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Something very interesting I stumbled upon today!



I was browsing through one of the ladies webpages today and came across a link for Post Exposure Prophylaxis in her Safe Sex section.. PEP is a month-long course of drugs that, if taken within 72 hours of the HIV virus entering the body, can prevent a person becoming infected with HIV!

WOW I was not aware of such a vaccine!!! Very interesting read!



very good jazzmine,why would i want to know this,please explain

Accidental slip ups, breakage of condom, not using one at all! Extra precaution if you are very pedantic about your sexual health.


I don't know... if something's too good to be true, it probably is.

Lilly Sweetheart

Jade TV is a full bottle on info about PEP.

I actually wonder how many men out there actually have HIV and have sex with us. It's bloody scary if you think about it because they wouldn't inform us.... I don't blame them not want to disclose such information but I also think I wouldn't be that selfish and have sex with someone else even with protection because of the fear I may infect someone and well, I could never live with myself if I did.

Have a read up on it.
"PEP has been shown to reduce the risk of HIV
infection following needlestick injuries to healthcare
workers by 81%. However, it is unknown whether it
is effective following sexual exposure, though animal
and laboratory studies suggest that it is likely to be."


Creature in the Shadows
Legend Member
how would you know if u needed the vaccine after a slip up? as the guy wouldn be telling you he was infected. or do you just take it anyway in case?


how would you know if u needed the vaccine after a slip up? as the guy wouldn be telling you he was infected. or do you just take it anyway in case?

I'm fairly sure I'd take it anyway.. You can never be too safe and I know personally I am a little too over the top pedantic about these kinda things xx


Legend Member
I totally agree with lillysweetheart-you would hope no one would be that low to putting anyone at risk-
I think in this industry you would definitely take the vaccine-I read that you can go to any hospital's emergency section and get it there.
Great thread jazzmine-good to let people know about this amazing breakthrough! I'm sure many do not know such a thing exsists-thanks honey xxx

Sandi Lang

I am not a great believe of vaccines however if its a life and death situation i would heading straight to the clinic with my arm ready for the vaccine. I would be trying anything to protect myself from exposure ..