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Should prisoners be allowed conjugal visits?


Diamond Member
English wasn't my strong subject at school.

It seemed to occur more often on sports day.

My bum probably looked good in shorts back then, which I've since neglected in its upkeep.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member


Diamond Member
The lay teachers seemed to favour using the strap on the hands whereas the Brothers across the buns.
All makes sense now with 20/20 hindsight.


Legend Member
I found the lay teachers especially the younger ones were the less violent by far. One guy actually never hit any of the kids even though sometimes he was told to. Many of the Brothers were different. One guy used to grab you by the hair and drag you out of the desk kicking and screaming up to the front of the class, another would calmly call you out to the front and he'd put his hand out for you to shake, then you just knew what was coming, he'd stare at you with this cruel smile while he squeezed your hand harder and harder, but you couldn't flinch because that would make him angry and he'd do it again. Then you'd have to go back to your seat and try and write neatly with a sore hand. There was one really short guy, who used to just step on your toes and grind his heal into them and you couldn't run away or it would be worse. Others mostly used canes, the principal had a large collection in a glass cabinet and if he called you into his office, he'd very slowly talk to you about each one, and run his fingers over them, and you'd be just about to pee yourself, and then he'd suddenly choose one and go crazy. The sports teacher would use old running shoes to hit you with, the religion teacher was one of the worst, he would hit you over the head with the bible and tell you you're an evil child and you are all burning in hell one day but maybe he could save some of us... I think that meant stay behind after school for whatever he wanted. He would read out a boys name who would have to stay behind after school. I just remember the terror of wondering if my name would be called but it never was. I remember when I first started school, the fear was so great that kids would stand out in the play areas many vomiting or pooing themselves and this was such a common thing that teachers had older kids called monitors who carried little buckets of sawdust around to cover all the mess the other kids made. I felt like I'd stepped into a nightmare and I stepped out when I was 14 and I left school and told my parents, you can beat me to death if you have to but I'm not going back to school ever again.


Diamond Member
My experience was a walk in the park by comparison.
Copped a few that I deserved.
Copped a few I that didn't deserve.
Missed copping a few I deserved.
All evened out in the end.


Legend Member
Corporal punishment sends a message that it is acceptable to use violence if it will illicit the response you want. Adults are role models for kids and through their decisions hope to make them responsible decision makers who respect the rights of others. What message does using violence send to kids?


Diamond Member
Corporal punishment sends a message that it is acceptable to use violence if it will illicit the response you want. Adults are role models for kids and through their decisions hope to make them responsible decision makers who respect the rights of others. What message does using violence send to kids?
But somehow, thankfully, most of us turned out OK.


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
But somehow, thankfully, most of us turned out OK.
Yes, I'd say so. It would have been so easy to go the other way though, growing up to be abusive, cruel SOBs. Instead, you all seem like decent, empathetic human beings and normal horny old coots who happen to be prolific contributors on a sleazy sex forum.

Give yourselves a pat on the back bum. :p


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Should prisoners be allowed conjugal visits?

FUCK NO..... So you commit a crime and get rewarded with sex wtf.... you are in prison to be punished and hopefully re-rehabilitated to be allowed back into society if your sentence allows you to be let out, does the victim get anything out of this NO, they get forgot about at the end of the case, but the crim gets free board and lodging, free TV, free medical etc etc, seriously NO, if I had my way I would introduce Texan styled justice here.. if you take a life expect to get a life whole sentence, you steal a car and kill someone same deal, I watched a prison show the other day about kids in Indiana, one kid with a group broke and entered into a house and one of them was killed by the home owner and under indiana law he was convicted of Murder and was sentenced to essentially life in prison he is eligible for parole in the year 2045 and under US law he wont get it, so as a teenager he is looking at life in prison, about time Aussie land adopted those style of laws....


Gold Member
Should prisoners be allowed conjugal visits?

f**k NO..... So you commit a crime and get rewarded with sex wtf.... you are in prison to be punished and hopefully re-rehabilitated to be allowed back into society if your sentence allows you to be let out, does the victim get anything out of this NO, they get forgot about at the end of the case, but the crim gets free board and lodging, free TV, free medical etc etc, seriously NO, if I had my way I would introduce Texan styled justice here.. if you take a life expect to get a life whole sentence, you steal a car and kill someone same deal, I watched a prison show the other day about kids in Indiana, one kid with a group broke and entered into a house and one of them was killed by the home owner and under indiana law he was convicted of Murder and was sentenced to essentially life in prison he is eligible for parole in the year 2045 and under US law he wont get it, so as a teenager he is looking at life in prison, about time Aussie land adopted those style of laws....
While I generally agree with your overall sentiment that punishment is too lean in Australia, you have gone a more than a tad off track by focusing on extreme offenders.
I also feel that offenders should NOT get those privileges at tax payer expense.
Also, sentencing should be set at a minimum of x years where all prisoners are subject for review after that time to ensure they're fit to be returned to society. If not, keep them in.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
While I generally agree with your overall sentiment that punishment is too lean in Australia, you have gone a more than a tad off track by focusing on extreme offenders.
I also feel that offenders should NOT get those privileges at tax payer expense.
Also, sentencing should be set at a minimum of x years where all prisoners are subject for review after that time to ensure they're fit to be returned to society. If not, keep them in.

