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The 44th President



Friends All,

I have just witnessed the inauguration of the 44th President of the United Sates of America, Barack Obama and I am humbled and proud to say I am an American.

I found the words of my leader inspirational. They provide hope for the people of America and offer peace and understanding to the people of the World.

He has committed us all, as Americans, to share and spare the resources of our planet, to dispense with waste, to rein in greed, to face change and to conquer adversity, as we and the people of the World together build a better future for the generations to follow.

These things I respect, these things I value and these things I will embrace.

God bless you all.



He certainly gives inspirational speaches but I spose time will tell and maybe only at the end of his time in office(even later) he can be judged not by his vocabulary but by the decisions and choices he makes. I think America made the right choice in electing Barack Obama as he seems to have a genuine vision for the future.


Foundation Member
Well, he is am impressive man from what I have seen of him but as Granny used to say: "Handsome is as handsome does"

We have heard him say plenty over the past couple of years of the election circus. Now let us wait and see what he does before we pass judgement.


Bronze Member
Barack Obama... There is no doubt about one thing. What ever he does will turn out to be OK. After all what are we going to compare it with? George Bush's legacy... I think it is impossible for any normal being to be as stupid as Bush!
Some how Bush's time towards the end felt like 'Nero playing the fiddle, when Rome was burning'.
The world has changed for better..........at least to see Bush go!


Bronze Member
Barack Obama... There is no doubt about one thing. What ever he does will turn out to be OK. After all what are we going to compare it with? George Bush's legacy... I think it is impossible for any normal being to be as stupid as Bush! :alien:
Some how Bush's time towards the end felt like 'Nero playing the fiddle, when Rome was burning':violent5:.
The world has changed for better..........at least to see Bush go!:angel12:


I watched the inaugration and the concert thingie they did to celebrate and people in the USA were just so....excited! Hopefully it will reduce the cynicism of politics for awhile if nothing else.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I think he is a very special man and will help shape how we all run our lives over the next few hundred years.
The modern Julius Ceasar.


I feel sorry for the poor bastard. He would have been a good president say, after Sept 11th, but he has inherited a bucketload of shit and is expected to polish it. NO GENIUS will be able to turn the US economy in an instant - and Americans will have to take a lot of bitter medicine before things change - and Barak is going to have to dish it out. Every president before has had the spend big philosophy know the party has to stop - but they also knew it wouldn't have to stop during their term in office.

Well, the party's over and it ain't going to be pretty. I hate all the doom and gloom news so I guess I'm happy to hear the euphoria of optimism 'cos the reality needs a break for a minute or so.

I'm particularly proud with the way Obama conducted himself during the campaign - not once did he say he was looking for the black vote like Jesse Jackson - he made it clear he was a person standing to be president and appealing to all people.

flange gasket

Very exciting times ahead indeed. I was particularly impressed with his stance on greed leading to the current situation and the need to turn away from it.

A very JFK moment with his line "we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist". A sublime statement for mine. Hopefully he'll get to see it through and not meet the same fate, there'll be plenty of nutters willing to have a crack..

But anyway, I was more of a Hillary man myself:


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I wonder if any Australian would put up a post like this praising a new PM?? Maybe this is part of the reason so many other countries have low opinions of the Yanks...

Fair Dinkum get a life and just get on with the job without already patting yourselves on the back.


Maybe if we had a black or female PM we would praise lol.....although i'd say we are a long way of having an aboriginal prime minister!

flange gasket

Maybe if we had a black or female PM we would praise lol.....although i'd say we are a long way of having an aboriginal prime minister!

Pfft. As if a female PM would be much better, I'm old enough to remember what Thatcher did to Britain.

They're all just politicians.


Maybe if we had a black or female PM we would praise lol.....although i'd say we are a long way of having an aboriginal prime minister!

I am all for either of them taking up the challenge, but we as Aussies are a lot more laid back than the Yanks. If anything, here we would get the Tall poppy syndrome happening after about two days.

Two things you don't discuss on forums, "Politics and Religion" :violent5:


5 Star General
Foundation Member
im not sure if any of you know that the inauguration party for the 44th president cost the tax payer $ 240 mill US


What woman in Australian politics would you trust with the job? Only Gillard and she already has the deputy spot.

I would vote for the one that has the biggest Jugs for sure hahahaha :thumbsup::sign10:


Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I'm with MacOphi that any subjects can be disussed, this is a open forum.Debate is good just no personal attacks, which dosen't mean you can't tease.
A example, Is are you enjoying the stirriing Mac, you bite quickly fast and sure and fast winning the last word.
When are you going to moderate the Debate Board and set up the rules, unhappliy I have deleted the old one?
If we search debate should come up with all the old posts as never deleted those.


im not sure if any of you know that the inauguration party for the 44th president cost the tax payer $ 240 mill US

That does not surprise me AT ALL.

