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Things that simply annoy us...


Legend Member
As much as we all want to believe that the world is a perfect place, sadly it`s not.
There is always one or two things that annoy us so share with the rest of the us what is yours and hopefully we will reach out and give you a big hug.

I`ll start...

People that talk loudly on their mobile phones... As if the rest of the world wants to hear their conversation.
People in the express lane in a supermarket that send their partner to go and get one more thing.
People that don`t return trolleys to the trolley bay, giving the trolley permission to roll onto your car.
Parking machines that don`t give change. Why should I have to pay $2 to stay in a $1.20hr maximum parking bay.


Legend Member
Right lane hoggers who go below the speed limit.
Trucks or buses that stuck to the right lane for couple of km's then tried hard to keep left when their left turn comes up.
Traffic coppers who parked their bikes in the emergency stopping lane along the freeway chatting to each other during peak hour traffic, slowing down the already slowed traffic. LoL...


Another freeway episode
People behind you who close up when they see that you want to change lane into what they believe is their sole and exclusive territory.


Gold Member
Right lane hoggers who go below the speed limit.
Trucks or buses that stuck to the right lane for couple of km's then tried hard to keep left when their left turn comes up.
Traffic coppers who parked their bikes in the emergency stopping lane along the freeway chatting to each other during peak hour traffic, slowing down the already slowed traffic. LoL...

Spot on with every point, glad others think the same.

In addition my pet hate is that this generation of human beings do not seem to learn from those that have come before, constantly reinventing the wheel in social, business and politics. The loss in common sense over greedy agendas.


Gold Member
Selfish gits that fuel up at the servo look behind see 3 cars waiting then go inside to pay. IS IT THAT FUCKING HARD TO MOVE YOUR CAR YOU SELFISH PICE OF SHIT? I want to kill these people i really do


5 Star General
Foundation Member
WTF so much anger in these posts .
reply to some >>
do you pay a higher rego fee so that you have the rite to drive in the right hand lane more so than others ???



People in the express lane in a supermarket that send their partner to go and get one more thing.

1st world problems! :p

John, if you aren't overtaking or going faster than those in the left lane, it's just a bit inconsiderate.

Alecia the Foxx

When you paint your nails, and one of them smudges soon after. Yeah - another First World problem.


Gold Member
Another freeway episode
People behind you who close up when they see that you want to change lane into what they believe is their sole and exclusive territory.

You are not driving by WA rules if this happens.
Just change lanes and then idicate that was what you did. That's the WA way.



Talking when someone is giving a presentation / speech - take the 10 seconds required to step out of the room. If I've got the mic I'll offer it to the yackers after a short grace period! Rude


If these are all things that we have to worry about in our lives....what truly lucky people we are BUT TELSTRA!!!!!


Legend Member
Arsehole crime gang that like to do drive-by assaults(eggs glass rocks/stones etc), defamation, food contamination(snot spit foreign objects)!!!!!!!!!!!!


Selfish gits that fuel up at the servo look behind see 3 cars waiting then go inside to pay. IS IT THAT FUCKING HARD TO MOVE YOUR CAR YOU SELFISH PICE OF SHIT? I want to kill these people i really do

You are not supposed to move your car after you fill up until you pay because it can be considered as a drive off!


If these are all things that we have to worry about in our lives....what truly lucky people we are BUT TELSTRA!!!!!

Telstra is on par with that paper clip assistant in micosoft word, they ruin lives....lol


cowboy.... Things that simply annoy us in the TS community is unnecessary abuse!! We all get hot under the collar about things (hey I am well known for pulling out my soapbox) however that is just useless abuse....now children apologise please!!!!

:) xx
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Afucking bullshit gentleman. People like you missed out when brains were handed out. You ever seen a sign at any servo that says that? Why do they turn on the next pump then you fuckwit. Coz your on film the whole time. Better hope im not behind you next time you fill up.

yikes tiger...might take the train from now on

Farm Boy

It really pisses me off when my electric fence bites ,it happens but this guy bit back.

