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Stretch marks, cellulite and scars



Fact of life or is there actually women out there who have none of these? I wondered about it as I was reading a recruitment form on a high class escorting Website - they stated they wouldn't accept anyone who had a scar or scars...

I found the statement contradictory as a lot of the women on the website had enhanced breasts. But that's another matter I suppose...

My main question is: do men care about these
things as much as women do? What about when
you hire an escort? Do these things matter?

I'm a bit concerned, I have a scar that runs the entire length of my foot (down the side) it's quite faded by still noticible... I also have various small ones from burning myself on th oven, etc.

Am I making a big deal out of nothing? I feel a bit silly now...

And as for stretch marks - they're everywhere :(

Apologies if I'm spamming the place with all my questions :p


Fact of life or is there actually women out there who have none of these? I wondered about it as I was reading a recruitment form on a high class escorting Website - they stated they wouldn't accept anyone who had a scar or scars...

I found the statement contradictory as a lot of the women on the website had enhanced breasts. But that's another matter I suppose...

Am I making a big deal out of nothing? I feel a bit silly now...

And as for stretch marks - they're everywhere :(

Apologies if I'm spamming the place with all my questions :p

My main question is: do men care about these
things as much as women do? What about when
Oh.. dont worry about the scar on your foot, lol!
I believe most women have stretch marks, whether it be on their breasts or hips. Its a part of development. All depends on how quick we either lose or put on weight. Ive seen many men who have stretch marks also.
I guess theres not much you/we can do as the skin is stretched and damaged but you can moisturise daily with a cocoa butter based moisturiser or try that bio oil an get a quality spray tan. You could also wear a lovely full lace suspender with stockings.
Im not sure that even lazer can improve the damage as i knew a girl who enquired about them.


Correct. No one is perfect. Its just that some flaws are more visible than others.

Yes definitely some are more visible but is it a concern? If your booking a girl sight unseen I think as long as the lady looks what was described a few blemishes aren't a worry. If I was at a brothel and one of the ladies had a noticeable scar on her foot I'd probably pick her due to the fact you've got a conversation starter to break down some of the tension that can be present! A girl with a few flaws who's into her job is a hundred times better than a glamour who's watching the clock all session!!!!! Just my 2 cents worth :tongue8:


I think it is probably a matter of degrees, I quite like a small tattoo, for instance, but a WL that looks like a Maori warrior might be a bit off putting. Likewise, a small scar in an out of the way place like the foot is irrelevant however a whopping great C section scar that looks like the surgeon used a broken bottle can be a little off putting.

We do all have our faults and blemishes but if the agency was 'High Class', as you say, then the clients are usually paying a premium and I guess the agency is looking for the very cream of the crop. At the end of the day is Hooters going to employ an A cup waitress? The Agency seems to have selected it's market and is staffing accordingly, good luck trying to find a dozen Elle's though.


For Precious Ladies
Bronze Member
From my experience, men don't worry about them as much a women do. I think if you present yourself honestly, that is an enormous help.

Lighting as well as lingerie such as elle has suggested can help if you're really self conscious about it. The main thing is to relax and know when your man is fully lost in you, he doesnt care about stretch marks or scars.


I think it is probably a matter of degrees, I quite like a small tattoo, for instance, but a WL that looks like a Maori warrior might be a bit off putting. Likewise, a small scar in an out of the way place like the foot is irrelevant however a whopping great C section scar that looks like the surgeon used a broken bottle can be a little off putting.

We do all have our faults and blemishes but if the agency was 'High Class', as you say, then the clients are usually paying a premium and I guess the agency is looking for the very cream of the crop. At the end of the day is Hooters going to employ an A cup waitress? The Agency seems to have selected it's market and is staffing accordingly, good luck trying to find a dozen Elle's though.

Wow, Reggie.. Im very flattered.xx
I am not perfect either.I consider myself very real. Presentation is the key and first impressions last. I believe most men enjoy spending time with a lady with personality and confidence and that can also be attractive.


Yes definitely some are more visible but is it a concern? If your booking a girl sight unseen I think as long as the lady looks what was described a few blemishes aren't a worry. If I was at a brothel and one of the ladies had a noticeable scar on her foot I'd probably pick her due to the fact you've got a conversation starter to break down some of the tension that can be present! A girl with a few flaws who's into her job is a hundred times better than a glamour who's watching the clock all session!!!!! Just my 2 cents worth :tongue8:

I like your two cents worth..


Guys probably care as much as girls care about our size.

Sure there are the superficial people out there who only want exactly what they want but the majority of people are accepting of body imperfections...

Having slight imperfections definitely makes me feel less intimated. IE i have skin tags under my arms (maybe dozen under each arm) so if i was to sleep with a perfect girl with no imperfections (impossible of course) i'd be concerned she would expect the same from me!


Silver Member
I wouldn't worry about stretch marks or scars what looks horrible on a woman is over developed muscles and over doing it with tattoos and body piercings. A little is ok but to much is off putting. Just my personal view hope this doesn't offend anyone.

Alecia the Foxx

"I wondered about it as I was reading a recruitment form on a high class escorting Website - they stated they wouldn't accept anyone who had a scar or scars...'

What a pack of elitist tossers!!

I mean, really,what are they gonna do, make u strip off and examine every inch of your bod when they interview you? Cos, let's face it, any scars on the facial area can be easily covered with careful makeup and any scars under your clothes are nobody's business but your own. I tend to agree with aarsam, I am a bit of a tattoo snob, don't think they add to anyone's physical attractiveness, but I myself would have fun with the snotty escort agency. Cover any scars with makeup, go for an interview, and when they accept you, tell them you have decided that they are not upmarket enough. Wankers:ky:


you girls worry too much, a scar on your foot? i can only speak for myself- but i couldn't give a rats about a scar on your foot. i bets its sexy.. most importantly for me is i do like my lady to be fairly pretty, but it's all about how the WL interacts with me that makes or breaks it. we don't want to feel like you don't want to be there. you gorgeous sexy girls worry about a scar or some natural cellulite, the guy is probably more worried about his beer gut, hairy back and his dick so DON'T WORRY!


