• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Stop the fighting...


Legend Member
Was driving home from the shops yesterday evening and while at the lights I noticed some guy trying to pick a fight with another on a vacant block. He seemed to be pushing and shoving trying hard to get the other guy to retaliate.

Would you have hoped out of the car and tried to stop it??

Does your view change when I tell you the rest of the story? These guys would have only been about 14-15 years old and if that`s not bad enough the one picking the fight had about 12 others following behind him. Even worse one of the guys was trying to film it on his mobile phone.


Gold Member
I will probably just end up as another victim, so no. I will just call the police discreetly and run.


Legend Member
No, I'd wait for them to post it on facebook. Jackasses...
Frankly I'd let the law deal with this, you are no superhero, and yeah don't end up a victim. I know it's selfish but you just have to think about your family before getting involved.

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
I agree with whats been said...I'd call the cops and go on my way, could get messy
and outnumbered.
A few weeks back, late at night, I saw a guy and a girl having quite an antagonising fight, the girl
was off her head on something and she kept poking the guy, it looked like it could get nasty.
I kept on driving, this incident I didn't call the cops cause they were moving around and I'm not sure it
needed the cops assistance. Some domestics are a hard one to know when to call the authorities

but bullying like the one you mentioned...yes definately


Legend Member
I`ve always been brought up to believe that no man should hit a woman no matter what.
So what if you had driven past a few minutes later to see the guy hitting the woman?? You wouldn`t have seen her being the agitator.
It saddens me to some degree that we are now being taught to put ourselves first.

I agree with whats been said...I'd call the cops and go on my way, could get messy
and outnumbered.
A few weeks back, late at night, I saw a guy and a girl having quite an antagonising fight, the girl
was off her head on something and she kept poking the guy, it looked like it could get nasty.
I kept on driving, this incident I didn't call the cops cause they were moving around and I'm not sure it
needed the cops assistance. Some domestics are a hard one to know when to call the authorities

but bullying like the one you mentioned...yes definately

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
its true...I did wonder if it would switch the other way but what I did observe while stopped at the lights
is that at one point he seemed to be holding her almost as if to save her from herself.
Cause she was off her nut, I think from what it appeared is he was trying to keep her from doing something stupid,
she'd regret. I don't think its cool for either a woman or a man to hit anyone.


If its 1 on 1 i'd let the dickheads sort themselves out but if someone is out numbered i wouldn't hesitate to jump in.

14-15yo kids have fuck all strength so you should have gotten out and helped the bloke bolt.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
In my experience, I have had a few fights involving groups against myself, each time I was beaten by the group, not by an individual, but I did injury some members of the group, so you could say I went down fighting, for the record Yes I was injury each and every time.
Today youths bullying others, is bigger than ever before, in fact it has become some what of a status amongst the youth. To explain myself, you need to look at you tube, there are numerous examples of bullying/fights/beatings from both boys and girls, it has been reported in the media numerous times and its worldwide. The idea is you beat on someone, and then show off by placing the clip on you tube.
If any situation occurred in front of me today, yes I would ring the cops (technology today is wonderful in the past you had to run to a phone box) but;- I would step into the situation, especially if there were youth`s or women involved.


When I'm not a lover there is nothing I like more than bullying a bully.


Legend Member
I have a heap of bullies that throw stuff from cars and try and run me over, amongst other crap. All the cops do is say keep a journal::) I cant identify them but I know where some of the gang work

No I wouldnt try and stop it. Id call the cops if it looked serious enough.


Legend Member
I definitely would not have tried to intervene-I probably would have yelled out I was calling the cops (from the safety of a moving vehicle) and then rung them. A group that big can certainly do some damage, especially when they're all hyped up.
That sort of thing makes me sick to my stomach-even more sickening is actually filming it! Pathetic!


Foundation Member
There seems to far too much drunken brawling lately and a lot of it comes down to our idiotic drinking culture. In most countries of Europe men drink far more than we do but public displays of drunkenness are rare and seen as a disgrace rather than something to be proud of.

It is high time Australians realised that you don't have to get smashed out of your brain to have fun.


Gold Member
I think it is a good idea if the Department of Health can run some sort of school program to teach kids about the negative consequences of binge drinking. If the parents don't discipline the kids, at least the teachers are doing something and hopefully make the students aware of the negative consequences. It's same as the issue of unprotected sex, teenage pregnancy and STIs that young people should be aware of.
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I'm in agreeance of letting them sort it out themselves. I don't like to get involved in other peoples business or politics. If it looks really dangerous..where someone could end up seriously hurt I would probably call for some professional intervention.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
There is currently a lot of social research going into the topic of bullying at school, not just in a national level but internationally as well. I look forward to hearing these outcomes and see the outcome`s being introduced by federal government into schools. Currently in Adelaide there has been an outcry about binge drinking and bad behavior, violence and all this occurs in the main CBD on any weekend, but, they think they have come up with a solution;- which is close the pubs and clubs in Adelaide CBD early and when you think about this idea, you know this idea will reduce the amount of drinking and violence. LOL I remember in my youth, every pub had to have its doors closed by 10.00pm, now I am sure this will not be happening, but I am guessing they had the right idea back in them GOOD old days;- LOL


Gold Member
Wouldn't people just go to underground clubs or throw private party if the legal venue close early?
Then there will be all sort of problems on fire safety regulation, noise and crowd control in residential area.
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