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Talking in tongues? Take your pick!


Diamond Member
Oh fuck me stupid. Yep I figured that there must be some fuckers who can't lick a good wet pussy. So now you have a training aid. The phone. When it is one of the filthiest items that we use every day. We go to the toilet with it ." Well most do" we put it on public tables and other places where any of kind of bacterial growth might be. Now you should lick it to learn how to lick pussy. Oh please 🥺.
Are us men really that simple. ?

Jamie Jackson

Jamie Jackson 💋
Diamond Member
I've thought about getting tongue split to aid interaction but it's not available locally.
It’s a very lengthy healing process as well.
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Dood Deleted 66783

Oh fuck me stupid. Yep I figured that there must be some fuckers who can't lick a good wet pussy. So now you have a training aid. The phone. When it is one of the filthiest items that we use every day. We go to the toilet with it ." Well most do" we put it on public tables and other places where any of kind of bacterial growth might be. Now you should lick it to learn how to lick pussy. Oh please 🥺.
Are us men really that simple. ?

Don't some of you realize that the video's a comedy sketch? Jesus wept!


Diamond Member
It might be a comedy sketch but there would be a few looking for it on the net by now.
Window lickers and phone lickers . All The same.
Some just need all the help they can get.


Gold Member
Are there any ladies in Perth with pierced split tongues? I've found pierced tongue better for French kissing, split tongue better for Australian kissing, and both good for blow jobs - they're different, but I'm curious about both. Thanks.