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Secret Double Life - Virgin or not a Virgin


Silver Member
I was just wondering if anyone is willing to share their thoughts/opinions/etc....in regard to the situation below:

I am a 29 year old male who only lost his virginity about 9 months ago to an escort. I had decided to lose it to an escort as I had tried online dating/speed dating/etc with no luck and was very curious as to what it is like to have sexual contact with another person. Being a shy, private, quiet person I can almost certainly never reveal this fact to my family/workmates/etc.....and obviously the stigma from society in regard to the sex industry.

My workmates/family/etc.....know that I have never had a girlfriend and think that I am still a virgin.

I am constantly teased by my work mates for being a virgin and have never blatantly confirmed or denied their suspicions as quite frankly it is none of their damn business. They assume that I am a virgin as I am quite easily embarrassed when it comes to the topic of sex.

So I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. My options are:

1. Let my mates keep thinking that I am a virgin and put up with the teasing.

2. Reveal that I am not a virgin and reveal how i lost it and put up with the huge ramifications that can occur.

3. Wait until i do have a girl friend which i think won't be happening any time soon as i do FIFO work and then reveal that i lost it to her which would be a lie any way.

I guess i am asking for other peoples opinions/advice/etc..as this is becoming a huge weight that I am carrying around by myself.


Legend Member
Why not say you had a gf and lost it to her. Then use the w/l as reference if they ask what she looks like etc...???

Can say it was a quick thing ie didnt last long because you do fifo work.

Depends how good you are at lying and getting away with it


Legend Member
If you think your strong enough, let them tease you.
You know your not and that`s all that matters, as to how you lost your virginity that can be your little secret.
As hard as it is sometimes as long as your true to yourself let others think whatever they like.


Mate... W/Ls and fifos go hand in hand. I doubt your work mates care. Just flash a cheeky grin and say a "gentleman doesn't kiss and tell".

Alecia the Foxx

Ask your so-called friends why they are so obsessed with YOUR sex life?


let them think whatever it is that they want to think its none of their business whatever you do to your life so long as you don't have regrets doing it...life is too short to worry about what others think of you....so keep it cool and do/say whatever that pleases you so long as you don't step on other person's shoes...


i did this, lost virginity to a W/L
i told my mate that i lost to it a girl i picked up at the bar i work at :)


Ask yourself why you give a damn about what anyone else thinks/says.

Alecia the Foxx

Ask yourself why you give a damn about what anyone else thinks/says.

Wingman is dead right. They are only giving you a hard time because they know it irks you, and gets a reaction. Don't get me wrong, humour is humour, but when people carry things on ad nauseum, especially about very personal stuff that is none of their business, it gets very tedious.

What works for me is to say, "Are you still going on about that? It's getting rrrreeeeeaalllllllyyyyyyy boring." This stops them in their tracks, trust me, NO-ONE can stand to be told that they are boring you. It also works for harrassing clients - a tip for working ladies.

Steve Bond

My friend … you do have a girlfriend … when you share time with the Langtrees ladies you not only enjoy sex … you develop rapport and share intimate aspects of your life. You have a coffee before going to the room. you may stay a while afterwards and share banter between the girls. It really can be a true girlfriend experience … without the crap! You may find one Langtrees lady to always see … or you may see many. Either way, you will have as much or as little to share with your friends as you wish. AND the reality will be you have much more real experience and fun than your colleagues!!!


Foundation Member
This is further proof, if any were needed, that bullying does not stop when you leave school. The only difference is that your workmates will probably not beat you up at playtime but it sounds as if the constant banter is doing enough damage anyway.

Mate, your sex life is your business and nobody else's. No-one I worked with would have had the gall to ask me if I was or wasn't a virgin and the fact that these guys obviously did ask and you answered means you have straight away handed control to them. Now you have to get that control back. Trust me, even if you seduced Jen Hawkins, made a sex tape and showed it to them they would find some other way to get under your skin for no other reason than because they can.

You will grow a thicker hide with age but in the meantime Alecia probably has the best answer - treat it as a worn-out joke but you could also try joining in the workplace social life a bit more. Maybe stay for a beer after work, organise a footy tipping comp, lotto syndicate, bake cakes, anything to ease your way into the circle rather than being the odd one out.


Legend Member
And dont worry about the "Stigma"of being with a working lady Firstly there is no such thing except to those with small or closed minds and second Just look at your colleagues surely even if it is a game you play in your head you can pick those fellas who have been with a W/L
themselves or not even brave enough to walk through that door

And also as svengali said join in footy tipping etc It may not be your cuppa tea but its a instant talking point at break time
And it requires no first giant step its more like osmosis you slowly merge


Diamond Member
My suggestion would be to those closest to you such as familly, and won't judge you, sharing how you lost your virginity to WL is fine. However, I wouldnt recommend just blurting it out to them at a Christmas gathering, but more in a private setting. In regards to letting friends/workmates know, I would be more hesistant as unfortunately there is still a social stigma with visiting WL. At the end of the day, the people we work with are in alot of cases just acquaintences, who we don't necessarily socialise with outside of the work environment and the relationship is on the superficial level.


Only way out of this is to lie.

Ronondex had the only answer that will work. Tell them you had a one night stand with a chick you met at a pub.


Diamond Member
Only problem with this is, if his family/friends know he is a a socially awkward, than a story of him picking up some random girl from the pub and having a one night stand may be hard to believe. note: I'm only basing this on the TS saying he is 'shy''

It's hard at the best of the time for majority of average guys to make the first move and chat up a girl and then to get her in bed after the first night, but for someone who does not have the confidence, it's mission impossible. :)


Legend Member
But asianguy77 There are far more girls willing to take the first step these days , so though improbable it is far from impossible
For a lady to introduce herself to our new friend PleasureForMe. Get the ball rolling And once that first icebreaker things must be far easier even for a shy man. Might I add I was shockingly shy for a period in my late teens, but you can get yourself out of that situation not easy but baby steps and you will if you really want to.


Let them think what they like and secretly smile to yourself that they have no idea what they are on about...people are to hung up on wht other people think of them and other people are too worried or quick to make assumptions.

I also think, correct me if I am wrong, your mates are just having a friendly banter with you..toughen up princess your not a virgin anymore..lol..and if it worries you that much and your friends are friends let them know enough is enough and it is no longer funny to you or fess up to the popped cherry with the working lady you may be surprised who also has been down the same path.


Silver Member
Thanks guys and ladies for all of the advice. It is really appreciated.

Sorry it has taken a while for me to respond.

I recently confided in my brother and one of my mates who I am indirectly related to and they have given me a lot of support which has done me a world of good. As for the rest, only time will tell if I am willing to tell anyone else but at least I have shared my secret and lifted some of the burden from my shoulders.

As for regrets, I have none what so ever. I have met some great working ladies and enjoy every minute with them.