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Schools reopening amidst ongoing Covid 19 restrictions

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Foundation Member
WA schools opening after the holidays! Is this the right time or too early? Perhaps the WA government should have waited a bit longer to confirm the new infection rates stay low. What do members think?


Legend Member
I think the govt has done a great job so far in controlling the spread and this is under medical advise. So if the school reopen is under the same advise after a risk assessment I think it’s a sensible decision


Diamond Member
i think that it's just a bit too soon.
we've got this this far by isolation, the scientific modelling for schools re-opening suggests that it will spread the disease.
i hope it is the correct decision, we don't want to go back to square one after all this isolation.
the medical world is divided on schools opening.
considering where we are now, events in tasmania, 2nd waves already happening in some countries, can't we wait until we have 2 x incubation periods with no new cases?
then we can go back to 'normal'.
then keep our international borders closed until a vaccine, or more likely, some sort of treatment is available.

so not for me, the idea of hundreds of kids and teachers running around in close proximity sounds like a bad idea to me.(at the moment)
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Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
I think the govt has done a great job so far in controlling the spread and this is under medical advise. So if the school reopen is under the same advise after a risk assessment I think it’s a sensible decision
I agree kids still need teachers to help them with there studies plus they need to be kids and mix with other kids they won't get that being home schooled or home alone from working parents.


Diamond Member
I agree kids still need teachers to help them with there studies plus they need to be kids and mix with other kids they won't get that being home schooled or home alone from working parents.
i don't see what difference another few weeks will make to their lives in the long run.
current tests in WA are 2.1% positive, so a school of 500 could possibly have 10 positive asymptomatic kids running around.
i am interested to see what social distancing measures they will be taking with a bunch of kids.


Foundation Member
Many older students have to spend considerable amounts of time on public transport getting to and from school. Thus increasing their contacts in the community. A lot of teachers are also grandparents or have chronic health conditions so they will have to continue to stay at home. I agree that ordinarily school is the best place for kids but I also agree with dan60 that a few more weeks will not make much difference to their lives in the long term. Caution is still needed. If schools open what about TAFE and universities? Will they reopen as well?


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Couldn't agree more, dan60 and funflyer. We are all craving to go back to "normal" but one step too soon can undo the good work that has been done so far.
Opening up too soon and then trying to get back to isolating them for a second time will be far more difficult than the first time.

Fat boy

Each day is a journey & the journey itself is home
Legend Member
WA schools opening after the holidays! Is this the right time or too early? Perhaps the WA government should have waited a bit longer to confirm the new infection rates stay low. What do members think?
Schools should remain shut for at least another 2 weeks. Look at Singapore the model country, they boasted 3 weeks ago about their ability to keep their economy and schools open. But now with hundreds of new caeses everyday, they have no choice but to shut everything down including their mouths.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Couldn't agree more, dan60 and funflyer. We are all craving to go back to "normal" but one step too soon can undo the good work that has been done so far.
Opening up too soon and then trying to get back to isolating them for a second time will be far more difficult than the first time.

Lets hope when things get back to normal the ones that crying out for things to keep shut don't start whining when they have to start paying more Taxes/GST/food and fuel/Utility costs as after this is all over in 2021/2022 and beyond the pain of this will then hit home on everyone's hip pockets EXCEPT those CEO's, Exec's etc etc that we bailed out way back in 2020... This is all a major dupe so as Business can get loads of unemployed people to keep wages low for another decade or 2, and for them to do what they want and have the populace pay for it all under the guise of bailouts... Hmmm Allow Horse Racing but no other sport.... RIGHT I see that logic, but close casinos when casinos would of been able to do social distancing and can do perfect crowd control measures. I see it yes I can. As Leigh Sales said to the PM, why can't I go to the Park and read my book BUT I can get on a train/bus with loads of other strangers... LOL

I was talking to person I know high in Perth Business (she is a woman) and mentioned it looks like this has hit women worse than men, she said yes it has, and it seems a little bit coincidental that all the shops and business women use has closed BUT Men's lives have not yet really been affected as they can go to BWS, BCF, Bunnings, repco get a car serviced, tyres etc etc, and also play golf still, can go work as they are all classed as essential services, the only part of a man's life that has been impacted is no sport and no pub... but for women its a double whammy they can't go clothes shopping, nail and beauty salons all closed, no hair dressers etc etc, plus on the back of that they have all been stood down in bigger numbers than men.... and before you jump down my neck look at who works more in service based roles. Women. a nice easy way of killing the #metoo movement off aswell.

