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Shaved Or Not?


Ally Fox

How does laser work on men ? Laser on the balls ? Ouch ? Any ill effect on reproductive system ?
Laser is less painful then IPL and to be honest it's not even that painful at all. They also adjust the settings on the laser so that its comfortable for you:)


Bronze Member
For the men that remove hair.... Whats best to use for the danglies?
Wax, it's easy enough and doesn't hurt much if you do it every six weeks. Laser didn't work for me when I tried it as lots of the hair too light.
Little bit maso but the pain is kinda empowering and with balls as smooth as eggs... .

Miss Delights

Diamond Member
This is a common question asked by clients and it's always interesting to know what preferences are and reasons. I was asked years ago if I was shaved, I boasted at the fact that I was lasered and it ain't coming back! Loved his response when he said that that was a shame for he wanted hairy! Let us know what your preference is and if you want to explain, why? No prejudice here xxx

Where is the poll on this? Would love to see the stats??

Personally after years of being bald and bare during my working days... I have now taken to having an entirely clean business under & back... With a full trimmed welcome mat uup front... (So full manicured pubic area above lip slit and full bare from then on) and I love it! Makes me feel very womanly!?? Lol


Legend Member
I do prefer shaved when I'm eating out a lady, however I must say that I don't mind a hairy pussy as it can get really sweaty and yummy.