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Where is the sexiest place on a woman's body to have a tattoo????? I totally love tats but even more so if they r placed well. Would love to hear from u lads and get the guys perspective?:wav::wav:

Sandi Lang

i think all tattoos are sexy on women. A nice chest piece or one that goes up along the side of the body.. HOT HOT HOT!!


Some tatts look sexy on a woman but others can just look cheap and nasty...
there is always an element of "bad girl" associated with it.

gadget man

Silver Member
Ladies a nice tattoo up the side of the body goes great.
Also front of chest area looks great
Many places a lady can have a tattoo or tattoo's
Gadget man


normally not a fan of back jobs...but proves the point the right art on the right person...yummy!!!


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Foundation Member

I was walking around Northbridge on Saturday night and because it was fairly warm the young ladies weren't wearing very much. There was more ink around than you'd expect to find at a bikie bash.

When this fad passes (as all fads eventually do) I wonder how they will feel when the reality of being permanently marked hits home?


You wouldn't daub paint over a Michelangelo statue so why permanently mark one of the most beautiful "sculptures" on Earth?

This is my philosophy regarding tattoos on my body. The look of a faded old blurred tattoo is what keeps me marking my skin.
However, I find tattoos on women very sexy. :love10:


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Love my tatts :love10: but sure thing you have to look after them. I just got them all re-done because they looked a bit faded and tired (lol old age and too much sun)
Can't really say what my fav spot for a tatt is......it depends on the woman......her personality.......how she carries herself. Funny enough I think you can tell if a tatt is loved by its owner on not........being loved makes tatts beautiful regardless where they are.


Perth boy

Personly I can not stand Tatts, they look cheap and tarty. Sorry girls.

But the funniest one I did see was in Korea a few years back in KTV bar. It was just above her pussy and said WELCOME


Silver Member
Personally, I would like to shoot any tattooist who defaces female skin with ink. You wouldn't daub paint over a Michelangelo statue so why permanently mark one of the most beautiful "sculptures" on Earth?

I'm with you svengali. Faced with that I'd spin on my heels and out of the door. Save my money for an unmarked bod!!!

Heavenly Hollie

Only a minority of girls have the edgy style and charisma to pull off a sleeve or larger, very visible tatts. Those who can look so confident and amazing, but if done wrong, too much ink is not a good look on a girl.

I have only one tiny tatt just behind my left ankle, just a simple symbol. It means something to me so I will never regret it, even if it fades in years to come, it is easily covered and will never be ugly to me because it will still carry meaning.


Silver Member
I love tats too I have a few and a woman with a sleve tat would tip me over the edge and drop me to my knees begging to have a pice of here
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