And let's wait for the Aprils Unemployment figures... or the dupe of them to create a myth of a mass of Unemployed so people wont ask for pay rises but after this Execs/CEOS CFO's etc etc will all get a massive big fat pay rise themselves.. This is a man made issue. or should I say men did it.
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Bronze Member
Couldn't agree more, dan60 and funflyer. We are all craving to go back to "normal" but one step too soon can undo the good work that has been done so far.
Opening up too soon and then trying to get back to isolating them for a second time will be far more difficult than the first time.

Super solid point, Australia is doing well with our quarantine efforts. As a uni student, I certainly would like to go back to traditional coursework on campus. I'm sure most people who attend uni have not a lot to fear from the virus due to their relatively young age. But I think caution should be the way, like you suggest.

Tania Admin

Lets hope when things get back to normal the ones that crying out for things to keep shut don't start whining when they have to start paying more Taxes/GST/food and fuel/Utility costs as after this is all over in 2021/2022 and beyond the pain of this will then hit home on everyone's hip pockets EXCEPT those CEO's, Exec's etc etc that we bailed out way back in 2020... This is all a major dupe so as Business can get loads of unemployed people to keep wages low for another decade or 2, and for them to do what they want and have the populace pay for it all under the guise of bailouts... Hmmm Allow Horse Racing but no other sport.... RIGHT I see that logic, but close casinos when casinos would of been able to do social distancing and can do perfect crowd control measures. I see it yes I can. As Leigh Sales said to the PM, why can't I go to the Park and read my book BUT I can get on a train/bus with loads of other strangers... LOL

I was talking to person I know high in Perth Business (she is a woman) and mentioned it looks like this has hit women worse than men, she said yes it has, and it seems a little bit coincidental that all the shops and business women use has closed BUT Men's lives have not yet really been affected as they can go to BWS, BCF, Bunnings, repco get a car serviced, tyres etc etc, and also play golf still, can go work as they are all classed as essential services, the only part of a man's life that has been impacted is no sport and no pub... but for women its a double whammy they can't go clothes shopping, nail and beauty salons all closed, no hair dressers etc etc, plus on the back of that they have all been stood down in bigger numbers than men.... and before you jump down my neck look at who works more in service based roles. Women. a nice easy way of killing the #metoo movement off aswell.

And let's wait for the Aprils Unemployment figures... or the dupe of them to create a myth of a mass of Unemployed so people wont ask for pay rises but after this Execs/CEOS CFO's etc etc will all get a massive big fat pay rise themselves.. This is a man made issue. or should I say men did it.
Firstly I think you have women all wrong. The things you listed are not a be all and end all for the majority of women.

Secondly will kids going back to school affect you personally?

3rdly in another post you stated you don't pay as much tax as the people doing the right thing.


I think it's to early. I think parents who have to work and can't leave their children at home, should send their kids to school and also children who are safer at school should also be there. The set up they have put in place for internet learning from home are absolutely brilliant.
This move is to much too soon,,,huge numbers of children coming into contact each and every day could spell absolute disaster. The domino affect would be un-stoppable. It's a crazy decision and teachers are not happy about it at all.


Not all kids have the ability or the equipment to learn from home. Unfortunately school is a kind of safe haven for a lot of kids. It can be the only place they get anything to eat. It doesnt affect a kid here or there, you would be surprised how many kids are in this situation.

Need to open the schools and if the right medical experts (not the attention seekers) say there is low risk then do it.

Tania Admin

Not all kids have the ability or the equipment to learn from home. Unfortunately school is a kind of safe haven for a lot of kids. It can be the only place they get anything to eat. It doesnt affect a kid here or there, you would be surprised how many kids are in this situation.

