Death' is as good as any PF album. In my opinion of course.
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Gold Member
Lol I enjoyed reading this BigMike. Although I am guilty of carrying bottled water with me everywhere...2L can be used to bludgeon someone, at a pinch. That's my excuse, I'll probably stick to it.

I'll tell you what I'll do for you Tracey... I'll give you a pass. But this if your first and only warning ;)

No- Pirate, Vampire or Zombie related entertainment.
Sorry HappyPirate it seems your banned
At least with the Vampires and Zombies gone No more Parliament question time or the like on TV

Nah HappyPirate isn't banned. I've no problem with actual Pirates, Vampires or Zombies.. I just don't like them in my films!
I only allow to see one Pirate movie a decade. 90's - Hook. 2000's - Pirates of the Caribbean. That's enough. Not seen one this decade.


Legend Member
It's a great song. And good album. I am also a fan of their later stuff and Roger Waters solo albums. 'Amused to Death' is as good as any PF album. In my opinion of course.

It is personal opinion isn't it BigMike
I mean there are some out there who think Cyndi Lauper is on a par with Dame Joan Sutherland That is their opinion and they are entitled to it No matter how addled their brains must be ;D
I used to enjoy Rainbow and Marillion as a teen I do think the kids miss out a little with i tunes etc allowing the buying of, "a" song
The concept album is gone


Gold Member
It is personal opinion isn't it BigMike
I mean there are some out there who think Cyndi Lauper is on a par with Dame Joan Sutherland That is their opinion and they are entitled to it No matter how addled their brains must be ;D
I used to enjoy Rainbow and Marillion as a teen I do think the kids miss out a little with i tunes etc allowing the buying of, "a" song
The concept album is gone

Yep, everyone is entitled (to an opinion). In my opinion some other opinions are wrong wrong wrong and hold zero value. That may make me, in their opinion, an asshole. And in my opinion, that's fine. :)

I know what you mean about people buying "a" song. Though I still think there are plenty of bands/artists that strive to produce 'albums' rather than just mostly shit songs and a couple of singles. Depends what you're into I guess (back to opinions again!)


Legend Member
People my age that act like my age
Anyone who doesn't talk like a pirate and especially if they don't on "world talk like a pirate day - ooor aaarh!"
People that aren't w/l's - especially men
Men that are w/l's that don't tell you they're men
Men, you can't live with 'em and you can't live without 'em (sorry just a random thought)
Traveling 3,750km for sex without any sleep for 24hrs then finding mini me doesn't live up to his end of the bargain (and I discussed this with him and everything!!)
People that get grumpy about things they have no control over (oh that's me in the previous comment)
People that get grumpy about things they do have control over but don't change
People that don't surf, skateboard or play computer games (Just because I have to wear a suit to work and pretend to be an adult isn't a reason to stop!)
People that don't like sex (It was so much fun at 15 so why stop?)
People with stinky bums
Guys that don't respect women especially their working girls
People that are serious when they don't need to be
People that don't like water slides or body slides (ok you should like both - preferably at the same time)
But most of all, people that can't be serious when they really need to be.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Thx lads for not Banning me;- "I am keeping out of this one", Cheers lads have a good weekend, now where Myyyyy glass gotto
Ok I cant help myself;-------"what is annoying?";------Michael Jackson, now he was annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Legend Member
Yep, everyone is entitled (to an opinion). In my opinion some other opinions are wrong wrong wrong and hold zero value. That may make me, in their opinion, an asshole. And in my opinion, that's fine. :)

That reminds of a story my dads old mate used to tell us as kids BigMike
He was a WWII man who stayed on after the war He said one day out in the middle of the bush He had a young English soldier who he was driving mad He would have him run 400mtres put in a marker Run up a hill place a flag on it . On and on all day
That night after tea which was a tin of something they were having a cuppa
The English soldier asked "Is it true you dont have silent contempt in the Australian Army? " To which he replied "Yes that is right you can have an opinion and think what you want" To which the young soldier replied
"Well I think you are an Arsehole"
Whenever telling the story he always said I was so busy laughing I could not have been angry with him if I wanted to


Well my opinion is modern music is dog shit. There is no genre that hasn't been done better pre about 1993.
Aussie Idol etc makes me reach for my bucket.