Well I do take things to the extreme at times. I however agree with you..

Kylie Middleton

Gold Member
I definitely agree that where a prisoner has committed a serious offence and is highly likely to reoffend it's best to keep them away from society. But for low risk candidates, even those who have killed someone accidentally and are genuinely repentant, it makes more sense to give them the skills to become productive, contributing members of society. People make terrible mistakes and can learn from them. It doesn't make sense to deal with a tragedy buy wasting more lives.


Diamond Member
when you get out of prison, whatever you've done, the only thing on your mind should be 'f**k, i don't want to back in there again'
i'm with sheriff joe arpaio.
sex in prison, you have to be kidding!

Miss Chloe

A Sensual & Kinky Affair
Diamond Member
Depends on the crime but honestly I don't see why they need it. You're in prison for a reason.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Depends on the crime but honestly I don't see why they need it. You're in prison for a reason.

Rapists love control over women but end up in prison with men, you got to love the irony don't you....

Why is the majority of crimes committed by men? I know women are in prison and by no means absolved against committing crimes, but why is the majority or criminals men ?? surely they know that with all this modern day technology the chances of getting away with it now compared to years back is getting harder and harder....So why do men keep committing crimes??

Ginger Spice

Here Comes Trouble
Legend Member
I think they should be allowed. Not for the "sex" part exactly, but to be able to spend quality time with their family/wives/husbands. If its a minor offence I don't see how this would be a problem. It will help them integrate back into society afterwards as well I am sure.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
You are in prison for a reason..... not so your wife can suck your cock while she visits... why not just serve your time at home..... seriously.....


Gold Member
Not all prisoners are murderers and rapists, and GBH'ers. And at the end of the day, whatever "dickish" thing they may have done to land there, they are still human beings. Remember that as you joke about people being raped in the showers or what not.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Not all prisoners are murderers and rapists, and GBH'ers. And at the end of the day, whatever "dickish" thing they may have done to land there, they are still human beings. Remember that as you joke about people being raped in the showers or what not.

sorry buddy Ask a Texan about prisoners what they should get and they answer is "More time" America has the right idea..


Gold Member
I wasn't commenting on what Texans thought about prisoners. I'm not in Texas, and what gives a person born in that state of US any specific incite into the criminal justice system?

But certainly, thank you for not reading my comment, and just responding with a throwaway line. That is definitely what this debate needs


Legend Member
On a more serious note to my earlier posts I do not believe in conjugal visits
But still a standard of decency in the treatment is to be upheld Whether that be contact with family especially wife/hushand and kids Or just day to day treatment of the prisoner
As long as it is returned by the prisoner in the form of respect for the want of a better word


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
On a more serious note to my earlier posts I do not believe in conjugal visits
But still a standard of decency in the treatment is to be upheld Whether that be contact with family especially wife/hushand and kids Or just day to day treatment of the prisoner
As long as it is returned by the prisoner in the form of respect for the want of a better word

I have been a victim of crime, my car has been broken into about 5 times, I have been assaulted a few times, I have been pushed down onto train tracks just missing a train, I have been hit in the back of the head for nothing, and other things, all not my fault, so as far as I am concerned commit the crime do the time... I don't care really, they end up in prison get free lodging, free dental on a red hot day they are in 22 degrees air cond,can study, free medical etc etc... what does the victim get?? nothing we get asked why? what were you doing where did you park your car etc etc why do you think you were followed through the streets of Northbridge, what the victim is in the wrong,.... Australian justice is a joke compared to USA... Sorry this is what prison should be like.. images.jpg


Gold Member
I am sorry to hear about your past experiences Phoebe.

I will maintain that once convicted they are paying for their crimes. And a rehabilitated prisoner with life and social skills at the end of their stay is far better than one that has suffered cruel and unusual punishment for an inordinate amount of time. The former has the ability to reintegrate and turn to a better life. The latter leaves little hope.

No one is suggesting the current criminal justice system is perfect btw. But it is certainly better than many alternatives.