• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Sex party in victoira -what were they thinking???



I read today that the SEX Party is giving their support to Labor and the Liberals rather than the Greens in next weeks state election. What on earth are they thinking??? Both Labor and Liberal would shut this site down if they had their way.

They say it is strategic, but this is a very risky game they are playing as it is likely to result in the redneck shooters and fishing party (country alliance) getting the balance of power in the upperhouse.


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Farm Boy

I read today that the SEX Party is giving their support to Labor and the Liberals rather than the Greens in next weeks state election. What on earth are they thinking??? Both Labor and Liberal would shut this site down if they had their way.

They say it is strategic, but this is a very risky game they are playing as it is likely to result in the redneck shooters and fishing party (country alliance) getting the balance of power in the upperhouse.

On the contrary the Libs (Feds not sure about Vic state Libs) oppose the ALPs Internet filter.
Were Vic Libs stand on prostitution I have no clue.

I don't live or punt In the garden state But I do want to send some young sheep across to the home of the AFL and these Greene and there Animal Australia Co travelers are aghast. So this Farm Boy will always vote Lib one AlP two , At least these two have run the show a few times without completed stuffing things up , and then I will as always number the other party's from the right to the left .
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i vote for sex party yay
btw how come they shut this website down ?


Legend Member
The sex party people may be smarter than I thought . Giving preferences
to the majors keeps them in sweet if they ever start getting a true following
And Farmboy where do the Libs stand/lie with prostitution? If they
are anything like their English Conservative counterparts, its in any
position possible


Foundation Member
Sadly, I suspect both major parties wish prostitution would disappear from sight as there is no political mileage to be made from it.

Ban it and you are on a hiding to nothing as it always has and always will exist. You will just end up in a Policing quagmire with endless resources deployed to achieve very little.

Legalise it and all the bible-thumping wowsers will stop squabbling among themselves about whose invisible friend is biggest and rise up in a united chorus against you. Even in this day and age with Church attendances at an all-time low it is scary how much influence religion still has on otherwise intelligent people.

Heads you lose, tails you don't win.

I loved P.C. thugs sentence about not voting Green in a "pink fit":laughing4

Pink is what the Greens are. Under that Green exterior they are rabid left-wing socialists with all the intellectual arrogance and sense of superiority that usually involves. "You peasants just beaver away for the common good and we, your wise leaders, will do all the thinking for you..." Patronising B******s :angryfire:angryfire

That is why they are sometimes called "Watermelons"

Farm Boy

Yes H2 I have noted Conservative Polly's all over the wold have adopted position's with Lades of the Night witch are sometimes at odds with there policy's on prostitution, however boys will be boys.