• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

The English Thread


Gold Member
Hey storm,

I'm a big fan of free speech, I love that quote forgive me for paraphrasing "I may not always agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it".

But if I may make a polite suggestion. If you are making a really long post, could you add a few little pieces of grammar. Like spaces after the full stops, and maybe the odd paragraph break. I actually am very interested in what you have to say, but I could not read the long post in this thread because it does my head in when there's no capital letters or spaces, maybe I'm a bit dislexic or something, but the letters were literally just jumping around on the page.

You are under no obligation to comply, I will just be disappointed that I won't be able to read the interesting stuff you say.



Re: Illegal drug use in society

yes i know what you mean im just not very good at english and that sort of thing fucs me up all the time.sorry you had such a hard time reading it.i shall try to improve my writing skills but cant say they will get better.i dont take offence to your comment at all.as i know i have that fault.maybe i should of went to school more instead of surfing.though it wasnt really worth it when all i did was sit out side the principals office for most subjects except maths and woodwork.i will try harder to fix this problem.you are not the only one that has said it.so sorry once again and also i can only print not do runnimg writting...


Gold Member
Re: Illegal drug use in society

Hey Storm,

For the record I can only print too, when I start writing fast with my printing they kind of join together and look really bad and I finished school with pretty high marks.

To everyone else, it has been drawn to my attention that the pink is hard to read, I apologise. The thing is, it's kind of my signature colour now, so I have tried bolding it to make it a bit easier.

Apologies for this being totally off topic, maybe if I hadn't taken so many drugs in my younger years I'd be able to read Storm's posts. <joke>



No i agree with you Mac'nOphi. Though i did as you said in writting, but when i pushed the post button it all went on with no paragraphs. So i need to learn how to use that programme you mentioned..I did send you a P.M so not sure if you got it...So i guess i need to do some reading as i have plenty of books about computers..


Gold Member
i am in the process of redoing the post for storm so it is easier to read by all. from what i ae done so far and read it is very interesting.


5 Star General
Foundation Member
Storms post is readable now and it was an interesting read

ty SnD for makeing Stormlines post ledgible

and also ty Stormline for the info, it is much easier to read in this form

also if you use the preview button you will see the post as we the viewer will see it on the board

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Foundation Member
Let me see.......how did that english lesson go.......

One sentence for each thought.

A paragraph for each group of related sentences but, preferably, no more than 5 or 6.

Really, the best way to learn punctuation is by reading newspapers, they get it right most of the time. When you are listening to newsreaders, (not sporting commentators) take note of their pauses to learn how commas and fullstops break up the flow.

Another test is to try reading your posts aloud. If you run out of breath and turn blue before the end of a sentence it is too long. This was a favourite of one of my Primary School teachers. Sadistic, I know, but it drove the lesson home.


I make my students read their stuff out loud because I have quite a few who use and six times in a sentence.....If I am writing something formal (e.g. a cover letter for my resume or a proposal for school) I always read it out loud to make sure it flows right :)


There's this doco called "The Adventure of English", and it talks about how the english language evolved over time. If anybody's interested they should cheack it out; if not, meh...

Just thought I'd contribute and give my two bob's worth.

Horny Lil'devil

I find bad English so irritating - especially if it's in the newspapers or somewhere public. My main bug bear is the incorrect use of your and You're - drives me insane!!


Silver Member
I've got to admit that I'm a bit of stickler for proper English usage. Yes, that makes me an annoying pedant.


Foundation Member
I've got to admit that I'm a bit of stickler for proper English usage. Yes, that makes me an annoying pedant.

Nope, it just means you are educated and have proper respect for your language and your readers. My favourite comment on poor English was uttered by 'enry 'iggins in "My Fair Lady". When he was discoursing to a friend early in the piece he said:

"In my opinion folks ought to be hung
for the cold-blooded murder of our English tongue."