From what I have been told by previes partners and male friends its all about the confidence of the women. If you feel embarresed and shy with your body infront of them guys genuinely pick up on this and thats usually more of a turn off then the actual imperfections.

The fact is your imperfections arnt going to dissapear if you try to hide them or are ashamed off them, Work with what you've got and be proud of your body its soo much more attractive! It goes the same for guys a lot of guys dont look good naked weather it be really white thighs with tan marks, very hairy asses or several other things! but i love it when a guy has no shame and is comfortable with himself. It's a major turn on!


Exclusive Private Escort
Foundation Member
Scars etc are really just a badge of honour showing we have LIVED life.

They often make us more approachable than some barbie doll perfect fantasy.

My advice - own them! They are part of who you are as a person, and you have earned them by living life. Genuine men worry far less about scars and other imperfections than we women do.

Amy xxx


Legend Member
The perfect body is the invention of plastic surgeons and the movie ? TV Industry
And just because they look perfect doesn't mean there not sad miserable people.
Be proud of your imperfections they make you, You
Anyway a scar on the foot? Us baldies have quite a decent beauty flaw to come to terms with. Can take a while too


I've had various worries about my body-image as well when it comes to things such as stretchmarks... I grew alot when I was younger, so I have a few scattered over my sides/back etc...

However I recently saw a High-Res photo of (arguably) the hottest lady in the world, Miss Lady Gaga -- and saw that she had stretchmarks on both her breasts and her thighs.

I figure if that bitch can be stretched up and still be classified as supremely sexy, we're all in for a chance! I say don't worry - especially about the foot! No-one's perfect.


I once had a WL who had been given a liver transplant when she was somewhat younger... she had quite a large scar across her abdomen. At first, I was a little bit concerned about this scar as something out of the ordinary - unsure of whether to touch her around it, or whether she was fragile.

After I ignored it, we had fantastic sex!


I've had various worries about my body-image as well when it comes to things such as stretchmarks... I grew alot when I was younger, so I have a few scattered over my sides/back etc...

However I recently saw a High-Res photo of (arguably) the hottest lady in the world, Miss Lady Gaga -- and saw that she had stretchmarks on both her breasts and her thighs.

I figure if that bitch can be stretched up and still be classified as supremely sexy, we're all in for a chance! I say don't worry - especially about the foot! No-one's perfect.

You would be surprised how many flaws and imperfections celebrities have they seem to hide them very well!

Farm Boy

You would be surprised how many flaws and imperfections celebrities have they seem to hide them very well!

Your right Emilee there are some very unfaltering photos of ceb's on the web when they have been caught without makeup studio photographers and the airbrushed photo.

Miss Delights

Diamond Member
It's all about the air brushing!! Guys really don't care I don't even think they notice half the things us girls do...sad really when you think about how much we upset ourselves for nothing?? we all do it thou! Cheer up babe..:walk:

adventurous annie

After my spinal surgery in 1993 at the age of 13 i was terribly worried what people would think of my scars (one that runs the entire length of my spine and the other curves from my navel, around my waist half way up my ribs).

I often used humour to deal with the "how did you get that scar" question - usually by responding "..it was a horiffic shark attack" and detailing a completely ficticious tragedy starring me... before confessing it was from surgery!!!! Hee hee.

It took me many years before i became proud of these scars as they signify a real struggle i had overcome... and i came to realise that they helped form the person i am today.
As a working lady - i have never had issues with my scars - i do not advertise them obviously (and of course over the years they have faded significantly) and have never had a single complaint about them. Without trying to sound big headed i like to think that my many other assests distract greatly from my scars.
And yes, as has been stated here previously, they are an awesome talking point and can really help to break the ice with clients.... sharing the personal story of how i obtained my gorgeous scars can encourage a more intimate bond with my clients.
I also agree with the sentiment here that carrying a personality to compliment scars really helps. As a result of the experience of my surgery and recovery i believe i am a more outgoing and extroverted person... and i bring this to my work and my clients.
Obviously at the end of the day it all comes down to how YOU feel about YOU - Fuck everyone else i say... hee hee


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Hi annie,
I am really impressed. I have got a few scares but NON of them comes even close to yours. As Amy Monroe said in her thread.....scars tell a story.......(love the "badge of honour").........perfect Barbies and Kents are boring.
Unfortunately fashion tries to dictate more and more what is beautiful and what we should be ashamed of........bloody hell......who cares....I love every wrinkle in my face, every scar on my body........so called "imperfection" is beauty.


adventurous annie

LOL Alecia.... oh some of the clients i have seen.... (shudders) If we had to judge them by the sasme standards... we would be out of a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Legend Member
You know Alecia and Adventurous annie I have often wondered about the double standards. Some punters want the perfect women and also want that perfect blend of lady/slut
Yet it seems as if it is okay to knock on your door Either half cut, unwashed or similar and expect you to take them as they are.
There is little you can do a bout your physical traits but everyone can be well presented
cellulite or no


Silver Member
If you cant appreciate a woman at her worst, you dont deserve her at her best!
Stretchmarks and cellulite are female badges of honour that separates the women from the girls!


Legend Member
If you cant appreciate a woman at her worst, you dont deserve her at her best!
Stretchmarks and cellulite are female badges of honour that separates the women from the girls!
I would suggest there has been a few more badges added over the past 12 years!