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Scrotums why so ugly


Legend Member
ok.........so all you guys according to Homer you better worth-ship your scrotum before Ginger or Rochelle lay hand/scissors on you ;)

don't forget I am part German and we do have a snip snip tradition.......ever heard of the Struwwelpeter? This fairy tale formed a nation.

View attachment 17196

Oh no wonder some speaks in a squeaky voice, like Hitler got their balls. lol...


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
I thought snip was a Jewish tradition Rochelle
Ahhhhhh we are multicultural and take on traditions and model them around to our liking..........hehehehehe thast's my idea of multicultural society ;)

Hi Homer you certainly got a point as Hitler preferred balls to the female equivalent.


Legend Member
Ahhhhhh we are multicultural and take on traditions and model them around to our liking..........hehehehehe thast's my idea of multicultural society ;)

Hi Homer you certainly got a point as Hitler preferred balls to the female equivalent.
You saying Eva Braun was a bloke Rochelle?


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
You saying Eva Braun was a bloke Rochelle?
Ohhhhhhhhhh please don't tell me you didn't know that..........



Live, Love & Believe
Legend Member
Perhaps Men should just cut off their balls


I have recently started dating a new man. He has had at least one testicle removed, perhaps both, we have never really discussed it.

My question is, if both have been removed does he climax and ejaculate during sexual intercourse?

Well, it's a pity that you don't know whether he has one testicle, or none.

I strongly suggest that you ask him! If he has one testicle, then he can reach a climax and ejaculate – and very probably father children.

There have been remarkably few medical studies of men who have no testicles. But.

  1. They cannot father children.
  2. They can usually get an erection – though they may need some medical help.
  3. They may have climaxes, and some fluid from the prostate gland and other glands may be produced. But obviously they can't produce any testicular fluid, or sperms.