Need to open the schools and if the right medical experts (not the attention seekers) say there is low risk then do it.
Children who may have required computers or internet were going to be given them before this decision was made.

Try tell that to the teachers who feel they are being thrown into a time bomb that. If only kids, as I said above, who have to attend school attend, there is a phenomenal reduction in the chances of a break out.


Diamond Member
and an email from transperth today, to inform that as of may 2nd, services resume for school routes and school buses.
what can go wrong?
just one infected kid gets on a school bus with 30 passengers/kids.
if only 5 people plus the driver get infected.....................well i won't go into details, but it's friggin obvious IMHO
we might as well open the pubs and parlours (and LT's obv :))

Fat boy

Each day is a journey & the journey itself is home
Legend Member
There is no doubt that our frontline medical staff are doing an honourable and great job. But there are many other unsung heroes who are risking their lives everyday at work just to support the economy and the medical heroes. Unfortunately not many people care to mention or thank these unsung heroes: drivers (bus, truck, taxi...), supermarket workers, cleaners, teachers, fast food workers and many more. Perhaps we are too quick and too eager to sacrifice our unsung heroes for the sake of our medical heroes.


Gold Member
I think some of you are reading far too much into this. Schools being open is vital as there are some parents who simply have no other options but to send their kids but most parents will keep kids at home like they did last term. You won't even see schools 20% full in the first few weeks, he knows that and I think year 12 should be compulsory as they are old enough to use common sense.

We all love to bag pollies, most of the time many do SFA but Mark Mcgowan and his government have done an excellent job and he certainly knows what's happened in Singapore and won't allow it to happen here.


Diamond Member
I think some of you are reading far too much into this. Schools being open is vital as there are some parents who simply have no other options but to send their kids but most parents will keep kids at home like they did last term. You won't even see schools 20% full in the first few weeks, he knows that and I think year 12 should be compulsory as they are old enough to use common sense.

We all love to bag pollies, most of the time many do SFA but Mark Mcgowan and his government have done an excellent job and he certainly knows what's happened in Singapore and won't allow it to happen here.
the WA gov has done a great job IMHO, very impressed with most of their work.
let's hope you're correct, but controlling kids is like herding cats.
it's also thought that a lot of children are asyptomatic and have been labeled 'superspreaders'.
but let's see what social distancing rules the gov apply first.


Silver Member
i don't see what difference another few weeks will make to their lives in the long run.
current tests in WA are 2.1% positive, so a school of 500 could possibly have 10 positive asymptomatic kids running around.
i am interested to see what social distancing measures they will be taking with a bunch of kids.
The 2.1% positive is not 2.1% of the population, it's 2.1% of the people who feared they have it and got tested, so the % of kids will be a lot lower, not to say there will be none, but it won't be 10 out of 500.

In WA today, 26,631 people have been tested of which 544 were positive. Of those 388 have recovered and 7 died, so that leaves a grand total of 149 in the whole of WA known to have COVID out of 2.5m. No doubt others will be added to the total, but recoveries far outstrip new cases, 3 yesterday, 2 from a boat that has now sailed and 1 from a guy who went to Bali obviously fairly recently. So with the borders closed, that is zero local transmission yesterday. Take out the cruise ships and travellers and our little island is in good shape by any standard.

sdm85 is right, McGowan and Cook have done a great job, if they think it's time to ease I am sure they will have well thought out why.


Diamond Member
The 2.1% positive is not 2.1% of the population, it's 2.1% of the people who feared they have it and got tested, so the % of kids will be a lot lower, not to say there will be none, but it won't be 10 out of 500.

In WA today, 26,631 people have been tested of which 544 were positive.

sdm85 is right, McGowan and Cook have done a great job, if they think it's time to ease I am sure they will have well thought out why.
but you could also say that 2,473,369 people were not tested, out of 2.5million.
basically we don't know.
but it should be an interesting experiment, grouping the most asyptomatic section of our community together.
the world experts have so many theories so far, but no real proof of incubation, masks, etc etc
but there is one common agreement, if you don't pass the virus on, it dies out, and we are nearly at that point
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