• Lots of naked NEW Members on the forum plz add an AVATAR we are adding them if you don't if you don't like change them.

Sasha Fabulous. Looking for 'natural stimulants' that dont involve caffiene....


Legend Member
Dallas, I need more than a lump sum, big lump of gold and silver stored somewhere. Paper $$$ not going to worth a lot in the future. Your right about a big cockup, it's an event waiting to happen.

H2, US is a shamble. The BS that runs the country screws everything up for their own pockets. They are in denial and polishing up their books to look great.

We can definitely do with a change for the good here in Oz. The govt doesn't seem to be planning for the long term and doesn't have a good handle on the economy, welfare, etc etc.


I just looked at one of the guys was talking about. I looked up the website and (presuming it's true)...

in Sydney, an escort agency charges $320 per hour and that includes a complimentary jet spa and champagne - even for bisexual women like me who love pussy.

in Langtrees, you charge $400 per hour and champagne isn't complimentary?

How does anyone justify that?


Legend Member
I just looked at one of the guys was talking about. I looked up the website and (presuming it's true)...

in Sydney, an escort agency charges $320 per hour and that includes a complimentary jet spa and champagne - even for bisexual women like me who love pussy.

in Langtrees, you charge $400 per hour and champagne isn't complimentary?

How does anyone justify that?

Welcome to Perth, that's one question Colin needs to answer. lol


Gold Member
We do have to find the right balance though Homer I mean Scandanavia is a high taxing region But there welfare especially for the aged and the people who genuinely cant help themselves Severely handicapped for example Is one of the best in the world
On the other hand the US is far lower taxing nation and want to lower it further (Well there right anyway) and they have one of the worst welfare systems in the western world and an economy To quote you Homie PHHHHtttht

We have to work out what balance we want I am prepared to pay a fairly high tax rate if it means dignity for our pensioners etc As well as hospitals and on the list will go

Quite right Happy. I believe US has the lowest or second lowest tax rate of all developed countries. How has that worked out? How has their war on welfare/food stamps and public health worked out? Pretty fucking terrible. Unless you're one of the lucky ones. Yes, luck. The American dream is no longer. Upward mobility is declining year by year. Meaning, if you're born poor, there's a very good chance you will live and die poor. Australia is no well ahead in that department.

The Ayn Rand fan boys and girls would argue that you just got to work hard (and to hell with every other fucker)... while that's technically true and the people at the bottom still need to believe that, the reality is it's getting harder and harder.

Lowering the tax rate and somehow making as many things possible a user-pay system would suit me (personally) awesome. I'm young, fit, employed etc. If I lost my job I'd find another. But this is a society. Yeah, the government is going to take your money and help out the less fortunate (shudder at the thought!). And sometimes, there's going to be wastage. I think you've got to get over it.


Foundation Member
both prices are rediculous

Ive met plenty of amazing women in perth for far less than that and thats not by the hour

if people want to visit escort agencys and pay far too much thats thier decision - but dont use it as a point of reference


I just looked at one of the guys was talking about. I looked up the website and (presuming it's true)...

in Sydney, an escort agency charges $320 per hour and that includes a complimentary jet spa and champagne - even for bisexual women like me who love pussy.

in Langtrees, you charge $400 per hour and champagne isn't complimentary?

How does anyone justify that?

Essentially supply and demand and the cost of doing business in WA. Higher rents, tradies to do things cost more etc.

The problem with WA is that the majority of people think they are worth more than they actually are. Perfect example of this was at the height of the mining boom.

Supply and demand but i think with the way the economy is heading, we'll start to see escort (and other non essential services) prices coming down in the future.


Silver Member
Besides remote location and full employment, two things contribute to this situation:

Government protectionism. Import tariffs, stringent customs regulations, and tax policies restrict the supply of what's available in AUS. Australians must like this because they keep electing the politicians who make these laws. And in the short-term, these laws do "protect Australian jobs" (maybe). But the situation isn't sustainable - it causes a price-rising spiral, which we're all seeing. Eventually prices will get so high that businesses can't afford to pay their workers, production will stop, which will further restrict supply and drive prices even higher. Then there will be lots of lay-offs, rising unemployment, extremely low interest rates, and a rapidly devaluing Aussie dollar - a severe recession.

The answer is free-market economics. Drop the protections, open the borders, allow importing both goods and labor. This will hurt in the short term, but it will force Australia to get more competitive, spurring the creation of new technologies, improving efficiencies and quality, and improving education.

When I've said these things to my Australian friends, they've usually look at me in horror. I haven't talked to many, if any, Australians that really believe in government taking a hands-off, free-market approach. What do you guys think? Would Australians welcome face-to-face price competition with Mexico and Taiwan?

Mate, which decade are you living in? We are amongst the most open and free trade countries in the world. Where are these high tariffs? They used to be until they were wound down from the 1980s. Let's see they are 0 and 5% on new imported cars, one of the lowest in the world - so why are cars so expensive here? probably your free market economics allowing overseas manufacturers and distributors to charge what the Australian market will bear (the previous post example of Apple explains a lot more than protectionism). The only thing that keeps local car manufacturers afloat is the high prices charged by importers and the government subsidy. It is the same with almost every other industry here. The highest tariffs that still exist are for textiles, but that is a minor industry in Australia.

I don't have a problem with free market economics (within reason) but the trouble is we do not have a free market either here or overseas. The market is distorted with protectionism from other countries (Australia really cut its nose despite its face here), cartel like behaviour from manufacturers and producers taking advantage of a placcid Australian population that won't hold them to account (eg Apple).

Btw as for the myth that we are high taxed country, have a look at figure 3.2 in the link. Australia is amongst the lowest taxed developed countries in the world, and it shows with our poor infrastructure (eg public transport, amenities etc) compared to many countries.

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Simple..we are either silly enough to pay the ridiculous asking prices or too lethargic to question! Service providers will continue the high prices whilst we are prepared to pay.


Silver Member
While trying to impress a lady I think it's easy to forget it's a two way street. Is it my role to "sweep her off her feet" while she just sits there? Hmmm....

Hard to sweep her off her feet when she's sitting down Big Mike... Just push her chair over! You'll get some reaction.. lol

Dood Deleted 66783

Would love to know where all these members are today and why they're not on the forum anymore. Diverse opinions.