I'd also like to say I find Hamish and Andy about as funny as cancer.


Gold Member
Well my opinion is modern music is dog shit. There is no genre that hasn't been done better pre about 1993.
Aussie Idol etc makes me reach for my bucket.

I'd also like to say I find Hamish and Andy about as funny as cancer.

I think I might agree with with the pre 1993 comment. I'm more optimistic though. Post 1993 there has been some very good albums. But again, this is totally dependent on what you're into. If you stopped listening to new music around the time Kurt Cobain died you could be forgiven for assuming it's all rubbish now. Because the snippets you do hear, on the tv adverts for pop idol (and the like) or on commercial radio, is probably absolute dog shit. I'd say my old man would argue everything post 1983 is crap. I'd argue he's just... old.
I think there's something sad about shutting up shop and listening to the same old music over and over.

The film industry has probably gone through its golden era. Well that's what lots of people say. I don't think anyone could say there's hasn't been some very very good films in recent years and decades.

I actually think we're in a golden era of television. No, I'm not talking about the fucking Block! I'm talking about drama series. Currently, and in the last 5 or 6 years. There has been a wave of great shows. Plus these shows are more accessible than ever with the Internet (Example - we're not reliant on some fuckwhit at channel 9 to decided if we do or don't get to see new eps of The Sopranos).


Yes TV drama shows are a lot better. Sopranos, Oz, Dexter, Deadwood, Mad Men, etc... I only watch TV shows on DVD.

The Block, X Factor, Master Shit etc... Well they can stick that up the brown hole.

Beyoncé etc look nice then again so do pornstars. And who is this Redfoo chap? Silly haircuts = Stardom these days


Gold Member
two more things I'd like to add from the my perspective / world of:

1. Graphic Design / Creative.
What I/we hate:

- SImply look up clientsfromhell.net , hopefully many of you gets all sorts of problems us designers face :).


2. World of DJ'ing / sad music demographics of today
(HoneyHoneyHoney @ LT - if you're reading this, you know what I'm on about :):

What I / many would hate:

- The "I just bought Serato, now I am A REAL DJ!" kids generation.
- Laptop DJs / mini all-in-one controller DJs in the club.
- Self proclaimed DJs who thinks to be cool on mixing Hip Hop all you need is just f**** mad skills in crab-scratching (one reason why I don't ever touch Hip Hop as a genre to mix).
- Self proclaimed DJs who has never lugs around JUST ONE crate of Vinyls.
- Self proclaimed DJs who never have learned what bars, beats and phrases meant.
- Self proclaimed DJs who never mix / learn to beatmatch on Vinyl.
- Self proclaimed DJs who thinks House music gets better as time goes by, especially when they think anything goes better with LMFAO and Gangnam Style.
- Self proclaimed DJs and kids who thinks Swedish House Mafia, David Guetta and Deadmau5 is the best shit there is.
-The people / audience - who only listens to Top 40 overhyped saturated polluted shit, including Dubstep.
- The people / audience - who only requests to Top 40 overhyped saturated polluted shit, including Dubstep.

- ...And of all - people who thinks Dubstep is the ultimate future and House music sounds all the same.

PM me for more reading material :).


Gold Member
Yep, all those great shows and more (Oz = The adult version of Prison Break and about 50 times better).

I can't believe that Master Chef has gone on so long. It's just endless, isn't it? And in between series they run spin offs - Celebrity Master Chef, Junior Master Chef, All Star Master Chef, Master Chef: The Professionals. Fuck. Me.
The whole show is just a Coles ad too. Interrupted by the occasional commercial break... which will no doubt have at least one fucking Coles ad... with that fuckface chef, Curtis Stone.