Sometimes the world we live in amazes me! As for tall poppy syndrome i see it everyday in the schools i've worked in and it's so prevalent in our society sometimes it astounds me. We can't even have student of the weke or points systems in a lot of schools these days cos kids torment the "good" kids.


$240 million? Hmmm, not calling you a liar but do you have a source for that? I suspect like most things - that money will include the security costs, closing the roads, paying businesses for time lost along the route if the crowds are attending etc.


5 Star General
Foundation Member
$240 million? Hmmm, not calling you a liar but do you have a source for that? I suspect like most things - that money will include the security costs, closing the roads, paying businesses for time lost along the route if the crowds are attending etc.

BigBlackCock;70235 , i friend of mine in the US informed about the $ 240millUS cost of the Barma party and i have no need to distrust her but i did look it up for you and found this Link is broken, so taken down. ,

you are missing the point , a lot of homeless people would have liked to have a warm bed even just for the 1 nite
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Sir Stefan

Agent Provocateur
Foundation Member
I disagree. Every forum you go people talk about politics and religion, they are the two of the most popular subjects.

I dont think having a female PM in Australia would be that much of a big step any more, just need a woman in politics capable of handling herself.
What woman in Australian politics would you trust with the job? Only Gillard and she already has the deputy spot.

I just hope that when we do get a female Prime minister for Australia that she is sufficiently uninhibited and enlightened enough to shave her pussy..... then and then alone may I be prepared to drop on my knees before her!


Foundation Member
I just hope that when we do get a female Prime minister for Australia that she is sufficiently uninhibited and enlightened enough to shave her pussy..... then and then alone may I be prepared to drop on my knees before her!

I will suggest that to Julia next time I see her. (How long do you think she will be happy with the No.2 spot??)


Foundation Member
Well I for one certainly would if I thought we had one worth prasing!

Nah, not in this country. We leave the hysteria to the Americans and keep our emotions well in check. Of course if he played football that would be different.::)

Seriously, though, I believe the hype around Mr Obama has got dangerously out of hand. If he isn't careful and if he doesn't achieve some really spectacular successes early in his career the same hysteria could turn against him in the blink of an eye. Back off a bit, guys, and let the man do his job. It is a heavy enough role already without the added pressure of unrealistic expectations.

Farm Boy

Friends All,

I have just witnessed the inauguration of the 44th President of the United Sates of America, Barack Obama and I am humbled and proud to say I am an American.

I found the words of my leader inspirational. They provide hope for the people of America and offer peace and understanding to the people of the World.

He has committed us all, as Americans, to share and spare the resources of our planet, to dispense with waste, to rein in greed, to face change and to conquer adversity, as we and the people of the World together build a better future for the generations to follow.

These things I respect, these things I value and these things I will embrace.

God bless you all.


Nancy our PM is also a good public speaker ( gas bag )
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Au contraire JohnLou. Even in years when there has been no expenditure on such occasions, there have been homeless people in the US - even when such ceremonies cost less.

Some years ago, it was revealed that Bill Gates donated $20 million more to charity than the US Government did. And I vaguely recall in 1991 that it was revealed that more people in the US were still dying of measles than of AIDS despite the measles vaccine being so cheap.

Sir Stefan

Agent Provocateur
Foundation Member
Ah, the good old USA....well they certainly do some crazy things there, only last week I became aware of an incident where a Woman in florida was driving down the freeway, on the way for a rendevous with her lover, and as she was driving she was shaving her pussy.... now wait for it... and as she was shaving her pussy (so that she would be oh so smooth for her lover) her husband sat alongside her steering the car from the passengers seat.... needless to say they crashed the car.

Now it gets even more bizarre, for it turns out they were regular caravanners, well familiar with doing things 'on-the'move' and as they drove the freeway they were boiling the water in a 12 volt kettle, plugged to the cigar lighter, which was precariously balanced on the centre console... which she was using to dip the razor in as she shaved her pussy... now when they crashed the car she nicked her fanny with the razor, but he came off worst as the kettle of boiling water fell into his lap and scalded his balls.

She was late for her root, he ended up in hospital with 3rd degree burns to his tackle... and they are still married... Now surely THIS could only happen in the good old USA!

Sir Stefan

Agent Provocateur
Foundation Member
Yes, agreed viper, what Obama has done, for the future health of all Americans, in less than one year, is far better than what Bush did in 8 years by starting wars that no one will ever win!....

I'm with Nancy on this one and it is not often thast I take sides with a bible basher, but Nancy seems somehow to be just that little bit different?


Gold Member
Bush was great for one thing we all must agree. Thats giving David Letterman material on the late show.


I have to disagree with you viper. Bush was such an appalling President the American electorate realized they needed someone with a staggering amount of intelligence to overcome the damage caused by that inbred village idiot.

Naughty me - I'm very rude, I'm sure his mother thinks he's a good boy.