Link is broken so has been taken down
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Afucking bullshit gentleman. People like you missed out when brains were handed out. You ever seen a sign at any servo that says that? Why do they turn on the next pump then you fuckwit. Coz your on film the whole time. Better hope im not behind you next time you fill up.

To give you a bit of insight - A lot of pumps/POS systems can only store two transactions, or the operator only has the capacity to deal with two transactions even if the POS system allows more. They generally don't like you moving your car I've found.
In addition to this, most people don't remember the amount of fuel they've put in - So if you get an operator that actually knows how to queue transactions (and their system allows it) the whole process is slowed down even further by the customer who can't remember which transaction is his. In the end it is easier for them to apply a blanket "don't move your vehicle" rule.

Just because there isn't a sign, doesn't mean it isn't a rule. I've actually had operators stop me before when going to move my car.

Also: Settle down on the abuse! Even if Gentleman and I are wrong (I do happen to know the limitations of the systems and the customers making the process harder) there is no need to react like that :)
There is always a way to point out that someone else is wrong whilst keeping a level head by presenting a rational argument.


Legend Member
If these are all things that we have to worry about in our lives....what truly lucky people we are BUT TELSTRA!!!!!

LOL...thanks for bringing Hellstra up...it is one of my pet hate to deal with the conglomerate of a dinosaur company. They are old they are slow, they take a long long while to assist you with your issue. Urgent means we will schedule you in and someone will contact you at a time convenient to them. Though in recent years they said they have restructured and is constantly improving their services, of course they are on the retail front. But at the servicing end, they are still doing the right hand not talking to the left hand show. lol..


Althalus, the servos certainly have some strange rules eh!

I went into my local one on a quiet arvo and they came over the PA telling a bloke that the pump won't be turned on unless he's facing the right way!


Legend Member
Another one to my list after a visit to Bunnings this afternoon...
Parents that verbally abuse their children.
OK, I`m not a parent so maybe I don`t fully understand but is there a reason to say to your child even if he/she is misbehaving
"Come here you little shit"

Farm Boy

Another one to my list after a visit to Bunnings this afternoon...
Parents that verbally abuse their children.
OK, I`m not a parent so maybe I don`t fully understand but is there a reason to say to your child even if he/she is misbehaving
"Come here you little shit"

Parent or Mum's latest ?

Alecia the Foxx

Excellent point, FB. It makes me more than annoyed when I see mum's who let their latest boyfriend verbally abuse their children. It is sad. Of course, it is sad too when parents do it.

Naughty Thoughts

gazzman earns a 2 day ban for making a personal attack. Please take the time to cool off.

Regarding the "drive forward" situation - I've only seen this once when filling up. I've always seen people leave their car at the pump, go in and pay and then drive out.

Normally when the cars have been queued 3 or more deep (from the times that I've seen it) it's because the station only has one attendant on and there is a queue of people inside waiting to pay. I don't see how the first person at the pump moving their car forward and letting the second car start filling will save time since the second person will then have to wait inside to pay anyway.

I concur with Althalus - any time saved by cars moving forward would be lost by confusion at the register. And if at the end of the shift the money isn't right then the fuel company would just use that as another excuse to put the prices up.

Unless there's something I'm missing... ?

Alecia the Foxx


I thought you were gonna blow my arse up for not staying on track. As you were :laughing4

Mary Anne PA

You should try vodafone for a while, they will make Telstra seem fantastic in comparison!


nights are a waste of time
Gold Member
What pisses me off is pissing some people off & always wondering later on, what the hell was I thinking & how did I get drawn into that one?
I actually have a black T shirt that I wear, that says “My anger management course is Pissing Me Off”

Oh, it’s also very annoying when stepping on a nail protruding out of a wooden plank or doing overhead welds & having white hot, molten metal, fall on all over your head & shoulders..ouch!