Ah Redfoo? From LFMAO. Saw a girl on the train listening to their album. Genuinely felt sorry for her.
Don't get me started on that talent-less motherfucker. His old man founded Motown Records. Might explain why he's not turning tricks for crack.


Yep, all those great shows and more (Oz = The adult version of Prison Break and about 50 times better).

I can't believe that Master Chef has gone on so long. It's just endless, isn't it? And in between series they run spin offs - Celebrity Master Chef, Junior Master Chef, All Star Master Chef, Master Chef: The Professionals. Fuck. Me.
The whole show is just a Coles ad too. Interrupted by the occasional commercial break... which will no doubt have at least one fucking Coles ad... with that fuckface chef, Curtis Stone.

Ah Redfoo? From LFMAO. Saw a girl on the train listening to their album. Genuinely felt sorry for her.
Don't get me started on that talent-less motherfucker. His old man founded Motown Records. Might explain why he's not turning tricks for crack.

Are we related?

All those judges on the talent shows. Danni, Seal, Ronnin, Ricki, GS, NB, RF, Joel? are all a talentless bunch of hacks.

As for the contestants. It takes years and years of dedication to master an instrument. Yet these shower singers straight from guitar hero think they can reach fame and stardom in 5 minutes.

I remember the days when the only chef on TV was Peter Russell Clarke... Usually after an episode of Battle Of The Planets, Monkey Magic, Astro Boy etc


Gold Member
Are we related?

All those judges on the talent shows. Danni, Seal, Ronnin, Ricki, GS, NB, RF, Joel? are all a talentless bunch of hacks.

As for the contestants. It takes years and years of dedication to master an instrument. Yet these shower singers straight from guitar hero think they can reach fame and stardom in 5 minutes.

I remember the days when the only chef on TV was Peter Russell Clarke... Usually after an episode of Battle Of The Planets, Monkey Magic, Astro Boy etc


I just love it when a contestant comes on and they give us their sob story (maybe they were depressed on their mother who said "follow your dreams, son" got run over by a bus), you just know the judges aren't going to say no. The 'people' who vote seem to eat that shit up too. Honestly, I reckon I could make the final 12 if I just said my Dad used to beat me, and now I'm depressed. Probably win it if I threw in some Hodgkin's.

Yep we've got celebrities for everything now. Forget movie star celebs... we now have Celebrity chefs, celebrity CEO's, celebrity bankers, celebrity software developers, celebrity dancers, celebrity pawnshop owners etc, etc. O' and you can't forget celebrity celebrities; those who are famous for being famous.


Legend Member
As for the contestants. It takes years and years of dedication to master an instrument. Yet these shower singers straight from guitar hero think they can reach fame and stardom in 5 minutes.

Yep this has always been my biggest issue with singer talent shows and the way the judges all get so over emotional when someone sings well. I preferred the days when they'd just hold up a score card out of 10 like at the Olympics. btw I like Katy Perry, is that bad?


Legend Member
Yep we've got celebrities for everything now. Forget movie star celebs... we now have Celebrity chefs, celebrity CEO's, celebrity bankers, celebrity software developers, celebrity dancers, celebrity pawnshop owners etc, etc. O' and you can't forget celebrity celebrities; those who are famous for being famous.

Yeah I think they need to have a show called "Celebrity Punter", or "Working Girls got Talent", I can just see all the judges crying after someone gets totally done in front of the studio audience, the judges awarding a 9 out of 10 for bringing the show to a climax and saying here's a $2.5 million win to start your own brothel :)


. btw I like Katy Perry, is that bad?

I wonder what she looks like first thing in the morning, without all that layers thick make up and outrageous colour?

Woof, woof!... Reckon I can find some slapper just as good in the $160 - $200 x 30 minute price range.

These "Celebrities"... Totally average just like everyone else.


Legend Member
I wonder what she looks like first thing in the morning, without all that layers thick make up and outrageous colour?

Woof, woof!... Reckon I can find some slapper just as good in the $160 - $200 x 30 minute price range.

These "Celebrities"... Totally average just like everyone else.

Yes but can they do this without their glasses on?
